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Vikki Brannagan (3 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 18, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
This is my favourite game by Rockstar. I found it addictive and the graphics were amazing.
Having the freedom to explore, acquire a bounty, hunt a bounty and catch horses, well that made the game right up my alley. Sure there were a couple bugs but they were so minor it was easy to ignore them
L.A. Noire
L.A. Noire
2011 | Action/Adventure
Cole Phelps (1 more)
Originally played this game on the PS3 never got round to finishing it the first time till now playing again now on the PS4 now looking to finish it this time rockstar can't do no wrong when it comes to games grand theft auto series red dead redemption 2 which I finished last year brilliant gane

Merissa (11721 KP) created a post

Nov 1, 2023  
"The things Amy says to make Lor see Ro, REALLY see him, are far too wise!" - @Debbiereadsbook

Music & Dreams (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023) by J.P. Sayle - #Contemporary, #Rockstar, #MM, #Romance, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Available in #KindleUnlimited

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Dec 19, 2018 (Updated Dec 19, 2018)  
Time for a rant and no spoilers if you haven't finished the game yet.

So last night, I decided that I was finally finished with Red Dead Redemption 2. I have played through the entire 60+ hour campaign including the Epilogue, (which is like an entire game in and of itself,) I have done all of the side missions in my side-bar other than the tedious collectathons and I believe that I have encountered the majority of relevant strangers in the wilderness.

It's not my favourite game of all time, I don't even think that it's my Game Of The Year, but there is no denying that it is still one of the greatest achievements ever seen in the medium of videogames. There have been a few stories talking about the 6 figure bonuses that some Rockstar employees are receiving on the back of this release and frankly I feel like that is well deserved. As a 3D Animator near the beginning of my career, a project like this is what I aspire to one day get the chance to work on. The level of quality and vastness present here is astonishing from a development perspective.

Red Dead 2 has been in development for around 8 years, as apparently work began on this game very quickly after RDR Undead Nightmare was released. If you sit through the almost hour long credit sequence at the story's conclusion, you will see thousands of names scroll by. When you consider the salary of the amount of people that worked on this game over eight years along with the extravagant worldwide marketing campaign, the total budget for RDR2 must have been astronomical, yet the game made it's money back IN IT'S FIRST WEEK!

Regardless of the huge profit and enormous number of sales that this game has generated, the entire Rockstar staff that worked on this game can now put this milestone on their CV's. It's a golden mark against their name that would most likely land them a job at any other game studio that they desire joining.

The reason that I am bringing all of this up is due to a number of articles that were published on a fair few major gaming websites back at the time around the game's release. Kotaku, IGN, Gamespot and Unilad Gaming all reported that during an interview with one of the Houser brothers, (the joint CEO's at Rockstar,) when asked about the crunch period of the game's development that employees were more of less forced to work 100+ hour work weeks.

This was of course an exaggeration of what was actually said and the context was twisted for the sake of click-bait headlines, but nevertheless there was an outrage within the videogame echo-chamber. People online decided to become civil rights speakers on behalf of Rockstar employees before it came out that at most, even the heaviest work weeks leading up to the game's release never exceeded 60 hours and even then, that was only if the employee volunteered to work the overtime, time for which they were financially compensated.

As someone trying to break into the videogame industry, I understand feeling passion for a project and I recognise that feeling of pride you get when finally completing a project that you have slaved over, (on a much smaller scale of course.) I understand that there are developers out there that choose to work a 50-60 hour work week on something that they are passionate about and can be proud of and I also understand that games like RDR2, which are so vast and yet so full of intricate detail and high levels of quality don't get made without devs that refuse to put in the extra time required to pull something like this off. Frankly if I was a Rockstar dev that had put this amount of work into a product that I am proud of and then seen these rants online, I would be offended. Who are you to judge how much of a workload someone else can handle?

I am not saying that there aren't toxic places to work that have horrific line managers that force their staff to work crazy hours or lose their jobs, but by all accounts that I have heard, Rockstar isn't one of those places. So the next time that you decide to put on your SJW hat and sit in front of your computer and start berating someone for being passionate about something that they have worked extremely hard on, remember what Rockstar delivered through RDR2 and maybe do some research before unleashing your tirade.
Manhunt (PS2 Classic)
Manhunt (PS2 Classic)
Story, graphics, layout, psychotic characters, creative combat (0 more)
Repetitive combat kills, no dialogue from main character (0 more)
Kill or be killed
Contains spoilers, click to show
Manhunt is a classic game released for ps2 & xbox original. The game brought serious intensity to a very dark and violent videogame story.

With so may dark, demented, gory & bloodsoaked videogames released today, manhunt to me remains one of THE very best, although it may not have aged well, it does not take away what a major hit it was with mainstream players.

Manhunt is a stealth-based psychological horror video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games.

 originally released for the PlayStation 2 on November 18, 2003, and for Microsoft Windows and Xbox on April 20, 2004.

Manhunt follows the story of convicted serial killer James earl cash, who wakes up after his execution to realise...He's still Alive?!

You take control of Cash, who is given an opportunity to escape by "the Director" a mysterious man who locked you up in carcer city, jam packed with more free roaming criminals..the worst of the worst, who gets off to violence and will be watching your every move via cctv.

If your going to escape. Prepare to get EXTREMELY VIOLENT!

Frank Carter recommended AM by Arctic Monkeys in Music (curated)

AM by Arctic Monkeys
AM by Arctic Monkeys
2013 | Alternative
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"""AM is one of my favourite records of the last ten years. I've always liked the fact that Arctic Monkeys sidestepped the indie scene and reinvented themselves as a rock band. I think Alex Turner gets a lot of unfair flak but he's a phenomenal songwriter, one of the best of our generation, and this record in particular has some incredible songs on it. People like rockstars until they don't like rockstars, and then if you're a rockstar you'd better fucking duck. He's always just been himself, and luckily himself is just rock & roll through and through. I'm incredibly jealous of his mind, he's a great guitarist but as a lyricist it's incredibly frustrating to be alive at the same time as him. As a rockstar he just has it, and luckily he's not put too much of a foot wrong yet. As far as I'm concerned he can do no wrong, and I'm putting that all on his lyrics. It's mental that he can squeeze a line like ""She's got a Barbarella silver swimsuit"" into a song and make it relevant, make it just feel new, yet he's referencing things from such a long time ago, probably from before he was alive. He has an understanding of pop culture and is a master of manipulating it to do whatever he wants. As a lyricist myself it's quite amazing to see."""

Lick (Stage Dive, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So. I've been putting off reading a lot of my books that are NA since I kind of got tired of them but I couldn't find anything else I wanted to read a week or so ago and have since read three: Some have been hits and some have been misses.

This one has fell in between. I liked some bits, not so much others. I liked going back into the life of a rockstar, yet at the same time I didn't some of it.

For some reason I would really like to read Mal's book. And then maybe that would make me want to read Jimmy's book, and from there maybe Ben's?

Miguel Covarrubias (143 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 15, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
Scenery, gameplay, story (0 more)
Rewards for side challenges and quests were frustratingly anticlimactic (0 more)
A beautiful game with lackluster rewards
I loved spending hours in this game watching the scenery from horseback, waiting for the virtual animal I was hunting to show up, and discovering new and fascinating places. It carried the game well for a while, but once I finished the main plot, there wasn't much else that held my attention. I completed the master hunter challenges to get a different holster skin? Seems a bit weak to entice people to try to complete challenges. When you can buy some of the more impressive game items in the shops; holsters, belts, and jackets are just a weak enticement at best.
Rockstar usually does a good job of balancing the purchasable items from the earned items in games, but this one seemed an afterthought. If this was better, it would have been the best game I'd ever played.
You'd Be Mine
You'd Be Mine
Erin Hahn | 2019 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
While browsing NetGalley "You'd Be Mine" came up. It sounded interesting and I'm a sucker for a good rockstar romance. This is a little different simply because it features a bunch of country music references which did throw me for a loop simply because I don't listen to country.

This book was surprisingly good. The main characters are realistic & will definitely make you root for them to get their lives together. They both are damaged and I like that they struggled with issues. It was nice to see how Erin Hahn wrote them. I definitely enjoyed the storyline. My only issue with this book was how easily things were fixed. It seems like it was wrapped up a little too quickly. I wish that we would have seen more of the "getting our lives together" stuff and less of the "everything is perfect" stuff.

I do appreciate that Erin was able to create solid characters and I will definitely look into reading more of her books.

All in all, it's a good book that had solid characters.

Nicholas Atkinson (0 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 18, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
Well first it's a next gen rockstar game so the graphics are on point and look amazing. The gameplay itself is pretty fluid and gunplay is really fun. Missions are fairly unique. (0 more)
The controls can get buggy from time to time and make your horse act weird or make it hard to run and jump on your horse. (1 more)
Sometimes i had to restart a at a checkpoint because it wouldn't progress on the story. The first chapter is horrid and takes 10 years to finish.
Pretty good but lacking
All in all it was a decent game but I wish they would have cut down the hand holding they do in the first chapter to like the first mission and let you do what you want from the start. It was the same way when online multiplayer dropped they made you do what they wanted you to do for like the first 2 hours. With that being said I loved the graphics, the missions were fun, being in the wild west lifestyle was fun, I would definitely recommend giving it a play.