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Burn Baby Burn (Fairytales of the Myth #1)
Burn Baby Burn (Fairytales of the Myth #1)
Miranda Grant | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ella and Cadeyrn have been captured by the enemy, Ella has promised to get her revenge for their capture and her fathers death whatever it takes or how long she will make them pay. This is fairytales of the myth #1 Miranda Grant claims it is a dark steamy retelling of Cinderella it certainly is that!

I was absolutely hooked with this book ,I actually was disappointed when i realised that id finished the book, It felt that id only just started reading it! i find it very interesting some of the things learnt like i genuinely didn't know that a slave master in roman times were actually known as Domina/Dominus.

    It certainly is steamy but i must say the sex scene of the threesome did actually bring tears to my eyes bloomin eck! A rather rough session!
 I was fascinated with the growth of Ella and the discovery of her true self and the things she had hidden.

I cannot wait for the next book in this series deffinatly one i am going to continue to read, i am also going to look at some of Miranda's other series as they too look fantastic
Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2018)
Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama
fighting for others but fighting for yourself
Roman (Washington) is a defense attorney who is basically kept behind the scenes more as an advisory position partner who he has worked with for 20 plus years dies of an heart attack and the practice is being dissolved. George (Farrllel) is a head partner at the firm that has acquired Roman'f firms cases and is offered an position because of his knowledge of the law and his caring for his clients. He has abides by the law his whole life but a life changing event happens and he sees an opportunity to do something for him even if it is against his morals and the law. How does he live with himself afterwards and what becomes him only the story can tell you.

Lots of lawyer movies you see these days involve the lawyer to get involved in some type of action sequence. This movie brings us to a great story, a good plot and a great cast. The only problem with it is that it is a little slow and at times and makes you kind of not interested but, then it picks back up again. This is a must for any Denzel Washington fan. Colin Farrell is very good as well
Catching Fire
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (179 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in Suzanne Collins' <i>The Hunger Games</i> trilogy, this is a true sequel to the first in the sense that it shares the same characters and refers to the same events as the original (as opposed to 'only' being set in the same universe).

At the start of the novel, and having survived <i>The Hunger Games</i>, Katniss is back in District 12 in the company of her mother, sister, and Peeta. Things aren't entirely all rosy, however, as her stunt with the berries has enraged President Snow (and the Capitol), who is now looking for ways to further punish her, leading to her heading back into the arena ...

I have to say, the parallels between the Capitol and ancient Rome are even more pronounced this time round than previously, especially in an early(ish) scene where Katniss and Peeta attend a banquet in the Capitol: a banquet that provides it's guests with the means to be sick so they can eat more more, while those in the districts starve (the myth of the Roman Vomitorium, anyone?). Once again, this is told in the immediate first-person sense, with the novel also ending in a definite cliff-hanger for the final part of the trilogy.
The Blood Crows (Eagle, #12)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 12 in Simon Scarrow's (what was originally called) Eagle series (before the 'Eagle' moniker was dropped with the publication of [b:Centurion|2993197|Centurion|L.D. Alford||3023669]), with this one seeing the return of Roman soldiers Macro and Cato back to the scene of the first novels: back to the still-untamed Britain.

The newly promoted Prefect Cato (who has thus overtaken his old mentor and friend Macro - now a Centurion - in rank), as well as Centurion Macro, are given the task of taking command of a military outpost on the borders of the empire: a military outpost in which the previous Prefect has been killed in mysterious circumstances, and in which (it proves) the current Commander and his Blood Wolves are carrying out a policy of total war against the inhabitants of the valley in which the fort is situated.

It's not long before Cato has to assert his own authority, as well as finding ways to deal with hordes of vengeful natives on his doorstep ...

As before in the series, I found this to be an enjoyable read: it will also be interesting to see where the series goes next! :)
The Huntress (Tales of Pern Coen: Bloodlines #2)
The Huntress (Tales of Pern Coen: Bloodlines #2)
Hannah E. Carey | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE HUNTRESS is the second book in the Tales of Pern Coen (Bloodlines) series and continues on from The Hunter.

A blast from Conor's past makes herself known but the war has changed both of them. Rhian is just coming into her own strength so will she fight for Conor if needed?

I thoroughly enjoyed book one and commented on the mix of Celtic names and fantasy places. This one is even better, with more details given about the Spirits of the land and what they represent.

This series definitely gives me a Roman Empire vs. the Druids of Mona feeling, with a better outcome for the druids, hopefully!

The ending was absolutely wonderful. The only thing I wanted was a bit more into the ending of a certain sorceress. It just felt as though it was over a bit too quickly, as in, blink and you miss it. Not enough for me to knock a star off though.

A fantastic partner to The Hunter and HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Mark of Athena
The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan | 2013 | Children
8.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Three in the Heroes of Olympus series did not disappoint! I have to admit that out of all Rick Riordan's series this has been my least favorite, but I really enjoyed this installment. It is literally a cliffhanger...if that cliff is hanging over Tartarus & is under a parking lot in Rome that is!
All the characters have matured nicely and I have to say that was a pleasant surprise. Percy & Annabeth's relationship has followed the same line. But despite all the characters in the book, I have to say my favorite is Leo Valdez; the brainiac of the demigods. He was very funny in this book & easy to like. His personality was developed a lot more throughout this story so the reader gets to know him on another level.
As for the plot, a war breaks out between the Greek & Roman camps thanks to some nasty spirits taking over Leo. Despite this, the 7 demigods & Coach Hedge, the satyr, must embark on a mission to unite the 2 camps & prevent Gaea & her giants from destroying the world. Needless to say, it isn't easy & they run amok of quite a few gods & monsters on the way.
I am really looking forward to seeing how Riordan wraps up this series!! I have a sinking feeling that it may be the end of Percy Jackson though...
Young Bloods (Revolution, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Back in 2006/07, Simon Scarrow took a short break from writing his more famous Eagle/Cato series of books to concentrate on a new quadrilogy of books, centred around two military greats opposed to each other: Arthur Wellesley (the future Duke of Wellington) and Napoleon Bonaparte.

This is the first of those books, taking it roughly sectiona bout to follw each character through the trials and tribulations of their early life and formative years: through Arthur Wesley (as it was initailly spelled) early life in Ireland, to his move to Engalnd and back again to Dublin alongside Napoleon Bueno Parte (as the Corsican spelling has it) education in France, his attempts to gain Corsican indendepence and his rise during the period of the French Revolution.

As the first in the sereis, this (I felt) did not have - maybe - the 'grip' of the earlier Cato/Macro Roman legion books: there was nothing really in this that made me want to rush out and complete the set.

Having said, that, however, that is just what I did (complete the set), but more from a sense of completionism than for any other real reason. From what I remember (it's been a while since I read them - I may go back and do just that), the sequels are better!
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
Rather funny yet heartwarming
Being a huge Taika Waititi fan I had high expectations for this film and whilst I did enjoy it, it wasn't quite as amazing as I'd expected.

First of all, I expected this film to be a full on oddball comedy - I mean Hilter as his imaginary friend? However this film is a lot less oddball comedy and a lot more like Hunt for the Wilderpeople, a heartwarming drama with a few comic moments thrown in. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely laughs in this. Mostly coming from Waititi's hilarious Hilter or from Sam Rockwell's Captain who were by far my favourite characters. And Jojo himself is a lovable protagonist and well acted by Roman Griffin Davis. The problem is that the second half of the film was way too serious and while this was heartwarming and sweet at times, it became a little heavy. When Waititi and Rockwell popped up they were a very welcome comic relief.

Despite the rather heavy serious side, this is still a very lovable and entertaining film and definitely one to watch. It's rare to find a film that would have you laughing and crying in equal parts, although I do still wish it was weighted slightly more on the comic side - it definitely needed more Waititi as Hitler!
Hearts of Stone
Hearts of Stone
Simon Scarrow | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not quite what the blurb makes out
Whilst I do associate Simon Scarrow with the genre of historical fiction, these tend to be set further back in history: mainly around the time of the Roman Empire; there or thereabouts.

Until recently, I've tended to avoid his few works that are more contemporary in nature, only recently (towards the end of last year) reading Blackout as I felt they were 'too close' (if that makes sense) for comfort for me in that there are still people alive who lived through the setting.

I must admit, I did quite enjoy Blackout so thought I would also give this a go, due to the roughly the same (WW2) setting.

This novel flits back and forth between then and 'now' (of 2013), as the descendants of the main 1940s settings character start to discover more about their ancestors - in particular, as history teacher Anna uncovers the story of her maternal grandmother Eleni, who participated in the Greek resistance on the island of Lefkas during 1943.

The whole had-a-German-friend in 1939 thing almost seems incidental to the story (he's not), until roughly about the final third.

And yes, I did pick up on the arguments in favour of teaching history (a subject I did, mostly, enjoy in school) passages.
The finale to B.K. Greenwood's 'The Last Roman' trilogy, bringing to a close (?) the story of the immortals Marcus, Isabella and Thomas first started in Exile, and continued in Abyss.

AS before, this is a mix of Highlander meets Jason Bourne (as I read a advert put it), jumping between the 'then' (pieces of the last 2000 years of history) and 'now', as Doyle and Thomas get nearer and nearer to triggering their end-game of the Apocalypse.

Yes, that Apocalypse.

So we've moved even further away from the initial set-up, more and more into the territory that came into prominence towards the end of Exile and more into the realms of the Supernatural (is that even the right word for it?).

Not, I want to make it clear, that that is any way a detriment to the work - I just want to be clear, from the outset, that that is the type of work you will be reading.

I did find this to be better than Abyss, but maybe not quite as good as Exile. I've also hear (read) that there are prequels stories - and, with a range of 2000 years, quite a scope of history for those to be set in - so, while I may read those I'm currently unsure whether I would purchase them or utilise Kindle Unlimited (if they are on that).