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Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Contemporary Adult

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.27

My Rating: 2.5

“What do you see when you look into my eyes?” I asked breathlessly and not entirely sure where the question had come from.

“All there is to know,” was his reply. “What do you see when you look into my eyes, Brooke?” he whispered, there was a slight anger to his voice.

I trembled. “An abyss and danger,” was all I could say.

I found Fallen Angel when I was looking for angel/mortal romance novels. Even though Fallen Angel was listed as a mafia romance and not not the supernatural romance I was looking for, I picked it up anyway. And at first it was great.

It immediately started out with a strong love story. Brooke is in the midst of an existential crisis after breaking up with her long-time boyfriend. When she visits her best friend Sam in New York, she ends up meeting billionaire Robert Stone, a handsome CEO who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. To the point of being a jerk about it. But at least he’s self aware about that.

“I’m worried that I might hurt you. I have a knack of doing that when people get too close to me, a defense mechanism, I guess.”

No one pretends Robert is a great boyfriend, which I love. There are too many alpha billionaires out there that are disturbingly abusive while everyone pretends it’s a normal relationship. Not here. Robert’s actually one of the first to admit that he’s not a good boyfriend and he’s never had a real relationship. Which is great. I love flawed heroes. And when Robert does get better at communicating his feelings, it’s worth it.

“I love you, Brooke. You’ll never know just how much because there are no words.”


And Brooke is strong enough to handle him. She stands up to Robert when he disses Sam for being gay (which, by the way, I hated a lot. You can be a flawed badass without being a homophobe. Ugh. Major turn-off for me) and when he makes a big deal about her wearing a revealing dress.

“I wore it for you and not for anyone else. If people can see my body, so what? You’re the only one touching it,” I told him.

Brooke’s even a trained kick boxer. She’s incredibly strong and perfect to help Robert get over his past.

Then the story falls flat.


After their second fight and make up, the story gets monotonous real fast. A lot of sex scenes– which, to be fair, were actually hot and well-written– and a lot of the mundane stuff. Brooke hanging out with Sam and Scott, Brooke working, Brooke attending one event or another with Robert. The story just dragged. And with the actual story dragging, the amount of comma splices and run-on sentences became more noticeable to me and book was practically unreadable. I had to make myself finish because I had already invested so much time into it.

It’s not like there wasn’t potential for more plot. There’s a jealous ex girlfriend out to steal Robert back and Brooke’s ex boyfriend can’t accept their break up. Brooke takes a troubled teen under her wing and isn’t this supposed to be a mafia romance?

And yet the majority of the middle of the book is sex, clothes, work days, and how great Brooke is for Robert. On top of that, Brooke loses a lot of the strength and independence I saw earlier in the book. In fact, she turned into a love sick teen.

Our souls, so entwined, were part of each other, true soul mates. Not even death would separate us.


To make matters worse, Robert’s criminal background isn’t revealed until three quarters of the way through the story! And since he got out of illegal activities years before he met Brooke, it’s really anticlimactic. Brooke makes a huge deal out of it and almost leaves him because of his past, which makes me dislike her even more. The criminal element actually seems more like an after thought to this so-called mafia romance. I’m really surprised it has such a high rating on Goodreads because I found it pretty disappointing. My rating is 2.5 stars because of the strong beginning, but I definitely won’t be reading any more of the Fallen Angel series.
I Am Legend (2007)
I Am Legend (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Dr. Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a man with a very unique and very dangerous situation. Once hailed as a savior to the human race, Dr. Neville now finds himself wandering the streets of New York, alone, save for the company of his trusted dog Sam.

In the new film “I Am Legend”, Will Smith finds himself in a world gone mad when a cure for cancer has mutated horribly and reducing infected populations to dangerous mutants who roam dark places destroying all they encounter.

With the back-story of the film told largely through flashbacks, it is learned that Dr. Neville was close to finding the cure for the outbreak, but when the virus became airborne, New York City was to be quarantined via Presidential order.

Unwilling to leave the city, as he is convinced a cure is to be found there, Dr. Neville, stays behind, and three years later is the sole survivor in a city that has become an overgrown and desolate wasteland.

Robert has become a creature of habit, as he hunts for food and useful items during the day, and in keeping with a broadcasted message, he appears at the docks every day in hopes that someone has heard his message and will be waiting for him.

Robert also amuses himself by renting movies at a nearby store and has positioned and named mannequins throughout the city in order to have some since of companionship and conversation, but it is clear that the years of isolation are starting to take their toll.

When night falls, Robert and Sam take refuge behind the reinforced shutters of their home, as dangerous bands of light sensitive mutants wander the streets at night, forcing him to stay inside until the safety of the morning sun arrives.

Robert gets a sense of hope, when he sees some potential from a new vaccine he has developed. While testing it on a captured mutant does not deliver the desired results, it does show promise that at last progress is being made in finding a way to eliminate the threat of the plague once and for all.

When a series of unexpected and surprising situations arise, Robert is forced to examine his priorities, and prepare for the ultimate confrontation if there is to be a future for humanity.

The film is the third film version of the book of the same name as Vincent Price started in “The Last Man on Earth”, and Charlton Heston gave a memorable turn in the classic “Omega Man”. Smith is solid in the role of a man driven by his desire to complete what he has started no matter the cost, even though he believes that humanity has already perished. He mixes pathos with humor, to create a sympathetic though flawed character that is unlike many of his likeable everyman roles.

At one time years ago, this film was considered as a vehicle for a pre-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and it deftly mixes drama, suspense, and action to create a very memorable experience.

My biggest issue with the film was the finale, as up until that point, the film had been pacing itself to be a 2hr plus film, and it seems as if the filmmakers decided to wrap things up quickly, as the pacing of the film rapidly changed gears for what in many ways was a standard pat ending, that does not equal the quality of the first ¾ of the film.

That being said, if you can overlook the very disappointing finale to the film and focus on the solid premise and work of Smith, then you might find this one of the years more enjoyable films.
The Second Love of My Life
The Second Love of My Life
Victoria Walters | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Victoria Walters’ debut novel, <i>The Second Love of My Life</i>, is a must read for fans of women’s fiction. Set in a coastal village in Cornwall, Walters explores themes of love, grief and survival in this satisfying narrative.

Rose Walker was once known in her small village for being an up-and-coming artist, however now she is branded as the woman who was widowed at twenty four. The story begins two years after the tragic event involving a car collision between her husband, Lucas, and a drunk driver. Since then Rose has wallowed in her grief and not picked up a paintbrush; therefore the upcoming village fair will be the last time she ever sells her paintings.

A stranger, Robert Green, shocks both Rose and the community by purchasing all of her remaining artwork for an extortionate amount of money. Intrigued by this mysterious man, Rose begins to creep back out of her shell, exploring feelings she has not felt for quite some time. However, just as she believes she cold fall in love again, Robert reveals he is not the man she thought he was.

In a way there are two focuses of this novel. One is Rose’s love life and the other is her artwork. The former is obvious from the title alone. “<i>The Second Love of My Life</i>” suggests that the protagonist has been in love before, and falls in love again. There was a danger of this story becoming predictable: girl is heartbroken, girl meets man, girl falls in love, something bad happens, bad thing is resolved; however the inclusion of Rose’s (former) passion for art gives the book a unique streak.

Many artists will be able to relate to (even if they have never been brokenhearted) the feeling of being unable to produce work – a mental block. <i>The Second Love of My Life</i> reveals the trials Rose goes through in order to get her life back together by forcing herself through the barriers her mind has created in order to deal with her deeper emotions. Although it was Robert that inspired Rose to begin painting again, she does this mostly by herself, showing the reader that she is a strong, capable woman who does not need a man to save her – getting the man is an added bonus.

Whether because this is a first novel, or whether it is Walters’ writing style, there are times when it is difficult to tell what is speech and what is the main character’s internal monologue. Occasionally I found myself wondering whether the lack of speech marks was an editing error or intentional.

<i>The Second Love of My Life</i> has been likened to the works of Cecelia Ahern (author of <i>P.S. I Love You</i>), which is admittedly the reason I chose to read it. Whilst Walters’ writing is not quite up there with the popular authors, there is no doubt that one-day she will be. This is an impressive debut and definitely an author to look out for.

Kelly (279 KP) rated The Umbrella Academy in TV

Feb 24, 2019  
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
The cast (2 more)
The soundtrack
Dark humour
Wow!! I was hooked
I confess, I knew little about The Umbrella Academy before picking up the series on Netflix, but I am so glad I did. The series combined dark humour with an intriguing plot line and sprinkled a great sound track into the mix to create a truly unique show.

The series centres around a family, purchased as children by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, and their mission to discover the cause of their fathers death as well as preventing the imminent apocalypse. Each of the children (adults in most cases by the time the series is set) have unique super powers, with the exception of Vanya, who has be partially excluded from family affairs as a result.

The casting of the show couldn’t have been any better, with a mix of characters you can take seriously and others who add a touch of humour to the show. Notably Robert Sheehan, who plays Klaus - I have been a fan of his work since Misfits, and Cameron Britton, who plays Hazel (An assassin who falls for Agnes, a waitress who is significantly older than himself). The series was well acted and a wide range of emotions were shown by the actors.

The only real downfall to the series was that it was so short (and ended on a cliff hanger, so please, please renew the show Netflix). I was left wanting more after episode 10.

I highly recommend watching this.

Kimmic (814 KP) Feb 25, 2019

On my list to watch this. It has good reviews so I cant wait x


Kelly (279 KP) Feb 25, 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed it- hope you do too x

The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
Revenge not as sweet the 2nd time...
When we left Robert McCall, he had just vanquished a set of Russian baddies and went back to trying to enjoy a normal life. When we meet him again, he is up to his old tactics trying to help those who cannot help themselves. After some initial carnage, the film takes a different turn striking McCall where it hurts with someone close to him. The situation is challenging McCall gets drawn in as he tries to figure out who is responsible.

Meanwhile, he befriends a young man who lives near him and tries to give him advice and steer him along the right course in life avoiding the temptation to fall in with the wrong crowd.

After the true nature of the crimes is discovered and the perpetrators reveal themselves, McCall falls into his old ways of doing whatever it takes and using whatever means necessary to attempt to prevail.

Although I thought the idea to strike closer to home for McCall was an interesting one, and took him out of his comfort zone, the screenplay was not good enough and I saw the twist coming almost immediately. These characters didn't seem to be very smart and made the film more cumbersome and not nearly as fun.

The climax scene was kind of cool I guess, but seemed very forced and something the writer thought would be cooler than what it was.

Kind of disappointed.