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His Rockstar Dom
His Rockstar Dom
Morticia Knight | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIS ROCKSTAR DOM is a standalone novella that tells of a well-established rock band, Glitter Kinks, and the musicians that make it up. Most of them are okay (or more than okay) but Sal is causing them BIG problems. Braylin was hired as a guitar tech. Also plays guitar and is a lifelong fan of the band and the lead singer, Zen.

What I loved about this was the communication! It's there - on every page! A couple of misunderstandings are quickly dealt with by talking it out. Wow, consider that! Zen knows what he wants out of the relationship, and Braylin is completely innocent but prepared to be guided by Zen. Zen listens and is prepared to take things slowly, going at Bray's pace. Oh, man! Be still, my beating heart. It was just perfect. The relationship between them was natural and unforced and I loved every word.

It wasn't just the dynamics of Zen and Bray though, it was between Bray and the whole band, the whole on-tour group. They melded and made it perfect.

I love Morticia Knight's books and this is no different. If I had one complaint, it would be that I didn't want it to end!

Hot - Innocent - Perfect! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 14, 2023

Gareth von Kallenbach (968 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
With a canvas as large as the Old West and a reputation for building massive interactive worlds; to say that expectations were high for Red Dead Redemption 2 would be an understatement.

Thankfully Rockstar was more than up to the task and have crafted the ultimate Wild West adventure simulator which gives gamers so many choices along the way.

Playing as a member of the gang forced to take refuge from bitter cold and hostile enemies, players get a tutorial in combat, hunting, riding, and various other skills they will need to survive. In time, players will forge their own path which can involve any number of options from collecting bounties, robbing trains, helping people, and more.

There are countless side quests to go with the main story and each frame of the game is stunning and epic with its sweeping vistas and scenic locales. You truly get a sense of how big the map is by just seeing the time it can take to travel from one locale to another.

Along the way players will upgrade their gear and can find new horses including some rare ones indeed which will take some effort to obtain.

The horses themselves are impressive as they simply are not there to provide transportation, but are vital characters that players need to bond with and develop a solid relationship in order to survive. Bandits and Lawmen are not the only dangers facing players, as there are numerous dangerous animals from Wolves to Bears which players will encounter.

The game does require a solid investment of time as it is not something you can sit down and play an hour at a time. Players will have to pay attention to cut scenes and travel often to get to needed areas and to collect vital resources. While some may find it a bit slow starting out; once you get a couple of chapters in; things really get rolling.

The graphics and sound are highly detailed and very immersive and I remember my wife thinking one segment of gameplay was animation until she saw my weaving style of horsemanship on display.

As I write this, Rockstar has started Beta access for the Online portion of the game which gives players even more options to enjoy. Playing with and against other players is a big draw but naturally some balancing and adjustments will need to be made. I found myself on a mission recently that once I completed the first part, I was unable to locate where to go and what to do next. This was further complicated by restrictions on leaving the mission area. I also attempted to go Lone Wolf and shoot up a town to see what happens as players often do in Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto Series.

Instead of fleeing from the expected mob of Lawmen, I was told that my mission had failed due to the Law being alerted.

It would be nice to be able to customize the controls as I at times found the combat mechanics a bit tricky as I play most of my shooters on a PC and having to be precise or score multiple hits on a moving target with the weapons of the era and a Dual Shock 4 was a bit challenging.

That being said; Red Dead Redemption 2 is a stunning achievement and one that has to be experienced.
Jem and the Holograms: Infinite
Jem and the Holograms: Infinite
Kelly Thompson | 2018 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've never seen the original tv show, but I discovered the Jem and the Holograms comics in my local comic book store and fell in love. Our main character Jerrica and her sisters Kimber, Aja and Shana are all in a band together - there's only one problem. Jerrica has major stage fright and can't perform in front of people. Thankfully their dad was a genius who created realistic hologram technology, which (although not its intended purpose) allows Jerrica to take on an alternate identity, Jem. This rockstar persona allows Jerrica to perform onstage and of course, shenanigans ensue over the course of the plotline.

As a singer myself, I really related to Jerrica because I don't like performing in front of people. I don't know if I could do what she does as Jem, even with the hologram technology but it's fascinating to think about. Despite the fact that it's a comic run and writers don't have the real estate to develop a world and their characters as much as authors can in their books, I still feel that the series is very well done. They tackle personal and social issues, which are so important and make the characters feel more authentic.

This particular bind up deals with a sci-fi style adventure they go off on and doesn't take place in their original universe. As a result, I would recommend beginning the comics series from the start and eventually delving into this storyline. It was very enjoyable and I liked it more than some of the previous storylines, so I would highly recommend it.
So. Much. Anxiety. If I had kids, I would totally be Kate. Lost in between two worlds and failing miserable at balancing them both. I just cannot seem to grasp the high demand job + motherhood balance, and it gives me heart palpitations just thinking about it. EVERYTHING in this book just confirmed that motherhood is not for me! Don't get me wrong - I admire the people who can do it! I just have ZERO faith in myself that I'd ever be able to balance the two without buckets of Xanax and a therapist on speed dial.

Kate Reddy is having a hard time. She's got a high power job and some littles at home and she is struggling making it all work. She refuses to become a Pinterest mom, and doesn't really have the time anyway, plus, her job doesn't take her as serious as they should - because she's a ROCKSTAR, but she's a women, so... well, 'nuff said. Trying to find the time to be a good mom to her kids, wife to Richard, and give her job the attention it deserves - is not working out, and Kate needs to figure out her priorities - and fast!

I love Allison Pearson's writing - its quick, descriptive, and so witty. I get a bit lost in some of the British slang, but it's still fun pretending I understand it. Kate trying to figure out how to be a mother in a man's world, is equally sad and hilarious and I had fun reading this. Next up is How Hard Can it Be! I'm excited to read the follow up to this book and see where Kate has landed at 50!


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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"I don't think I can explain how significant that record was to me. And the more I travel through my life as a musician, the more I find myself coming back to it again and again. My mom had a giant stack of vinyl – mostly classical, with a few rock records. When I was seven or eight years old and started listening to music by myself, that album became the daily soundtrack to my life. I would ask someone to put the record player on for me and I would sit there with big headphones one, listening, and having the record flipped over again and again and again. I would put the music on and just stare at the cover for 45 minutes. The artwork was so important. Sgt Pepper's was full of lyrics I could understand, stories I could follow, music that just made complete sense to me. I understood all of it, and it took me into a world. I think that was the first time I really fell in love with a record. I loved 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' and 'She's Leaving Home', but one of my favourites was the opening track. What I really wanted – what I still want – was to feel like I was at some amazing happening. As a seven-year-old fantasising about being a rockstar, which I was just starting to do, every time I listened to that opening track, I imagined that somewhere there's this group of people in this psychedelic wonderland listening to the Beatles. I didn't have any clue who the Beatles were or what they meant, I didn't have any fucking context. I just knew that if there was a party, this was the one I wanted to be at."


Merissa (11697 KP) rated Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendalls #1) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated May 31, 2023)  
Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendalls #1)
Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendalls #1)
Jennifer Ann | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlie is trying to sort out his solo career, whilst the rest of the band do their own thing, as they all wonder where Danny the drummer disappeared to. Evelyn is a city girl stuck in the country until she just ups and moves to New York, to live with a friend she met online. Now I have to say, I can't figure out if Evelyn is either brave or stupid! To move somewhere, with no job lined up, with someone you've never actually met in person? As I say, brave or stupid.

The connection between these two is instantaneous and hot. The best bit for me is that Evelyn doesn't just jump when Charlie says so. She is naive to his world and admits that from the start. This is part of her charm for Charlie, as she has no false airs and graces.

This is a well-written book, with plenty of action, paparazzi, mystery, suspense and romance. I did feel for Charlie as he tried to figure out what to do and was glad when it all became clear at the end. I am not usually a fan of rockstar romances, but this one ticked most boxes for me. The inner dialogue from Danny started to annoy me though, I know he's a jerk, you don't have to keep telling me. Apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to read more by this author. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 30, 2016
Meet the Misfits (Being Zoey #1)
Meet the Misfits (Being Zoey #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoey’s pretty sure her life is over when her wannaba-rockstar mother uproots her from from their home in Seattle and deposits her in Nowheresville, Oregon to live with her whackadoodle grandparents. Things start to look up, though, when she reconnects with Louisa, the girl from across the street. Maybe, just maybe, Louisa won’t mind that Zoey’s always been a bit of a misfit. Louisa’s ex-BFF, however, doesn’t seem too happy to welcome Zoey to the neighborhood. And when they all end up at church camp together, it’s not just a matter of whether or not Zoey can fit in…it becomes a firsthand lesson in what it really means to “love your enemy.”

When the school year begins, Zoey’s terrified to go without Louisa—who’s out with a nasty flu. The same enemies she made over the summer are there to haunt her, but she and another new girl stick together…and even seem to find a place among the in-crowd. But is this who Zoey wants to be? Are they really her friends? Who’s going to stick beside her when cyber bullying leaves her as the odd girl out?

My Thoughts: This is a wonderful series of books for young "tweenage" girls. Zoey is an interesting young lady who is not your typical girl. Left with grandparents she barely knows Zoey is embarking on a new life and starting a new school. Zoey feels what most young people feel when they move into a new place, that is how to fit in and make friends. But there's Kayla, the girl who just can't seem to like Zoey at all.

Zoey learns to deal with a bully and learns that just like Christ loved everyone, we should also.

This is a wonderful series that I believe all young girls can relate to and will enjoy. The character of Zoey is easy to relate to as she has to make new friends, start a new school. It's all the things young people dread. It will help them understand that they aren't alone in their feelings and how to relate to friendship pressures that occur in day to day life.