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Good Will Hunting (1997)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
1997 | Drama
Them Apples (0 more)
My favorite Robin Williams Film, and that is saying something...
This is another Modern Classic about potential and brains, but also about where you come from and how you adapt. Here's an anecdote about finding the right studio: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck found a clever way to choose the right studio for their script: the story goes that on page sixty of the script, they wrote a completely out-of-nowhere sex scene between Will and Chuckie. They took it to every major studio, and nobody even mentioned the scene. When they met with Harvey Weinstein at Miramax, he said, "I only have one really big note on the script. About page sixty, the two leads, both straight men, have a sex scene. What the hell is that?" Damon and Affleck explained that they put that scene specifically in there, to show them who actually read the script, and who didn't. As Weinstein was the only person who brought it up, Miramax was the studio chosen to produce the film.

Also for those of you out there who think just because something is done in school it's not good: When Matt Damon was in his fifth year at Harvard, he was in a playwriting class. The culmination of it was to write a one-act play, and he just started writing a movie, which, with the help of Ben Affleck, became this movie.

"But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other." were they talking about Ben and Matt?

I guess Ben liked Them Apples, LOL, just kidding.... and here's another Alternate Movie Poster.
Happy Feet (2006)
Happy Feet (2006)
2006 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Gets a pass exclusively on how weird it is - seriously, this thing is bananas. In fact, it's theoretically amazing: a cutesy dancing penguin movie gradually morphs into a surreal trek through racism, religion, existentialism, and environmentalism where Robin Williams has a thick Mexican accent and I'm still not sure how I feel about them giving the lady penguins those pseudo-titty mounds. For all intents and purposes this should be something I sing the praises of as a great, underappreciated freakish gem... but its oddness is all it has, since there's approximately zero emotional thrust to anything else here. Elijah Wood is totally nondescript as Mumble and I don't really care about any of the other characters either; not to mention it has no sense of pacing so the last act comes and goes in an anticlimactic flash. Miller's signature visual kinetic energy is cool as hell at least, but then the story is also utterly naïve - I'm pretty sure a viral video of a bunch of penguins dancing isn't going to stop humans from pillaging their ecosystem. And at this point I know I'm looking too deeply into this shit but in this happy penguin world where singing makes them who they are and keeps them alive or whatever that was all about, is it so hard to fathom that these things should be way less bigoted towards dancing? Like you're all out here jamming to Fat Joe but then tap dancing is where you draw the line? Okay I'm done now, still a nice movie for what is essentially the more eccentric 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘨 (2016) with not-as-good animation (but better cinematography).
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Guy Ritchie’s live action remake really was a hit for me. Not much of the story has changed which is fine. I went into this film excited but with a few weary doubts. I was for sure that nothing could compare to the 1992 two dimensional Genie I grew to adore. I then however convinced myself to treat the film as its own entity and not as a comparison. I mean come on, nothing can compare to a cartoon version of anything. You can animate just about anything but trying to flip the story to live-action and expecting the same results can be risky. In the remake it worked out well for the most part. Anytime Genie was his big blue self that’s when the CG that was used was extremely noticeable. I just have never been a fan of CG use on actors, it used to freak me out as a kid. I know it sounds strange but I quickly got over it and was able to really enjoy the film.

When the film was being discussed and or planned the stipulation at least for the two leads (Mena Massaud and Naomi Scott) was, they of course had to be of Indian or Middle Eastern descent, they had to be able to sing and dance and they had to be newcomers. I thought they were perfectly cast and had great chemistry. They also were both able to stand their ground and their performances certainly didn’t get lost playing along side Will Smith. Though he is incomparable to Robin Williams he did do an outstanding job at Genie and I think Williams would be proud of his rendition.

One of my favorite things Disney films have always delivered in any of their films has been the atmosphere and sets. The colors of Agraba are vibrant and inviting. You can almost smell the spices and feel the warm breeze flowing through the city. I am also pleased that Alan Mankin has returned to compose the music for the film. All songs have been kept the same with the addition of a few new songs so be sure to at least sing along with them.

In my honest opinion this live-action remake of Disney’s Aladdin has been my favorite of the live-action Disney remade films so far. It is a two hour nostalgic film filled wth laughs, action, lots of parkour and good life lessons. Money or power can’t always buy happiness.
Rabbit Ears: The Fool and the Flying Ship
Rabbit Ears: The Fool and the Flying Ship
1991 | Comedy, Family
10.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Honestly, this is my most favorite story from the Rabbit Ears series because it has everything that you would want to see happen in a fairy tale: comedy, fantasy and creative storytelling! Robin Williams was brilliant in narrating this story as he gave each character a distinctive voice and brought so much life to this story! I really enjoyed the creative tone of this story as the idea about having a flying ship that can take you anywhere in the world and having friends who have special abilities that can help you in a tight situation was really amusing to me! I also loved the characters in this story, with my favorite characters being the Runner and the Fool as they were extremely hilarious and interesting to look at. I also loved the focus on humor in this story as it made the situation and the characters much more memorable and lovable. Henrik Drescher's artwork is what truly made this story worth watching as the illustrations are bizarre yet hilarious to look at and I always loved the artwork of all the characters, especially of the Fool (who almost looks like Pinocchio), the Runner who has antlers in his head and the Puffer who looks like He-Man when he transforms into his muscular self.

The only problem with this story is that Henrik Drescher's illustrations might be an acquired taste for many people. Some people might like Henrik Drescher's illustrations for its creativity and its bizarre style while others might hate the artwork for being too ugly or too bizarre.

Overall, "The Fool and the Flying Ship" is a fun and creative video to watch and I am sure that many viewers will enjoy this story for its surreal humor and creative tone!
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Will Smith does a good job (1 more)
It's watchable
It pales in comparison with the animated version (4 more)
Jafar is dull and monotone
It was like watching a stage play rather than a movie
The new song is forgettable
The CGI is not that good
Quite useless but not bad
The original Aladdin was the first movie I watched in theater (or at least the one that I have memory). It was magical, mysterious and hilarious.
This one is just ok. In all honesty it kind of represent my thought with all these live action Disney movie remakes: what's the point? I mean I know they will bring lots of money to them but for the viewer there is nothing special.
The point of a remake for me is to bring an old product to a new generation, adding new elements while still maintaining the spirit. If it is just a carbon copy with little to new changes and overall nothing to add to the conversation to me they fail.
This new Aladdin is basically the same movie with worse characters and dull moments. I actually liked Will Smith as the Genie. I was expecting to cringe at most of his scene but in all honesty he does really a good job. He is different from Robin Williams for obvious reason but he manage to give his own spin and it works for what it is, so much so that I was eager to see more of him.
The worst is definitely Jafar. I don't know if it's a casting mistake but he was so monotone, dull, boring. The original have different ranges of emotions, being low key in some point to then goes over the top and flamboyant. The new Jafar instead is just dull.
 It is not an awful movie and it is still watchable, probably you might even enjoy it. However the animated version has so much energy! It's vibrant, colorful, funny and in all honesty it still perfectly holds up! If you are curious to see the same movie with worst character then feel free to see it, otherwise just stick to the original.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is on of those films that has no business being as good as it is.
Released a whopping 22 years after the beloved original, it's existence feels like it should be firmly in the "money grab" territory of Hollywood, but that just simply isn't the case.

Firstly, it's not just a re hash of the original plot. This time around, four teenagers all in detention for one reason or another, come across an old, unrecognisable games console labelled 'Jumanji'. After booting up the game and selecting their desired characters, the group are sucked into the game world, and have to complete it from within if they want to escape with their lives.
When in the game, the teens take on the roles of the characters they selected, each with their own skill sets. It's a delight for any video game fans, with fun references and silly NPC jokes scattered around.

The four younger actors don't get a huge amount of screen time, but they're engaging enough when they are about, bit the stars are of course the four who are front and centre of all the advertising. The chemistry between Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart and Jack Black is fantastic and genuine. The script is tight and joke heavy, and every humourous line lands without fail. They all do a great job of awkward teenagers trapped inside the bodies of video game characters. Jack Black is a particular highlight, essentially playing an Instagram obsessed 18 year old girl.
The whole movie is pretty hilarious. It also carries a passive story of friendship and family, as the four very different people form a strong bond as the story progresses.
The action sequences are pretty thrilling as well, even if it is hard to not notice the excessive CGI at times.

WTTJ is a really enjoyable popcorn blockbuster. It's funny, silly, and has enough substance to it to get nicely invested in the characters. It even includes a subtle and tasteful nod to Robin Williams' character from 1995, and is a classy touch.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I do not know what The Rock is for? He’s certainly not for me! I’m sure he is a lovely man in real life, but how…? Why…? is he a movie star? It baffles me. Look, there is some fun to be had with this remake, and the themes it raises are actually reasonably smart and relevant to the world of teenagers in 2020, but it is just so second rate and lazy in so many ways. I am also not a fan of Kevin Hart’s schtick. I mean, he has made me laugh maybe twice in everything I’ve ever seen him do in the last ten years. Irritating sums it up better for me. Jack Black isn’t a whole lot better; his best films are good despite him, not because of him, in the main, and when he is bad he is very very poor indeed. That leaves Karen Gillan, and yes, she saves the show here, leaving the boys look awkward, forced and quite a bit dated.

It’s basically a body swap movie, a tried and tested recipe for Japes and easy gags in a kids movie. And as so it shamelessly borrows, adapts and full on steals every previous joke, observation and trick used in every body swap film ever made. Does it do anything new? Or better? Not as far as I could see. But, then again, I am no longer ten years old, and that is very much where this is pitched. Except it annoyed me most in the patronising choices it made for the ten year old of 2020 – are they all really that dumb? Because I remember the original Jumanji managing to be fun and intelligent at the same time. It’s very possible I have it wrong because it’s me that is getting further away from what kids identify with and enjoy these days, however.

Basically, I allowed it to wash over me whilst pining for the screen presence, comedic skill and empathy of Robin Williams. Therefore I was bound to hate it. Maybe one day I’ll see it in a better mood and accept that it is perfectly fine family fare. I have certainly witnessed worse over the years – at least the sense of adventure is mostly there, the production design is competent and it is ultimately harmless. It’s just not my bag.