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Ben-Hur (2016)
Ben-Hur (2016)
2016 | Drama, History
5.9 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Re-make of a re-make, with the first re-make the one that starred Charlton Heston and that - until Titanic came along - I believe held the record for the most number of Oscars for a single movie.

And this is pretty much a straight re-make of that move; pared down somewhat and with Jack Huston's Judah Ben-Hur unable to hold a candle to Heston's take on the same character.

We do, however, still have the same main points from the earlier movie: early 30s AD setting in Jerusalem. Judah forced to become a galley slave after he is wrongly accused of treason by (here) his Roman foster-brother, chariot-racing, his family stricken with Leprosy, miraculous cure following Jesus' crucifixion ...
The Thin Blue Line
The Thin Blue Line
1995 | Classics, Comedy, Crime
7.7 (40 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I have just recently started to rewatch thin blue line, the comedy in this tv series is mild but classic, it has a silliness to the program but still funny different from today comedy (1 more)
Roman Atkinson plays a police Sargent with a girlfriend whom complains about their boring sex life or lack there of. They often role play ideas which become very out there and Ridiculous
The second series is slightly less funny than the first but still funny, I guess this is why there was only two series, if they could of kept up the same comedy from first series, making a third (1 more)
Series would of been nice to see but I feel as the second series didn’t take off as much that’s why it stop at two.
Golden oldies
The Gladiator (Eagle, #9)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Took me a while to get in to, as it follows on (loosely) from the end of Scarrows previous Roman Legion novel, [b:Centurion|1852646|Centurion (Eagle, #8)|Simon Scarrow||1853169]

Once I remembered who was who, and where certain characters had originated from, moved on quite nicely. It probably helps to have read the previous novels before this one (I have), as this refers back to events even further than his usual of one book ago (although it is possible to read this on its own). Also unusually for Scarrow, this has an ending that is undoubtedly leading in to a direct sequel.

(edit in 2018: that would be [b:The Legion|9356279|The Legion (Eagle, #10)|Simon Scarrow||14239688])

Neil Gaiman recommended All That Jazz (1979) in Movies (curated)

All That Jazz (1979)
All That Jazz (1979)
1979 | Drama, Musical, Sci-Fi
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Second film: All That Jazz, Bob Fosse. It’s an incredibly hopeful, uplifting art journey and you know, on the one hand it’s about a man who is killing himself through over-work and who is over-extended and miserable and is going to die of a heart attack, and on the other hand, it’s Bob Fosse’s celebration of the fact that he didn’t die of a heart attack. He came through, and now he’s going to take the events that precipitated him into his heart attack, create a roman à clef around them, and build something magical, which he does. There’s a sort of strange and lovely honesty to it that, the first time I saw it when I was about 15/16 and it was on television, I found arresting, and it’s magic."


Bai Ling recommended Roman Holiday (1953) in Movies (curated)

Roman Holiday (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)
1953 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s a very personal choice because when I came to America from mainland China, I was an actress, but I never knew about Hollywood. I had heard of Hollywood but we didn’t have access to see Hollywood movies. A photographer was taking pictures of me and said, “You remind me of this actress named Audrey Hepburn.” I said, “Who is that?” He said, “Bai Ling, you have to watch her films,” and he found me Roman Holiday. That was the first Hollywood movie I’d ever seen. And it’s still one of my favorites, because it first introduced me to Hollywood — beautiful, romantic, very graceful, and elegant. I would like to remake it — I hope some director can help me, maybe Steven Soderbergh or Wong Kar-Wai. [Laughs] What I remember about those old Hollywood films is that when a leading lady and a leading man meet, they don’t have to say anything; you already know they’re in love. You root for them; you want them to be together. That’s the magic of Hollywood. I think somehow today we’ve lost a little bit of it, and you don’t care as much if two characters get together. But Roman Holiday makes you smile, makes your heart smile, makes your heart sing for these two people. Gregory Peck is gentle and elegant, the kind of tall leading man that I like. I think we should remake the film. Everybody in America, in Asia, and in Europe, would appreciate it. The beautiful, pure, romantic story — I wish I would play a role like that, because I have a romantic soul. I’d like to bring that purity to the audience, to have their fantasy fulfilled."

The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
Rick Riordan | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
While the demigods on the Argo II race across ancient Greece, Reyna and Nico are racing back to Camp Half-Blood. But will their efforts be enough to reunite the Greek and Roman sides of the gods in time to defeat Gaea?

With so much happening, there is little time to backtrack and bring new readers into the story. However, longtime fans will be richly rewarded with the wonderful storytelling here. The plot moves quickly between the two sets of characters and builds to an impossible to put down climax. The characters we love continue to grow as well. It’s hard to say goodbye to these great characters, but this is a great end to an epic series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Eagle in the Sand (Eagle, #7)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Last book (so far) in Simon Scarrows Macro and Cato series to include the use of the word 'Eagle' in the title - before the series as a whole was rebranded - and the first book to be set in the Eastern provinces (unlike the earlier novels, set in and around Europe).

The events of this one, instead, take place in Judea, mainly centring around a small fort on the outpost of the Roman Empire. While its not essential to have read the earlier novels, it may help, with the occassional passing reference to earlier events.

I also have to say that it could be easy to take offence at the way certain famous historical personages - one in particular - are portrayed, but at the end of the day, this is only a work of fiction and doesn't purport to be anything but.
The Avengers - Season 3
The Avengers - Season 3
1963 | Thriller
The third series of The Avengers is slicker, more confident, and slightly more inclined towards silliness than the one before, particularly as Brian Clemens writes more of the scripts. The occasional very serious thriller or crime episode still sneaks through, and these are often very good, but for the first time one finds stories about lunatics looking to restore the Roman Empire in addition to plots about drug smuggling.

It's still a slightly mixed bag but the two stars are endlessly watchable and the chemistry between them is great. The best episodes bear comparison to ones from the better-known filmed seasons that made up the rest of the series' run. Maybe not quite up to the standard of those later shows, but this is the foundation they were built on, and entertaining in its own right.
The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2)
The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2)
Rick Riordan | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my gosh...I LOVED this book!
I wasn't crazy about The Lost Hero. It was good, but just not what I was expecting. The sequel on the other hand was amazing! I could have easily stayed up all night reading it, if I didn't have to go to school & teach 20 4th graders the next day.
There was so much going on. Percy is back! I was thrilled about that. He is tossed into a very interesting situation by stumbling upon a Roman version of Camp Half-Blood. To make it worse, he can't remember much about his life before then, except for Annabeth of course!
I can not wait for the next installment. I'm keeping my figres crossed that it is just as good as this one! You've got a lot of work ahead of you Mr. Riordan, if you are going to accomplish that task!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition) in Tabletop Games

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)
Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)
2014 | Horror, Murder & Mystery, Roleplaying
Latest edition of Chaosium's landmark horror RPG. Default setting is the 1920s and 1930s; default milieu is H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, as the title suggests - but the game has proven almost infinitely flexible, with published supplements set everywhere from the Roman Empire to a bleak Aliens-esque future. Emphasis is on investigation rather than combat - regular player character death and insanity come as part of the package.

This revised edition switches the whole system to a percentile basis, the first big change in many years. It's not a substantial alteration and most of the system is unchanged. It is still a little crunchy compared to some modern narrative-heavy games, and there are a few tricky questions you have to resolve if you want to play an extended campaign, but this is, as ever, an immensely engaging and enjoyable game when played with the right group.