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The Eagle (2011)
The Eagle (2011)
2011 | Action, Classics, Drama
5.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
More arty than your typical roman storyline (1 more)
Interesting view of early Britain from the romans perspective
Story could have been more fulfilling (0 more)
Easy storyline, strong themes of family honour and loyalty.
Thought this would be quite a dull story but turned out to be quite interesting. Its quite a relaxed watch and toes the line between the romans and the early britons perspective of history.
Has strong themes of family honour and loyalty. A decent film but not one I would probably watch again.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading Written In Love, I couldn't wait to get my hands on book 2. I finally did and let me tell you what. I absolutely adored it! Book 2 is wonderfully written and instantly captivating, just like book 1. Ms. Fuller once again takes us to Birch Creek where her readers get to fall in love all over again with past, and new characters. 

Roman and Leanna's characters really gripped me! I loved them both for different reasons. Roman's character really pulled at my heart, perhaps because I always felt like I couldn't please anyone know matter what I did. Watching him and seeing how he reacts to the letter from his grandmother, really tugged at my soul. I loved him! And sweet Leanna. Bless her. She's so different from your typical Amish women and I loved that about her! Ms. Fuller truly did a good thing with her character. Seeing Roman and Leanna together, following them through this story, was a wonderful time. 

This book is so full of messages of God's understanding and forgiving grace. I loved that. I felt His presence while taking this journey with Leanna and Roman and I couldn't wait to get to the end of the book to see what God's plan was for them. I was not disappointed! Ms. Fuller made it into a 5 star worthy book for sure, and it leaves me wanting book 3! I need more Birch Creek Amish and God's grace in these books. Hats off to a wonderfully talented, truly fantabulous Amish novelist who knows how to throw a curve ball and hook her readers! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Interesting idea first off, I always like novels where God(s)/Godesss(es) walk around regular people and fall in love. Not that familiar with Roman lore but I digress Norse lore are even worse to follow. Have not read the books before this so I may be a little jaded in that I have no backstory of characters & events. I have read each summary of the books before this. I will do another short review add-on when I finish #1-5. Did not realize this is set in England during the time of Earls, if you are not familiar with historical times in England this may go over your head. Many times I had to stop and Google when they talk about names that sound Roman or historical items, little off-putting but for names they give simple terms to explain it. The blood fever thing is interesting. You could tell there was something going on with the silent partner. Loved how the Roman crew all rallied behind Mercury/Hermes. Loved the humor at the end over the key. Definitely can read this without really knowing past stories which is always a plus! I liked it just thought everything built up too quickly near the end and the wind up to that point very slow. I give it a 4 for the fact jumping into this 6 books in did not confuse me but the build up was slow and ended too quickly at the end.

EDIT: I have since caught up with the series, you really DO NOT need to read the ones before this. There's small nuances/events but it does not distract you.

<i>This is a free review via netgalley, I do not get paid for this!</i>
Tribune of Rome
Tribune of Rome
Robert Fabbri | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ever since (roughly) about a decade ago - when the movie 'Gladiator' first came out - I've been noticing more and more Roman-themed books, from Simon Scarrow's 'Macro and Cato' series to Conn Iggulden's 'Emperor' quartet to Ben Kane's 'Forgotten Legion Chronicles' (and now 'Enemy of Rome' series) to John Stack's 'Masters of the Sea' series to Anthony Riches' 'Empire' series to Harry Sidebottom's 'Warrior of Rome' series to ...

... you get the picture.

To that list, we can now also add Robert Fabbri with his planned 'Vespasian' series of books, of which this is the first. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm also going to state that (from the above list of authors) I've read at least one book in their respective series. Of those all - and, including, now, this book - I have to say, I've found Scarrow's novels to be the most entertaining.

As a novel, I found this one could be split into three distinct sections: the beginning was set during Vespasians early years in the Roman country-side and mainly concerning the relationship between him and his brother, before the setting moves to Rome proper when the two brothers get embroiled in Roman politics, and then (in the latter half of the book), following Vespasians early military career. It was probably this latter aspect of the book that is the most enjoyable, even if it does still suffer from seemingly stilted conversations that are used to move the plot along - that, and some 'Oh, come on! As if ...' moments (one in particular!).
While I read some more of this series? Possibly, but also I'm not going to be going out of my way to look for them.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The sequel to "A Shadow of Gulls", the Crow Goddess continues the story of Lugh the Harper and Cuchullain, although reading the former is not a pre-requisite to reading this.

Whereas the previous novel revolved mainly around the Ulster series of Legends (most particularly the Cattle Raid of Cooley), this novel takes place in both Roman Britain (the first half, and prior to the building of Hadrians Wall) and Ireland. The second part of the novel - the part in Ireland itself - concerns Cuchullains legendary death more than his legendary life.

Well worth a read!
Forensic Shakespeare
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forensic doesn't mean this is the Shakespeare equivalent of Silent Witness - this is a book looking at a group of Shakespeare's plays (and one poem), of which several are often considered 'problem' plays and the use of rhetoric within them. Skinner argues that this is deliberate and relates to a re-emerging interest in the Roman Rhetoricians in the Tudor period. The book is based on a series of lectures given by Skinner, so although as a casual reader I found it interesting, it was also hard work at times, particularly the opening chapters.
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
1973 | Drama, Musical, Drama
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Very strange setting
Film version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock musical of the same name, and - unfortunately - it doesn't quite work.

Personally, I think that's because of the juxtaposition of the events being (re)told through the eyes of Judas Iscariot alongside the more modern setting, which is just *odd*: here, for example, the Roman empire seems to have access to jet fighters, tanks and rifles (amongst others ...)

I think if they had stuck to a more 'traditional' production design instead of trying to marry the story with a modern setting it would have worked better.
The Masterpiece
The Masterpiece
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In her latest novel, Francine Rivers brings us Roman Velasco a well to do artist who could have anything money can buy, except peace and contentment. Using graffiti to deal with his hurt and emotions, running from foster home to foster home as a child, Roman aka Bobby Ray Dean (the bird) is haunted by his past as a graffiti tagger.

Roman hires Grace as his personal assistant to help free up his time so he can concentrate on painting, but little does she know about Romans alter ego Bobby Ray Dean. Grace s dealing with her own secrets. Recovering from a bad marriage, Grace vows never to let a man hurt her again, but as they get to know one another the pieces begin to come together that alter the course of their lives.

Francine Rivers has done a superb job writing this novel. She has created intriguing characters that every reader can relate to. The author has run with an idea of how a childhood trauma can impact adult life; how two broken individuals can find completeness together. The author also brings out the issues of how we as persons can fall into traps and be thrown into the worldly ways, only to suffer the consequences of our actions.

She also points out that we are saved by Grace and that God loves us, and sometimes some of us have to realize there is a hell in order to hear and understand the truth.

A wonderful novel that the reader will not be able to put down. Well written and keeps the reader wanting more.
 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Honour of Rome (Cato and Macro #20)
The Honour of Rome (Cato and Macro #20)
Simon Scarrow | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry #20 in Simon Scarrow's Macro and Cato series, which means there's been approximately one entry per year.

I can't believe it's been going that long (ummm ... in a good way).

Anyway, we're now back at the original setting of the series - back in Brittania; back after Cato and Macro's various adventures across the Roman Empire.

Things have changes since then, however - Macro is now retired from the legions, whereas Cato (originally Macro's optio) now outranks him and now has a family of his own to look after.

The previous entry in the series (The Emperor's Exile is the one in which Macro retired, leaving - with his new wife Petronella - to travel back to Brittania to reconnect with his own mother and to look after his share of an inn that she has opened in Londinium. As a result, he was missing for large chunks of the narrative: circa three quarters or so of the story, let us say.
Meanwhile, Cato was charged with accompanying Emperor Nero's mistress Claudia Acte into exile on Sardinia, with the bulk of the novel then following Cato, the burgeoning romance between him and Claudia and events on that island.

This novel mirrors that approach, with the larger bulk of this following Macro and his adventures in Londinium and in the veterans colony of Camulodunum (which I've just found out is Colchester, and the first Roman Capital of the province) before the two principal characters finally reunite circa - again - three quarters of the way into the story.

There's also the groundwork laid here for, to paraphrase the closing words of the novel, the brewing storm, with the inclusion of characters from earlier novels (round about When the Eagle Hunts) who belong to the Iceni tribe, and with how they are being treated by their new Roman overlords. Anybody with a passing knowledge of UK history will know who I mean ...

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Touch in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Courtney Maum | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sloane Jacobsen is the most famous and sought after trends forecaster in the world. Companies across the globe seek Sloane's knowledge about the "next big thing." Sloane may be confident in her work life, but her personal life is a mess. She's not happy with her boyfriend, Roman, and she's basically estranged from her family--all since she fled to Paris shortly after her father's death. But now Sloane is working for six months in New York: she's back near her family, and Roman is accompanying her on the trip.

This book immediately got off on the wrong foot with me as the main character ranted against how society has changed--using peanut allergies and the horror of having to avoid her favorite peanut-filled treats on a plane as proof. As someone with a kid with a peanut allergy (who has met these lovely people on planes in real life), I was already turned off by Sloane. <i>It never really got any better. </i>

Sloane is supposedly a trend forecaster. Her entire life she's been able to "see" things and predict where society is going with certain trends. She is credited with foreseeing the famous "swipe" action. The problem Sloane faces now is that she thinks society is going to turn against the technology it has come to hold so dear: something that doesn't sit well with the technology-focused firm, Mammoth, who has hired her. After all, Mammoth uses a driverless car to transport Sloane while she works for them. They want her to present at a convention that aims to showcase technology for the childless set.

On the surface, this doesn't sound so bad. Consider parts of it satire and a critique on our tech-obsessed society, and it has real promise. Unfortunately, for me, <i>the premise fell flat.</i> My favorite character wound up being Anastasia, the driverless car. Sloane's boyfriend, Roman, wears a Zentai suit (imagine a full-length wet-suit that covers his entire body) and preaches an anti-touch, pro-cybersex agenda. He's strange. That whole part of the plot is weird, albeit one that offers the occasional comic moment. Maybe my sense of humor is not finely developed enough?

The book nails a lot of the corporate world (you can certainly picture Dax, the head of Mammoth, and many of his worker bees). Other parts of the plot are harder to swallow. Sloane waffles. Roman irritates. The dialogue is oddly written at times. Large pieces of the plot didn't really seem necessary. Other pieces were interesting, but felt like reading a research paper (and I found myself skimming).

So while there were certainly funny moments (and it picked up a bit as it neared the end), overall I just found myself cringing. I didn't like the plot, I never warmed up to Sloane, and I wanted to hit Roman and Dax. Maybe I missed a higher meaning to this novel, as it seems to be getting a lot of better reviews, so take mine with a grain of salt. For me, I just didn't enjoy reading it, and that's why (and I debated this a while), I'm going with 2.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review. It is available everywhere as of 05/30/2017.

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