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Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
The Music(it's Disney) (4 more)
The Special Effects(it's Disney)
The Atmosphere
The Cast & Characters
One last bit... in the review
Trying just a little too hard in some spots(and not hard enough in some others) (0 more)
Live-Action Magic
Contains spoilers, click to show
Disney has been on a kick of redoing their animated masterpieces into live action masterpieces. It worked with Cinderella... Jungle Book was flawed, but still wild... and Beauty and the Beast was simply Beautiful. So... was this reimagining of Aladdin up to par...

You are damn right it was.

Let's get this out of the way first. Live action musicals still make me feel awkward. Granted, this is Disney... but animated musicals feel just fine. That being said, the numbers were spot on for the most part, while still being slightly altered for the cast in the present. Yes, that includes slight tweaks due to Will Smith being an actual musician(as much as I love Robin Williams, he was not). And those were made(dammit... sorry for the pun)... Fresh.

Acting on point. Because Disney. Sorry, but it's true.

Was the movie perfect? No. It does have some flaws, but nothing that hinders the movie overall. And most of them for me where solely because of the musical numbers. That being said, "Speechless"... bravo Alan Menken.

There is one part of this version that does IMPROVE over the original. The City of Agrabah. The animated version felt nothing more than a backdrop, but this City felt like it was organic. Like an ACTUAL city they were fighting for.

Other changes were proper... made it more modern. Including Jasmine motivation(instead of marrying who she wants, she is made Sultan... so she can protect and serve her people... she marries Aladdin anyway)... and Jafar's true plans(he didn't just want Agrabah, he wanted to conquer the neighboring nations, as well). Jafar in the original was DRAWN menacing... live action Jafar was devious due to his ambitions. Good job, Disney.

How about the Genie? How did Will Smith do? Well... he was great. BUT Disney did something different this time. In the original, because Robin was the star, it put extra focus on how outrageous he was. Will Smith was the billed star, but they put more focus on who the story was really about... Aladdin. Will Smith served a purpose. He might've been the bigger name, but he did NOT play the biggest part. At least, that is what I feel happened.... and it was for the better.

Was it as good as the original? No. Because there is no true comparison. If you haven't seen it... please... erase the original from your mind for a moment... go see this one... then go back and watch the original. While we KNOW the comparison... there shouldn't be one. This live-action version isn't exactly the same, and it shouldn't be. Askewed focus... different delivery... it maybe Disney's remake, but this version should be approached as if you were watching it from a different perspective......

Treat it as if it were it's own movie.

And know this... the best positive of all...

Robin would've loved it.
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Succeeds...mostly...thanks to the charm and charisma of Will Smith
Unnecessary...a money grab...what was Will Smith thinking...why would Disney do this?

All complaints that were written regarding the live action remake of the beloved 1992 Animated classic, ALADDIN.

And...they would be this ALADDIN is fun, fanciful, fast(ish) paced and fantastical. It also has something that I was surprised by...heart.

For those of you living in the "Cave of Wonder" for the past 20+ years, Aladdin follows the adventures of a street urchin who falls in love with a Princess and battles the evil Vizier, Jafar, for power via an enchanted lamp that houses a Genie that will grant 3 wishes.

Disney has shown it can do these remakes well when sticking to the source material (as was evidenced by the 2016 live action remake of the 1967 animated classic THE JUNGLE BOOK), but also has failed when it takes the characters, but not the story (the recent DUMBO), so Writer/Director Guy Ritchie (of all people) was smart to "just take the animated movie" and remake it as live action. works! Ritchie (SNATCH, the Robert Downey SHERLOCK HOLMES) seems to be an odd choice to helm this film, but he acquits himself quite well, relying on the pageantry and spectacle of it all to carry the day. The chase scenes are serviceable, but Ritchie's direction does get a bit clunky when the film slows down and focuses on the central love story.

Using performers - for the most part - of Middle Eastern descent, Ritchie coaxes "good enough" performances from Mena Massoud as Aladdin and Naomi Scott as Jasmine. They are pleasant enough on screen but was stronger apart than together. I wouldn't call it "lack of chemstry", but rather, "medium chemistry". But when they are paired with others - or get the chance to shine on their own - they do quite well.

Scott plays well against Navid Negahban who brings a deepness of heart to his character of Jasmine's father, the Sultan and, especially, Nasim Pedrad (so that's what she's been doing since leaving SNL) as her handmaiden, Dalia (a character not in the animated film).

Massoud, of course, spends a great deal of this film playing off the Genie character. So let's talk about Will Smith's performance in the iconic Robin Williams role. EVERYONE (including myself) was asking why Smith would take on this role. It's a "lose/lose" proposition, trying to fill the shoes of one of the wildest, wackiest and most frenetic performances in screen history. So Smith does a very smart thing - he doesn't even try. He makes this Genie "his own" not trying to mimic Williams' performance, but rather creating a charming, friendly and funny Genie with heart (there's that word again) behind his eyes. It is a strong performance by Smith - one that only a performer with his charm and charisma could pull off. His presence in this film elevates the proceedings and I wanted more of this character.

The music you know and love is all there - and they are welcome presences in this film - though they felt abbreviated (maybe it's just because I'm more familiar with the Soundtrack performances of these songs and not how they were used in the original film) and there is an Original number, a "girl power" song for Jasmine that felt a little too "Disney Channel" to me - but I don't think I'm the target audience for that song, so I'll cut it some slack.

A slight downgrade in the final rating of this film needs to be made because of the "meh" characterization and performance of the main villain, Jafar. As played by Marwan Kenzari, this Jafar was seething and menacing but never really bigger than life and threatening - qualities that make Jafar one of the better villains in the Disney animated canon.

But, ultimately, this film will succeed or fail, I think, by your reaction to Smith's interpretation of the Genie. It's NOT Robin Williams, and that's a good thing. For me, Smith...and this film...succeeds.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)

Lewis John Hatchett (23 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies

May 23, 2019 (Updated May 23, 2019)  
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Story, Comedy, Cast, Musical numbers (0 more)
Unexpectedly Fun
As a fan of the original 1992 animated film, I came into this film with not much hype but enough that I'd come out enjoying the film. I came our of the film loving it.

The story is pretty much the same as the original but director Guy Ritchie has fleshed out the story extending it with a couple of songs (I'm hoping written by Tim Rice) that are slotted in perfectly.

Guy Ritchie does what he does best and mixes a perfect blend of action, comedic humor and family fun, as he's done in his previous films.

Now the pressing question of Will Smith's portrayal of the Genie. I was sceptical about it at first but the more I watched the trailer for the film the more I adjusted to him. I'm a full fledged fan of the late and great Robin Williams' version of the Genie and Will Smith's version is a perfect interpretation of that character (with some nods to William's animated classic) so I say well done to Mr Smith.

Overall I certainly recommend the film for all fans, old and new, and definitely say go see it and (pardon the pun) experience a whole new world. 9/10
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Setting, effects, costumes and sets (0 more)
The new songs (0 more)
Hi all. I must admit I , like a lot of others, was a bit skeptic when the first trailer for this appeared. My wife downright refused to watch it as the original animated version is one of her favourites. However she eventually came round and we popped along to give it a whirl.
While comparisons to the original are inevitable, this version should be watched as a stand alone movie and not a reboot. It’s great fun from start to finish. It looks great, obviously a lot of money has been spent on sets, costumes and effects, and Will Smith is great as the genie. He doesn’t try to out do robin williams, he makes the character his own and does his own thing.
The one thing that does let it down are the new songs. They aren’t in the same league as the other, more well known songs and to me seem forced into the movie. I had forgot all about them before leaving the cinema, they definitely won’t be held in such high esteem as the other songs, a friend like me etc.
Overall go see it, make up your own mind and forget the trailer even exists
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
The colors, choreography is remarkable (0 more)
In my opinion, two cast members were off. (0 more)
Will definitely keep your attention.
So I'm a big fan of the Disney classic and was looking forward to this. Right from the start I believe they got Aladdin cast member wrong. Sorry he has a freaking 5 o clock shadow through the majority of the film and hairy ass arms. I thought part of the magic was that the love story between two people at most 20 years of age. So yea not a fan of the post puberty Aladdin. The man sings and acts great however.

Will Smith as the genie was a welcome surprise. He brought his own majic to the part so not to dishonor the legend Robin Williams. The film is great because it is based off of Disney's Aladdin so it is not a word for word live action and even includes two new songs that hold up to the originals.

Another cast member I thought was missing major personality was Jasmine's father. Sure he looked the part but he was not fat or jolly and had a droll type manor. Despite these few differences the movie entertained my son and I and almost felt like a new movie. Snore factor of 0/10 great.
PS I miss Gilbert Godfrey as the birds voice.
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Will Smith does a good job (1 more)
It's watchable
It pales in comparison with the animated version (4 more)
Jafar is dull and monotone
It was like watching a stage play rather than a movie
The new song is forgettable
The CGI is not that good
Quite useless but not bad
The original Aladdin was the first movie I watched in theater (or at least the one that I have memory). It was magical, mysterious and hilarious.
This one is just ok. In all honesty it kind of represent my thought with all these live action Disney movie remakes: what's the point? I mean I know they will bring lots of money to them but for the viewer there is nothing special.
The point of a remake for me is to bring an old product to a new generation, adding new elements while still maintaining the spirit. If it is just a carbon copy with little to new changes and overall nothing to add to the conversation to me they fail.
This new Aladdin is basically the same movie with worse characters and dull moments. I actually liked Will Smith as the Genie. I was expecting to cringe at most of his scene but in all honesty he does really a good job. He is different from Robin Williams for obvious reason but he manage to give his own spin and it works for what it is, so much so that I was eager to see more of him.
The worst is definitely Jafar. I don't know if it's a casting mistake but he was so monotone, dull, boring. The original have different ranges of emotions, being low key in some point to then goes over the top and flamboyant. The new Jafar instead is just dull.
 It is not an awful movie and it is still watchable, probably you might even enjoy it. However the animated version has so much energy! It's vibrant, colorful, funny and in all honesty it still perfectly holds up! If you are curious to see the same movie with worst character then feel free to see it, otherwise just stick to the original.
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Not As Bad As People Say
Going into this film I didn’t have high expectations. I had read some quick reviews and after watching the trailer when it was released it seemed to me like this film was not going to do well. However, it managed to surprise me. I will admit the first half of the film while being okay didn’t have my constant attention or enthusiasm. This changed when “Prince Ali” entered Agrabah and was introduced to Princess Jasmine. I loved how awkward Aladdin was and I could not stop laughing. From there on the movie just seemed to get better and better. (Maybe because the action/plot was picking up?)

One of the things I enjoyed the most was the fact that we get to see a lot more bonding happening between Jasmine and Aladdin. In the original film we get to see them connect mostly through the ‘Whole New World’ scene. What I thoroughly enjoyed about this film is that we get to see them courting and interacting more. “Prince Ali” is trying to make up for his failure of a first impression and is trying to open himself up to Jasmine. I loved that they decided it was important to include extra scenes like this because they do fall fast for one another and this makes their love seem all the more realistic.

Regarding the cast, when I first heard that Will Smith would be playing Genie I wasn’t a huge fan. When I first saw him in the trailer my initial impression was not a good one and while it took a little getting use too I now think he plays a wonderful Genie. While Robin Williams will always be my number one when it comes to Genie he (for obvious reasons) was not available for this remake and Will Smith did a wonderful job following in his footsteps. I feel like the main criticism this movie is receiving is the way Will Smith acts as the Genie and I will admit it isn’t the same but they are two different people with different directors. Of course they are going to act differently!

While it may not be one of my favorite movies I do not necessarily think it is as bad as most people are making it out to be. I do think it could have been better as the green screen in some parts wasn’t great. I feel like they definitely could have done better here but maybe the budget was limited? For the most part I felt like the CGI was standard but not standout in any way. I know some people are upset about changes made but while Disney was remaking their own movie it is good to change up some things as what is the point in watching if it is the exact same script? Overall, it was okay. Simply that. Nothing more or less.