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    Astrological Charts Pro

    Astrological Charts Pro

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    Astrological Charts Pro is a professional astrological program for iOS, which reports 12 types of...

The Everlasting Man
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Part I is significantly better than part II, particularly because Chesterton is at his strongest when arguing for larger truths than when arguing for specific ones. He is quite convincing in arguing for the influence of God in pagan societies, but less convincing when arguing that God manifested Himself in Jesus of Nazareth (a belief which I do in fact hold) and even less persuasive when arguing that Jesus works exclusively through that peculiar organization known as the Roman Catholic Church. It is not all apparent to me whether Chesterton feels more comraderie with polytheists or Protestants, as his tone seems much harsher when bringing up the latter. Although this is a popular level theology book and Chesterton seems at times to be more concerned with giving a presuppositional framework than stating historical facts, I think it could have benefited from more citations to help demonstrate his points, some of which are so large as to require significant support. If the book only had consisted of the first part, I would probably have given it four stars, with the same concern about citations.
The Legion (Eagle, #10)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The latest in Simon Scarrows Roman series of books (that initially all had the word 'Eagle' somewhere in the title), this follows on fromt he events of 'The Gladiator' and can be seen as concluding the plot line first began in 'Centurion'.

Unlike 'The Gladiator', however, I reckon it would be possible (maybe not advisable, but possible) to read this as stand-alone: although reference is made to previous events, they aren't quite as central to the story in this book as the events in 'Centurion' are to 'The Gladiator'. This particular novel is set in Egypt - Rome's bread-basket - and follows Cato (who, for the first time in the series as a whole, has more responsibility than Macro) and Macro's search to hunt down the renegade Gladiator Ajax, who escaped from Crete at the end of the previous novel. As before, when you pick up one of these books: you pretty much know what to expect - bloody battles, a little bit of suspense, and a few loose ends for the sequels ...

Otway93 (580 KP) rated What? (1972) in Movies

Nov 15, 2019  
What? (1972)
What? (1972)
1972 | Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well Improvised (1 more)
Story (1 more)
Rather pointless...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Despite the controversy surrounding Roman Polanski for the past few decades, he has made some astounding movies over the past 50-something years, Rosemary's Baby, The Fearless Vampire Killers, The Pianist, and many others.

Unfortunately, this 1972 x-rated comedy doesn't come up to their standards, it's rumoured that the whole point of the film was so he could see Sydne Rome naked, which would explain the lack of effort put into this film.

The film itself has very little story, a woman (Sydne Rome) escapes from 3 rapists and comes to a luxurious Italian house full of strange sexual deviants, all of whom fit perfectly in with 1970s sex-comedies, but couldn't really do serious acting. That's basically the film.

The script itself is for the most improvised, and the humour from this is probably the best thing about this film, and does cause some funny moments.

For the most part though, the film is only good for those with a particular sense of humour, not dry, but also not crude, somewhere inbetween.
Traitors or Rome (Eagle #18)
Traitors or Rome (Eagle #18)
Simon Scarrow | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 18 in Simon Scarrow's long-running Macro and Cato series, which means he's catching up on Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe for sheer proliferation of books with the same central character(s) (and that's a good thing).

Following on from the previous novel ("The Blood of Rome"), Macro and Cato are still in charge of the Praetorians, and still on the eastern fringes of the Roman Empire (Syria), with Cato then tasked with making a dangerous journey into Parthia to deliver Rome's demands to the ruler of that nation while the recently-married (at the start of the novel) Macro, under General Corbulo, lays siege to the small kingdom of Thapsis in the mountains which has risen in revolt against Rome.

I have to say, with a title like 'Traitors of Rome' and with the extremely mercenary (historical) nature of the Praetorian Guard, I first thought - when I saw the title - that the Traitors of Rome would themselves prove to be the Praetorians themselves!

That's not the case, however, read the novel to finds out what is ...