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ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Last Hour in Books

Mar 28, 2018  
The Last Hour
The Last Hour
Harry Sidebottom | 2018 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Roman 24!!
That was one crazy ride from start to finish! The author has said that it's a historical take on 24 (the TV show with Jack Bauer/ Kiefer Sutherland), and he isn't wrong. But where I got fed up with the TV show, this kept my attention from start to finish. The attention to historical detail is so good (you can tell that the author is an academic - he knows how to do his research!), and sitting in my living room reading the book, I was transported to ancient Rome with all the sights and smells (my drains work just fine, thank you!).
The main character, Ballista is instantly likeable. A man with morals and honour, he discovers a plot to assassinate the Emperor that runs deep in the political and military world of Rome. He, and he alone, is the one to stop the assassination of his friend, the Emperor Gallienus. Rightly or wrongly, whether he agrees with the way that Gallienus runs the Empire or not, he is duty bound to save him - if only to save the lives of his wife and children.
I would love to be able to pick out and describe a favourite part of the book, but that comes well in to the second half (and I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone else!). I haven't read a book with quite so much action in a long time. There were some real 'heart in mouth' sections, and great character building (how Harry Sidebottom found the time and space to do that, well! I suppose that's why he writes and I don't!).
I will be on the look out for more of the authors books!
Thanks to The Pigeonhole for the chance to read this book!
The One Safe Place
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Review of an uncorrected bound manuscript.
<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a gripping tale by Tania Unsworth aimed at older children, although completely enjoyable by teens and adults too. Written in the third person and set in the not so distant future, we follow Devin’s story.

In the future the climate has changed, the temperature has risen and rain is very rare. The opening scene reveals Devin, a young boy, on a farm, digging a grave to bury his grandfather who has recently died (presumably of old age and not something sinister). Devin, now alone, decides to head to the city, a place he has never visited, in order to find some help for the farm. The problem is he has never once left the farm and knows nothing of the real world. Here he meets Kit, a young girl on her own living on the roof of a building, and decides to tag along with her. But then they meet Roman who promises them a safe home. Although skeptical, they decide to trust him and thus they arrive at the <i>Gabriel H. Penn Home For Childhood</i>. The place is amazing and has everything a child could want: toys, games, clothes, individual bedrooms, a swimming pool, and most importantly, food and drink. So why are all the other children walking around in limbo, uninterested in everything around them?

Devin, with the help of his friends, and his synesthesia, soon discovers and pieces together what is wrong about the home. The pace picks up as they plan their escape leading to the exciting ending.

<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a book young readers will love. Well what child would not love a book where the children outsmart the adults?
I got this as a freebie a few months ago as I hunted for books to finish my Paranormal Roman & Urban Fantasy A-Z challenge on Goodreads.

This starts with Avaline doing her job as a lifeguard at the lake when she is attacked with magic by two assailants who know her name. She wakes up a month later to learn she, too, has magic. A dangerous magic. She has two choices and decides to stay at the school to learn how to control her vox magic.

I can't decide whether I liked this or not.

Everything was happening so quickly in it. She meets the guys, she lusts after them, she sleeps with one of them very quickly. She gets to lessons and on her second try ever she manages to make fire. I just expected things to take time...for her to initially struggle considering she didn't even know she had magic until a day or two ago.

I struggled to connect with the characters and wasn't really convinced by their relationships. I didn't feel any real sort of chemistry going on between any of them. Once again, I feel like this bit was rushed. I get lust but... I wasn't a fan of how the author wrote the romance parts.

This story had a lot of promise but we don't really learn much of anything. Ava learns about magic in lessons but we don't get to hear it. To me it feels like a bit of paper that's been scrunched into a ball and then flattened causing creases and ripples that means some details in the story have been glossed over. It could do with expanding a little with more details on certain aspects.

At this point I don't believe I'll be reading more of this series.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
a good story (0 more)
a bit slow in parts (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is the 9th film by Quinton Tarantino. Set in 1969 the film follows Rick Dolton, an actor whose career is on it's way down and his stunt double and friend Cliff Booth. Although this is a Tarantino movie it is not an action movie but more of a ‘slice of life’ movie with some action scenes.
Like all Tarantino movies, when there is no action, and there is very little action, the film crawls at a slow pace with lots of set up, dialog and driving meaning that nothing much happens for the first hour and a half. This time is used to set up the characters and the three intertwining time lines; The main one with Rick and Cliff, one that follows Sharon Tate and one that follows the Manson family.
As with most Tarantino film’s the narrative isn't linear with a lot of Rick’s back story being told by flashbacks and clips from films and T.V. shows, both real and fictional.
I have said that this is not an action film but it does have a few violent scenes, including people getting burnt with a flame thrower. The film culminates with the Manson family's murder of Karen Tate and Roman Polanski, however, as with Inglorious Bas****ds the film goes off on a different tangent from what really happened.
There are a few ‘meta' moments in ‘Once upon a time in Hollywood’ including a moment where Rick is reading a book that is echoing his life and other moments where Rick and Cliff interact with other real actors, most of whom don't play themselves (partly because some of the real actors are dead) creating and oddly unreal atmosphere.
Under a Wicked Moon (The Crown&#039;s Wolves #2)
Under a Wicked Moon (The Crown's Wolves #2)
Zoe Forward | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
UNDER A WICKED MOON is the second book in The Crown's Wolves series. Roman and Nova started the series; Vivi and Ky continue it. We start off with Ky going undercover - alone. He knows his brothers will be slightly miffed as they've always agreed to never go it alone. However, when the douchebag - sorry, I mean, the monarch - gives an order, Ky has no option but to do as he is told. There, he meets Vivi. The attraction is instantaneous but, being as the humans appear to want them to breed, both Vivi and Ky are determined to fight it every step of the way. It gets more complicated once they escape, moving the story along in leaps and bounds.

I thoroughly enjoyed book one, and book two is no different. I love these brothers, how they are so different in so many ways, and yet loyalty runs strong and true amongst them all. You get more hints at another brother, which I am also loving. Of course, you know it's not going to be easy for Vivi and Ky but I never realised just how hard. Oh, my poor heart got pummelled!

However, it was a brilliant read, keeping my attention from the first word to the last. I am loving how this story is moving and changing, even though the monarch doesn't appear to change at all. Jerk! I'm guessing it will be Shane's turn next, but whether it's him or Flynn, I'll be happy either way.

A great addition to the series that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Bad Moon Rising (The Crown's Wolves #1) in Books

Nov 8, 2021 (Updated Jul 10, 2023)  
Bad Moon Rising (The Crown&#039;s Wolves #1)
Bad Moon Rising (The Crown's Wolves #1)
Zoe Forward | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BAD MOON RISING is the first book in The Crown's Wolves series, and let's start with the fact that the Crown is a complete douche with (probably) criminal ties to a syndicate.

Okay, moving on. Nova wakes with no memory of who or what she is. She just has a name tattooed on her wrist, plus a mobile that keeps giving her instructions. She follows the instructions (possibly the only time in the book) and finds Roman. Then the story really gets going as people blow up and we enter a world of lycanthropes and magic.

Now, stick with me here because this may not sound good, but this was a confusing book. There is SO much going on and the reader has no idea about any of it. This is normal though for the first book in the series. There is always a lot of world-building to do, but there is a LOT in here. Bad Moon Rising hosts a number of characters, some dead, that you will learn about, plus lifestyles, weaknesses, etc.

Don't think you will walk away knowing what's going on though. Oh, no! This is not a book for those who like everything tied with a neat bow at the end. This series is only just getting started and you will be left with more questions than answers.

A great book though with an individual storyline and take on the paranormal world, and one I can't wait to continue.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 8, 2021
154 of 230
A Path of Darkness and Runes ( The Fallows book 1)
By Marnie L. Norton

The Fallow, a hallowed place and sanctuary for the beasts and creatures of the Continent, has been desecrated. The balance between the human and magical world has been ruptured.
Rhona is haunted by memories and revolts against the natures and traditions to which she has been born into. Marrying her betrothed, Elias, being one of them. She is part of a travellers community known as the 'Unwanted'.
When a night time raid, causes her brethren to flee across the Continent in search of safer dwellings; Rhona, along with her brother, Roman, and Elias, cross paths creatures of the Fallow - which sets them on a course of self discovery, redemption and magic.
Rhona must fight the dark forces at work from the Fallow, as well as battle the dark memories which threaten to break her at every turn. Now a pawn in a potential war between the magical folk and humans, Rhona must look past her own trauma to work at hunting the Lycan. Rhona must now put her life on the line to redeem her soul in a life debt against the Trinity, the Maiden, Mother and Crone.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much a I loved this book. One of the easiest 5⭐️ reads of the year. Absolutely brilliant debut novel. I love the characters, the story and the world building. It’s full of creatures and magic and beautifully written. I found this author on TikTok and just loved her content I’m so glad I did. I can not wait for book 2 as I had so many emotions running by the end of this one.

Rob P (30 KP) rated Norse Mythology in Books

Apr 22, 2019 (Updated Apr 23, 2019)  
Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
Neil Gaiman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
very accessible (3 more)
reads like an anthology
simplified for story format
great starting point
no information related to the Norse religion as it was practiced. (1 more)
presumes the knowledge of certain intricacies on behalf of the reader
Norse My"Thor"logy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ah what an enjoyable read.

I love mythology, and this book is a great starting point if you wish to know about the more "Hollywood" stars of Norse myth (Odin, Thor, Loki, the dwarves and frost giants, Hel (or Hela, as marvel would have it) Frey and Freya and Mimir and Heimdall and a host of others whose names you may have heard).

One of the acclaims on the front of the book sums this up quite well. "Gaiman takes on the role of the fireside Bard" - it's an easy metaphor to use, as this really is a collection of stories simplified to tales of adventure and deceit.

The vikings (or Scandinavians in general) were clearly looking to explain certain phenomena using these characters (much like Greek and Roman mythology) and I love reading about that. Trying to put myself in the position of an awed villager hearing thunder and the seeing the flash of lighting, reasoning that it must be the indomitable Thor, wielding the mighty Mjollnir, ending the life of a wicked Frost Giant with a gigantic blow. Or feeling an earthquake, and believing it must be Loki, trapped in his mountain prison, the burn of the snake's venom corroding his face as his screams of agony set the very mountains to trembling. Waiting for Ragnarok to break his bonds and have his revenge on the gods. Wonderful stuff.

If you have any interest in mythology and (like me) you don't want to dive into more reference or poetry-based offerings right away, this is a great place to start.

I guarantee that once you do, you may very well want to carry on into the more heavy hitting titles out there pertaining to Norse myth.

Definitely recommended.

Playing With Death
Playing With Death
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^^ I am familiar with Simon Scarrow’s Roman novels, so was excited to try this one out, as it is something new from an established author. With Playing with Death, Scarrow is co-writing writing this novel with Lee Francis, and it is NOT a historical novel! My goodness. This could be the death of him, or so I thought. But actually, it wasn’t bad.

^^ This is what I’d call a technological thriller and it highlights how the use of gaming via Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality technology could be detrimental to society, even in our world as it is today.

^^ Rose Blake is an FBI agent with a strange new case to investigate, and it is one that will take her beyond anything she can at first imagine, as murder and online gaming intertwine and the boundaries of what she knows to be true are stretched to the limit. To top it all she is feeling distanced from her husband, Jeff, who works as Senetor Kelly’s media manager with very little downtime, plus her own job is (as you would imagine) very demanding and often cutting into her family time, putting a strain their marriage.

^^ It’s a violent, fast-paced story with lots of twists and turns, and as a lover of thrillers, I thoroughly enjoyed Scarrow’s refreshing change of genre. My dad is a huge fan of Scarrow, however, I’m not sure how he’ll take to this since it’s about technology of which I doubt he’ll be interested in. I’m hoping he’ll try it out though. Saying that, this new genre is a great way to reach out to new readers, who may have not read any of his previous historical books.

Overall: I look forward to seeing if this is the start of a new series, as I would like to see how this enjoyable book, develops into more exciting stories.
The Temple House Vanishing
The Temple House Vanishing
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Temple House Vanishing is set in an elite Convent School (Roman Catholic, all girls, lots of masses, praying and rampant oestrogen). The nuns run a tight ship - or so they think. Mr Lavelle is a young, bohemian-type character, and a fair few of the girls are in love with him. Particularly Victoria.

Louisa joins the school late as a scholarship student, and is generally looked down on by the fee-paying girls, but she and Victoria become good friends. Everything seems to be improving for Louisa. Until, that is, she disappears along with Mr Lavelle. Everyone assumes that they have run away together, and the staff and students are of no help. They close ranks. No-one wants to be involved.

Until, that is, a journalist becomes involved with retelling the story on its 25th anniversary. She manages to speak to the Head Girl at the time, and after many persistent emails, with Victoria. And this time, Victoria talks about what happened.

I liked this very much. I liked the atmosphere of the school - even though it wasn't particularly nice it was described well, especially the way the girls ganged up together to pick on whoever they assumed was the weakest link. I especially liked the journalists chapters, particularly when it became clear that she had something of a vested interest in finding out what happened to Louisa - Louisa had been her babysitter when she was a child.

This isn't a 'hold on to your hat' story. There's no-one to save - whatever happened, happened 25 years ago. It's all about WHAT happened and WHO was involved. And in the end, it's all rather sad.

I really enjoyed this, particularly the way the story unfolded. I think the teenagers emotions were described as well as the adults, and it was easy to empathise with them when necessary, and despair at their teenaged reactions and angst.

This book is well worth a read.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book!