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The Martian (2015)
The Martian (2015)
2015 | Sci-Fi
Matt Damon acts well (0 more)
A little boring (0 more)
Slightly overrated, not worth the Oscar hype
I think this Sci-Fi film was slightly overhyped. The premise of this film is about a man stranded on Mars, who attempts to create human existence on this rocky terrain. On Earth, his fellow colleagues are weighing up whether his life is worth saving. The best part was when Matt Damon's character runs out of ketchup and loses the will to live. It's bittersweet, funny at times, but Oscar worthy? I don't think so.
Poems: The Centenary Edition
Poems: The Centenary Edition
Elizabeth Bishop | 2011 | Essays
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A life’s work may occupy shelf upon shelf, or all the genius may be distilled down to a concentrate of wisdom, and I would love to think that I’ve ever thought anything as clearly as Bishop has thought each of her poems. My favorite lines forever: It is like what we imagine knowledge to be: dark, salt, clear, moving, utterly free, drawn from the cold hard mouth of the world, derived from the rocky breasts forever, flowing and drawn, and since our knowledge is historical, flowing, and flown."

Getting Dirty (Dirty, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a good start to the series, it's left me intrigued as to what else will happen with Link and his revenge for what happened to Olivia. I'd also like to know where Rocky fits into the story, regarding Link, anyway. Is something going to happen between them? Or is it more about getting justice for her? I'm interested in finding out.

In a way it reminded me of Lili St. Germain's Gypsy Brothers series in the character getting revenge against the people who wronged them and it's my guilty pleasure read currently.
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
THE RUNTIME (0 more)
I was dreading sitting for 2+ hours to watch this movie, I complained about it all day. But, I'm glad I did. I haven't read the book yet, so I can't comment on how close it was or wasn't to the book.
Jennifer Lawrence seemed to get her Russian accent from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon. It was a little whack, but she did well in the role. Joel Edgerton's character was neither here nor there.
It was a pretty solid espionage thriller, but still, a little long. It was fairly predictable, but it was still interesting.

David McK (3251 KP) rated The Karate Kid (1984) in Movies

Jul 11, 2019 (Updated Aug 12, 2020)  
The Karate Kid (1984)
The Karate Kid (1984)
1984 | Adventure, Drama, Family
"Wax on ... wax off"

Classic 1980s family movie, that is almost like a toned down version of Rocky, and that sees Mr Miyaga train Daniel(san) after he moves to LA and becomes the victim of High school bullying by the local 'in' crowd who also train at the local Doyo whilst a young Elisabeth Shue provides the love interest.

And, I've only just recently found out, the superlative scene where a drunk Mr Miyaga recounts the death of his wife and unborn son in an internment camp was nearly left on the cutting room floor!!
D-Tox (Eye See You) (2002)
D-Tox (Eye See You) (2002)
2002 | Action, Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rambo Sees Rocky
D-Tox aka Eye See You- is a underrrated moive starring a 80's action star and a good supporting cast.

Recovering from the psychological effects of witnessing a brutal crime, FBI Agent Jake Malloy (Sylvester Stallone) checks into a rehabilitation clinic for law enforcement officers in the remote wilderness of Wyoming during the dead of winter. He soon finds himself helping other patients as a serial killer begins killing them one by one.

Its one of Stallone's last theatrical movie before he retired for a bit.

I would reecordmend this movie, it is very underrated.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Creed II (2018) in Movies

Dec 8, 2018 (Updated Dec 8, 2018)  
Creed II (2018)
Creed II (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sport
Eighth movie in the Rocky series is well-nigh miraculous, not for being a well-made sports drama (though it is that) but for revisiting some of the characters and events of Rocky IV (the silliest of these films) and still producing a credible, involving story. Donnie Creed wins the world title, but is challenged by Viktor Drago, the son of the man who killed his father umpty-tump years ago. What follows is a classical story of hubris, comeuppance, and redemption, with powerful themes of parental responsibility, legacy, and what it means to have the heart of a fighter. Plus lengthy sequences of beefy men bashing the living daylights out of each other, and the odd training montage too.

Really quite good in every department: the fights are as predictable as ever, but the storytelling really makes you feel them, and you care about the characters so much it doesn't really matter anyway. Carl Weathers must still be off somewhere muttering bitterly to himself about the fact that (one presumes) he's not making any money off these things, but Stallone does his latter-day character actor thing, Jordan carries the film well, and Tessa Thompson makes the most of a slightly underwritten part. Almost certainly the best movie in the filmography of Dolph Lundgren (this is not saying much) or Brigitte Nielson (this is probably saying even less).
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
2003 | Horror

"And then I’d probably say, to round it out, probably The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. First time going to see that — I remember going to see that. Or Rocky Horror Picture Show, we can make those tied. Finally when I got some wheels and could drive out of town, I would drive for hours and days to go see a movie. I would go to great lengths to see movies. One time I rode my bicycle for seven hours just to see Night of the Living Dead. I did it in the rain, like, “I’m going to see this f—ing movie if it’s the last thing I do!"

Se Taire Pour Une Femme Trop Belle by Fille Qui Mousse
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is off the back of Faust IV being my all-time favourite record. Fille Qui Mousse translates to 'Girl Foam' which is the best name for a project. I found this, again, about a year-and-a-half ago when we were trying to buy records for the apartment. I was in a record shop called Permanent Records in Eagle Rock [in Los Angeles]. I sometimes struggle going to record shops as they are often overwhelming, but in Permanent Records everything was in its right place and the staff would write little notes on the records. There was a sticker that said, ""Do you like Faust IV? Then you will love this record!"" That was enough for me, so I bought it. It's one of those records I put on when I have started cooking or something and I will forget that the record is on. Something will happen on the record and I will think, ""Oh my god, this is amazing!"" It is just the spilling out of someone's brains – it's playful and has hints of the United States Of America at points but then it is totally steeped in this weird jazz-Krautrock. There is a track on it called 'Magic-Bag' which is just the guy singing along to the drums and playing the same rhythm as what he is singing and there is water running in the background. The first time I took notice of the song I thought it was so shit. I don't know exactly what he is singing, but it sounds like ""I like my chunky rocky lane"" and then there is a huge gap and there is water running and he comes back singing ""I like my chunky rocky lane"". The fact that he liked his 'chunky rocky lane' made me realise it was one of the best songs on the album. It's a record that can suddenly surprise you. It's when you are trying to get your teeth into something and at the beginning it is difficult but it keeps reappearing and ends up being something absolutely incredible that you end up loving. It's hugely playful, weird and beautiful at points and abrasive at others. It's huge fun to listen to."

Creed (2015)
Creed (2015)
2015 | Drama
Life for Adonis Johnson (Michael B Jordan) has always been a struggle. He has moved from one facility to another under the care the state constantly fighting for his place in society. When he is adopted by Mary Anne Creed (Phylicia Rashad), he learns that his father was actually legendary fighter Apollo Creed who had a dalliance with his mother and died before Adonis was born. Flash forward year’s later, despite a life of privilege and a good job, Adonis yearns to be a boxer and follow in his father’s footsteps. Unable to secure fights, he travels across the border to fight on the circuit in Mexico where he is undefeated. When able to quench his conflicting emotions, Adonis moves to Philadelphia to live a simpler life. He hopes to take pointers from his father’s chief rival and longtime friend Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), but is at first hesitant to reveal his true connection to Creed. This is the promise of the new film “Creed”, which is a very worthy and in joy of all entry into the popular “Rocky” series. In older, more cautious and world beaten Balboa is hesitant to go back into the world that made him a household name, but eventually is determined to train the young boxer and in doing so both of them learn what it is to be a champion in and out of the ring.

There is the uplifting training and human stories that made the series so popular but what really keeps this from being a retread is the solid work of Jordan and Stallone. Jordan is very much his own character and not trying to copy his father. He is headstrong, impulsive, quick to anger, but also willing to listen to the wisdom of Rocky. Stallone does perhaps his best work in a very long time in a supporting role by playing a more vulnerable and wise character that is not afraid to show his humanity. This is a very welcome change for the actor who is best known as larger-than-life and unstoppable in many of the roles that he portrays. I know it would be considered a long shot but this is the type of performance that veteran actors get award nominations for in a supporting role.

Of course Johnson is leading up to his big fight with destiny that will either make or break him against an overwhelmingly unstoppable opponent but the well-choreographed and paste fight sequences will have you on the edge of your seat and captivated much like the best sequences from the earlier Rocky films.

This was a very solid and entertaining film that should delight fans of the series as well as sports films in general and was one of the most enjoyable surprises of the year.