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Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
1992 | Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi
Another Coppola classic!
Coppola's take on the classic Dracula story is to use the book as the source! So many of the other adaptations, including the 1931 classic, changed or combined characters, rather than stay true to the source material.

So many of his decisions were great when making the film including firing his original visual effects team and hiring his son, Roman Coppola to take a more "traditional" route when setting up the film's look through "old school" techniques instead of the modern day approach the original team wanted. The result was very unique, almost "cheapish" looking, but the way the filmmaker wanted it to look.

There has been much written over the years about Keanu Reeves' role in the film and how he felt out of place with the rest of the remarkable cast. In retrospect, he may have been miscast, but I have grown to enjoy his performance over years. The performances of Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins (fresh off his cannibalistic Oscar win) certainly carry the film. Oldman almost makes the character of Dracula a sympathetic one. You almost want to root for him to be successful instead of damning him back to hell as the master vampire.

Overall, one of my top 3 vampire flicks of all time and a consistent rewatch. Just purchased on 4K which made the look and fell, colors and darkness of the film as fresh as ever. Highly recommended.

Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
A.P. Foote | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
190 of 200
Revelations ( The Nephilim series book 1)
By A.P. Foote

Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace. Supernaturals aren’t real and the only thing you have to fear are humans. Got that? Okay. Now, forget all of it, because that’s not my world.
Moving from Plant City, Florida to Seattle, Washington was supposed to be my do-over. No reminders of the pain and no supernaturals. But I was very, very wrong. The angels disappeared long ago--so we thought--but vampires, demons, warlocks, shifters…you name it, they’re all over the place. They control this town and everything in it. Four of them even claim I am their destined mate. The worst part? The demon, Azazel, wants me. And not in the best way.
I’ve just discovered I’m Lucifer’s daughter as well as the most powerful Nephilim on the planet. But that doesn’t stop Azazel. He wants my soul and will do anything to have it.
With the help of my mates and a few unexpected friends I’ve picked up along the way, we will eliminate the threat while making a statement to anyone else who tries to disrupt order on this plane or any other. Easy, right?

This was exactly what I wanted I love anything written around the angels and demons scene also throw the geek or Roman gods in too! This was fast paced and kept you engrossed! A new author for me and I really enjoyed this book!
Crown of Embers ( The Chosen book 3)
Meg Anne | 2022
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
32 of 230
Crown of Embers ( The Chosen book 3)
By Meg Anne

"If it's a war she wants, I'll damn well give her one."

Kiri Helena Solene may have gotten her mate back, but that was just the beginning. The battle lines have been drawn, and her nemesis has already struck the first blow.

Surrounded by her Circle, Helena's power continues to grow. However, this time, power alone will not be enough. To save the Chosen, Helena must seek out the Forsaken to forge new alliances with those long forgotten by her kind. But will they be friend or foe? After centuries of neglect, is it too late to mend the wounds of time?

Rowena will stop at nothing to prove that Elysia and the Chosen are hers. With Elysia on the brink of destruction, it's time for all of the Chosen to remember who, and what, they are.

Their fate depends on it.

Well this book didn’t hold back! We start of mourning Anderson and seeing Helena try to deal with grief as well as bringing the forsaken together. I have spent all book thinking omg I wish Darrin would stop being such a bitch then bam he’s turned to ash saving his love! Well I didn’t see that coming and felt kinda bad for being so harsh about him. On a high note Roman is officially a circle member. This is a decent series.
Supermoon: Cade & Sal's Story (The Dark Cities Trilogy #1)
Supermoon: Cade & Sal's Story (The Dark Cities Trilogy #1)
Sarah Carpenter | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You know, it's been so long since I read a 'vampire' book that was different, but this one has ticked that particular box for me, along with many others. The world has changed, and not everyone thinks that it is a good thing. The vampires are now ruling supreme, whilst shifters are the ones providing the muscle on the farms and mines, working in harsh conditions; and the humans are slaves, and have to wear red to show their position as a 'blood bag'.

This story really starts when Cade is chosen to represent his city in a fight in which there is literally only one winner. It is last one standing (think of Roman gladiators!). Sal is chosen to be one of the human servants who will look after the shifters until such time as they go and fight.

This book is violent, funny, vicious, and hopeful. My heart was in my mouth every time a vampire came near Sal. Cade does a fantastic job of trying to speak to Sal without the vampires knowing. With sweet, yet hot, romance, this book was a delight that I just couldn't put down. I am definitely looking forward to reading more by this author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 31, 2016

David McK (3248 KP) rated Britannia in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Simon Scarrow | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
14th entry in [a: Simon Scarrow|60636|Simon Scarrow|]'s Roman Army series of novels (that began with [b: Under the Eagle|578428|Under the Eagle (Eagle, #1)|Simon Scarrow||565359] and which, initially all had that word (Eagle) somewhere in their title), this concerns yet another attempt by the Romans to wipe out the Druidic cult that is responsible for most of the opposition to their conquest after the defeat of Caratacus.

With Macro injured early on and left behind to hold the fort (literally) while Cato marches off, under orders from his legate, to capture the Druid stronghold of the Isle of Mona, the novel is perhaps unusual in that the two main characters are apart for a large part of the read. Things, of course, do not go to plan, with the tail end of the novel (for some reason) reminding me quite strongly of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow ...

it is, of course, always the curse(?) of the literary hero to be in the thick of the action; to act (perhaps) out of character in relation to certain situations and threats - let's face it, it would be a pretty boring read otherwise! With that in mind, I can quite easily forgive the, perhaps, more flagrant examples of throwing the hero in the midst of things simply for the sake of doing so - the prime example being the rescue of the sailors from the shipwreck.

David McK (3248 KP) rated Invictus in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
Simon Scarrow | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard to believe this is now book number 15 in [a:Simon Scarrow|60636|Simon Scarrow|]'s now-so-called 'Eagles of the Empire' series: a series that, originally, was set during the Roman invasion of Brittania (in [b:Under the Eagle|578428|Under the Eagle (Eagle, #1)|Simon Scarrow||565359]) and that had Carto as being junior to Macro - a situatuion that, by this point in their ongoing adventures, has reversed itself with Cato now the more senior of the two.

As this starts, Macro and Cato are on their way back to Rome (after the events of [b:Britannia|25028364|Britannia (Eagle, #14)|Simon Scarrow||44703249]: a novel in which, at the end, Cato received some unfortunate news. Distressibng news that, as the plot develops, becomes more and more only the tip of the iceberg (and that leads me to wonder if the author was letting his real-life experiences influence him when he was writing this? Or am I just reading too much into it? (as he has not been shy about sharing certain aspects on social media)), with this plot leading Cato and Macro to join a compny of the Praetorian Guard on an extended campaign, in which they have to defend a slave mine from a local uprising in Spain - an uprising that, to be fair, has a pretty valid reason behind it.

Once again, a thoroughly enjoyable read.
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For a debut novel, Quinn's 500 page Roman epic impresses. The blub describes it as 'aimed squarely at the female market' but I'm sure men would find something to enjoy in here too; on reflection I think I'd be more likely to lend it to be brother than my mother!

The narrative in the book is a bit odd and it took a little while for me to get used to it. Large chunks are in the first person, mainly from one of the two main female characters. This sometimes would get confussing when switching between the two, especially when these two characters are together, early in the novel. The text will then switch back into a third person narrative. Overall I think Quinn has made this narrative device work quite well, it just takes a bit of getting used to.

The character of Lepida is through and through nasty, with not a single redeeming characteristic, so while one is happy to see her meet Nemesis (did the Roman's have an equivalent?!) she is really a bit of a one-dimentional character.

There is a note at the end of the book which explains a little more about what is historical fact and what is taking a bit of a liberty; that's the sort of thing that I do like in an historical novel - I think it's helpful.

I found this a gripping, hard-to-put-down read, although it's pretty violently, both in the fighting and the sexual stakes; not one for the squeamish!
The House with the Golden Door
The House with the Golden Door
Elodie Harper | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amara’s story in The House with the Golden Door picks up where The Wolf Den ended. Amara now lives in a house provided by her patron, Rufus, and she must cater to his every whim, even though she’s a freed woman. He provides all that she needs to live - without him, she may as well return to the Wolf Den.

But Amara feels a responsibility to free or buy the friends she has left behind.

I loved the world building in this book. And even though she’s supposedly free, she is still constrained by her sex and status. Being a woman doesn’t seem like much fun at any point in history. Whilst Roman women may have had more rights than many others, I struggled to see any advantages. Whilst I live reading about history, I have NO wish to travel back in time. Only men could do that in relative safety, I think. And I’m happy with my antibiotics and my rights, thanks!

So Amara decides to work with her strengths, and continues to sing for money with Victoria and two slaves that she buys with the help of a friend.

It becomes apparent though, that Rufus is becoming bored with Amara, and she starts playing a dangerous game.

I seriously can’t wait until the third part of this trilogy. You just know that there’s going to be a pretty BIG event coming up (Vesuvius, anyone?!), and I’m desperate to know how this all plays out.
Highly recommended.
Original Pirate Material by The Streets
Original Pirate Material by The Streets
2002 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I liked the intro really, it was so inspiring. ""I'm forty-fifth generation Roman,"" where did he come up with that?! Hip hop is massive in Nottingham. There's a massive black community, it's a multicultural city and people just mingle, you know, and share ideas. People were not sure about this idea of a white guy rapping. Even white guys were not sure about it. He's not rapping really - well he is, but he isn't. But you couldn't deny it really, it's all great. The second track, 'Has It Come To This', that kind of dubstep, garage thing. I never even listened to the second album. White people rapping, it needs to be done well. No offense to the guy, but I wouldn't view Professor Green as the same thing, it's more Americanised. Jake Bugg tried to do it on his last album and it just sounded terrible, what was he doing? I can understand him being inspired by stuff, but he needs to check himself. I liked the dry high street observations on this album, the stuff about eating a fry up in a greasy spoon. The stuff that would warm you to him straight away - fried tomatoes, scrambled eggs. That conversation he has with his dad: ""Hold it down son…"" We all do it, ""No, I'm going to be alright, it will work out."" I listened to this when it came out. I was still doing folky and acoustic stuff at this time, it wasn't very good. It took years for me to think about doing something like this. For a long time I thought it was out of my reach, I thought I couldn't do it."

The Solder Who Killed a King: A True Retelling of the Passion
David Kitz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to fiction books that are centered around Biblical times, it takes a really good author to hook me into the story line. Don't get me wrong, I love reading my Bible, however, not every author can create a story that brings the Biblical portion off the book pages and to the reader like a movie screen. David Kitz, however, truly hooked me with this book, and took me a first-class whirlwind ride through history. 

I absolutely felt every emotion of this book, watching, most often on the edge of my seat, as Christ was cruxified. This book really brings to life the Biblical and the historical detail. As I watched the Roman Centurion who was tasked with awful task, I found myself with tears in my eyes, both for him, and for Christ. It was a heartwrenching, gut twisting, thought provoking story of sacrifice and pain. 

This book......anything less than a 5 star review would be a disgrace. The style of which David Kitz wrote this novel is stunning and captivating. This book is definitely not for everyone though. If you are a reader of Biblical fiction, if you want to see what happened during that eventful week in time, then this book is for you. You will not be disappointed and you will want more! I know I am already ready for another beautifully written novel of Biblical times by this superbly talented author! Grab this book and be prepared for a jaw dropping experience of watching the cruxifixion come to play. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>