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The Vampire went to Georgia
The Vampire went to Georgia
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really have to say that as much as I loved this book and this series, that I found the final battle a little anticlimactic. I was really hoping for more, and even though I did hope for more, I wasn't entirely disappointed. In this 216 page book, I think I cried for a third of it. I have to say that even with a few things I would have loved to see differently, that the overall book was amazing.

First, to see everything that we only got glimpses at before to unfold, was amazing. To learn how some of the characters who seemed to just be filler to hold such an important role in saving the world was truly inspiring. I think my favorite part was learning how Death himself had changed because of Pandora and her lover, as well as how Scarlett and Tenebris were stronger in this world together than Tenebris had been in other worlds by herself. I have to say that the love that Death had for his daughters Scarlett and Tenebris. had been touching and surprisingly difficult to understand when he was asking so much from them. But it wasn't just his love that made you smile and feel all warm and fuzzy, it was the love of all those around them as well. To willingly sacrifice yourself for someone is a huge deal and there were plenty of sacrificing in this book that kept your heart bleeding. However, I have to say, it was what definitely made me not want to stop reading.

This kind of thing reminds me of a saying that states if you love someone truly, then you have to be willing to let go of them. Everyone in this book had loved Scarlett so much, they were willing to do whatever it took, even if it broke her down to nothing. I hated seeing her hurt that way but the strength while dealing with it all and how she was determined to be strong and prove what everyone was saying in times to be false, was just truly amazing. Even though I felt like my own heart was being ripped out, I could see how all the betrayals and pains of the previous books helped her cope and deal with the impending battle, whether or not that I felt she deserved any of it.

Even though love and romance was spread through the series, the romance was heavily lacked in this book. Which made is extremely serious. Though you knew who loved who and it was stated in their appropriate times, the book just didn't have all the romantic drama the others had. It seemed to be too serious at times and I would have loved some comedy or that romantic air to it to help break up all the seriousness that the book seemed to drag on about. Not saying the seriousness ruined the book. It just seemed to end slightly anticlimactic compared to what you were being led to believe would happen. Which would have to be the biggest complaint I had. This next part WILL have spoilers and I apologize for that, but it may save you from feeling let down. If you don't wish to read the spoilers, you can skip to the final paragraph.

When you first learn of how War and Scarlett and Tenebris are connected and how there will be a battle between War nd Scarlett, who is the shell that holds Tenebris and ground the chaotic being, you find yourself excited for the battle. However, at the end, during the face off, Death grants the girls one last gift and suddenly War just pretty much gives up. Don't get me wrong, if I had to fight the dragon Scarlett and Tenebris transformed into, I would be ready to throw in the towel, but still, Tenebris was supposed to be War's right hand woman and to see her standing by Death should have been the rage enough to lead that woman into battle. This is War after all. But no the Horseman pretty much just gives up and allows herself to die. To me, not having the battle and making it end in such a way was disheartening and I am quite upset over it. I was moved to tears all the way up until this point and now I can't even get the action I felt I needed to be okay with the prior actions of characters. Needless to say, the fight scene wasn't all that it could have been.

I would rate this book 3 stars out of 5 stars because as much as I loved crying at certain parts and we were able to learn more about a few of the beloved characters and so on, the ending wasn't all that it was chalked up to be. It was a huge let down, in my opinion. The series overall was amazing and besides the ending I would just make a few changes, like maybe adding the novellas into the books that they belong before or after, instead of leaving a note before a book about a novella being needed for that book. And maybe making the ending have slightly more action. I would rate the series overall, 4 stars out of 5 stars and recommend it to anyone into the paranormal romance and adventure scene with a bit of mystery in it.
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
Lucasta Miller, Emily Brontë, Pauline Nestor | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stands up (2 more)
Dislikable characters (1 more)
Difficult accents without translations
I will do my best to review this, however, I didn't heed the intro, this tour de force really does leave you as quickly as it comes, and reading another book before reviewing this one was a mistake.
   In reading reviews prior to reading this book, I learned three major things; 1, people either love or hate this book, 2. I had no idea what I was actually in for, and 3. this may have not been the romantic pick for February I was expecting it to be.

  So yes, PSA for anyone out there considering going into this thinking it's a romance. It is NOT. There are love stories in this, absolutely, powerful love stories that made me read quotes to my boyfriend with snarky statements like "if you don't say this at my funeral, did you ever really love me?". But it is NOT a romance. If anything this has more in common with "The Count of Monte Cristo" than it does "Pride and Prejudice". Honestly, the only thing it has in common with other, romantic books of this time, is the time period. But beware, no balls and high society and Mr. Darcy's await you in this novel. I feel a number of the reviews decrying the book, calling the characters "monstrous" both were the orchestrators of their own disappointment by assuming it to be like an Austin, and really need to look in the mirror and reflect on if they are really as perfect as they think they are. Especially if they were in the circumstances that surround this tale.

   I find that Heathcliff himself addresses this mistake many readers had going into this book.
"picturing in me a hero of romance, and expecting unlimited indulgences from my chivalrous devotion. I can hardly regard her in the light of a rational creature, so obstinately has she persisted in forming a fabulous notion of my character and actin gon false impressions she cherished."
SO many readers went into this expecting Heathcliff to be some misunderstood brute or one harsh but salvaged by the purity of his love of Catherine. But this isn't the case.
    Wuthering Heights tells the story of (I guess technically 3) but really 2 generations of families. Living in the Yorkshire Moors, isolated from high society. We have the Liptons, primmer and properer and more in touch with society, and the Earnshaws which become a little rough around the edges in their isolation and loss. Papa Earnshaw has two children, Catherine and Hindley, and adopts a small boy of unknown heritage but is implied to be Romani or of mixed race (sorry Tom Hardy and nearly every portrayal of Heathcliff), that he names, simply, Heathcliff. He loves Heathcliff, and dotes on him greatly, much to the chagrin of Hindly who grows to resent Heathcliff, treating him terribly until Hindly leaves for school. Catherine and Heathcliff become great playmates, their care is given primarily to a maid scarcely older than them, as Papa Earnshaw is a single daddy. They are wild things, as children I would assume would be, in such isolation as the Yorkshire Moors in a time before the creature comforts and entertainment we have. They grow very close, obsessively close. Upon Papa Earnshaw's death, Hindley returns (at around the age of 23) to run the household, and take over the care of these two youngsters, one of which, he hates. So, Cinderella-style, Heathcliff gets treated worse and worse and treated like a servant rather than the adoptive child that Papa Earnshaw loved so dearly. Suddenly Heathcliff is nothing, treated terribly, and has the most important thing in his life banned from him, Catherine. Meanwhile, the Liptons also have two children, not wild, but spoilt in their own ways, Edgar and Isabella, close in age to Heathcliff and Catherine. When H and C run off on a camping adventure and find themselves at the Lipton's house, Catherine is injured and stays with the Liptons, in their higher society for 5 weeks. Leaving Heathcliff to the abuse of her brother and further isolation. She returns much more a lady and with her connection to Heathcliff slightly burned. In an attempt to protect Heathcliff, and because Heathcliff is now no more than a servant and not an option to marry, Catherine intends to marry Edgar. Causing our resident bad boy to run off for a number of years. Only to return a proper, but still broody gentleman, and confuse Catherine's affection much to the displeasure of Edgar.

  Now, this is where a number of shows and movies end things. With a focus on Catherine and Heathcliff's whirlwind romance, obsession. It has some of the most to the point and beautiful lines regarding love, not all flowery, not "I love you most ardently" but rather cries of "I am Heathcliff" by Catherine. Absolutely heart-rending, even though I didn't like Catherine. But this is not where the book ends. The book goes on to follow Heathcliff's obsession with revenge, with his treatment as a child, his rage against Hindley, and against losing Catherine to Edgar. He spends years slowly ruining everyone's lives. Not that you could really ruin Hindley's life, he was a mean drunk. But he even goes as far as to meddle with the next generation, Hindley's son Hareton is raised terribly and is a bit of a wild thing (those his redemption and love story is quite beautiful), Catherine's daughter Cathy and Heathcliff's son Lipton are whisked up into a big scheme by Heathcliff to take everything. Heathcliff even marry's out of pure spite.

   Love does not redeem this man, he's barely an antihero without his youth story. He is angry and passionate and obsessed. Which for the first half of the book I didn't fault him for, but he does do some damnable things in the second half that you cannot argue away. No matter how romantic and beautiful and heartrending his lamentations can be. I was quite the character arc, quite the tale of revenge and loss. He was unredeemable because of his big sprawling schemes and harsh intentions. Catherine for me was unredeemable because she was an obnoxious, selfish thing, that honestly if Heathcliff had stopped thinking about two minutes would have found a better woman in every town. She whined and treated Edgar (who was honestly super sweet) so terribly, she had an anger problem and would work herself up until she was sick. But it is in this imperfection that I fell in love more with the book. Here is something unique and real, this is no Elizabeth Bennett. The isolation and hermetic lifestyle created very different characters than what we see in Jane Austin or even in Emily's sister's novel.

   It's no wonder this book was harshly critiqued upon release, here is a woman, writing a revenge story, with love stories in it. That based on the biographical intro had some parallels to her own life. She lived an isolated existence, surrounded by the death of the majority of her family young. She was in her late 20s when she wrote this and died a year after publication. She made humans of monsters and monsters of humans and wrote something unexpected and truly unique.

   It's hard for me to explain, amongst the harshness and bleakness of this novel, why I loved it so much. But I did, I loved every bit. The anger, the passion, the love, the scheming, I loved it all.
I also feel it's important to note that this whole story is told by a maid to a new tenant. So the narrator is unreliable. Were these people truly this way? Or is it clouded by this maid's opinions of them? How much is omitted due to the maid not being privy to an event?

Truly a fantastic read, that punched me in my chest and gut, grabbed and twisted my insides and refuses to let go. I would argue it's a cult classic rather than a classic. So please, shed all preconceived notions of what this book is, shake that Austin out of your mind and read this tale of obsession and revenge. It's well worth it.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated You Know Me Well in Books

May 25, 2017  
You Know Me Well
You Know Me Well
David Levithan, Nina Lacour | 2016 | Children
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

David Levithan is a well-known young adult author particularly in the LGBT communities. Throughout his career he has teamed up with other authors to write contemporary fiction that explores romantic relationships and feelings between teenagers. You Know Me Well is the result of a collaboration between Levithan and Nina LaCour, another American YA author.

Alternating between two points of view, You Know Me Well is about two homosexual teenagers, Mark and Katie, who are both going through difficult times in terms of their love life. Mark is in love with his best friend, but clearly the feelings are not reciprocated. On the other hand, Katie has run away from the chance to meet the girl of her dreams. A case of being in the right place at the right time results in a great friendship blooming between the two characters. Whilst relationships are breaking down all around them as a result of their actions, Mark and Katie discover that they understand each other more than anyone else has done in the past. With each other’s help, they begin to repair or come to terms with their current situations.

Although set near San Francisco during Pride Week – a positive festival to promote the stance against discrimination toward homosexuality – Levithan and LaCour write so freely about the topic that it appears a “normal” way of life, which is ultimately what people are campaigning for. Neither of the main characters experience any judgment on account of their sexuality.

Whilst You Know Me Well is a deeply honest novel about coming to terms with the truth and the heartaches of love, it does not particularly work well as a story. The ending feels ambiguous leaving both Mark and Katie in very similar situations to the beginning of the book, although marginally happier. In a way this enforces the point that there are not always “happy ever after” endings, but in terms of literature it does not make much of a story.

You Know Me Well comes with all sorts of messages about love, coming up with plans for the future, running away from your problems etc. but it is arguably a disappointment for readers who want a fictional tale to delve into and take them away from their everyday life. The subject matter, whilst listed as young adult, is more appropriate for school leavers or college students due to the unrealistic lack of parental intervention. On the other hand, if you are already a fan of David Levithan and know what to expect in his novels, You Know Me Well should live up to your anticipations.
The Shimmering
The Shimmering
Susan Kearney | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sci-Fi Romance
The shimmering By Susan Kearney was a sci-fi romance that was very reminiscent of the stories I have read in my younger days and I was such a sucker for these, So this book had me feeling rather nostalgic, wanting to experience this all over again.
This was my main reason for wanting to read this novel and I have to admit I was also looking for something light, fluffy and just easy to read, a bit of romantic instalove to warm the old heart, sigh.
And The Shimmering does all that, you get exactly what it says on the tin.
This was an ok read, not amazing, but it passed a few hours and was enjoyable in an easy non-brain taxing way.
Basically, you have our intrepid heroine journalist Sandra Lowell testing out an astral projecting machine for a story.
This device manages to, with a little help from an ancient Totem the Zorash, to send Sandra across the universe and into the body of a woman about to be married to Daveck. Daveck is intent on marrying his enemies daughter to force her to reveal the location of the same object that has helped propel Sandra here to his planet from across the stars.
So what worked for me and what didn't.
well, I felt that the storyline here is so imaginative that much more could have been done to expand on this, I would have liked to see this more of this new world, to explore and meet its alien people properly.
Sandra also seemed a lot more fleshed out than Daveck, who I really struggled to get a fully dimensional picture of and to connect with, also I'm all for instalove but I felt that Sandra after lamenting all through earlier chapters why she didn't have a man and how important her career was gave up that job unbelievably fast.
Now that is out of the way, why should you read The Shimmering?
Well, This is a charming uncomplicated tale of instalove across the stars, it's very imaginative and though it's a simple angst-free story it does kind of give you a warm nostalgic glow, This wasn't quite a three for me but a two seemed too low so I've rated this 2 1/2 on the Goodreads rating I would have rated it slightly higher if I was able to connect more with the book's characters, for me this was an ok read that pleasantly passed the time.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free readers copy of the Shimmering. This is my own unbiased opinion.

Arc Reviewed By BeckieBookworm
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side (Jessica, #1)
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side (Jessica, #1)
Beth Fantaskey | 2000 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
Genre: YA Paranormal romance
ISBN: 9780547259406
Pub date: January 18th 2010 by Graphia (first published in hardback on February 1st 2009)
Rating: 5

Jessica was sure she was just your average teenager… until an ultra-hot European foreign exchange student shows up at school, stalks her, and then follows her home, insisting that they are both vampire royalty and must be married when she turns eighteen to ensure peace between their families… and Jessica is sure that Lucius, no matter how attractive, is absolutely insane. She manages to free herself of his grip… and then realizes that he’s all she ever wanted in the first place. But getting him back before he destroys her –or himself—will be quite a challenge. But Jessica is up to it. She has to be.

I absolutely loved Jessica’s Guide. It was funny, romantic, and entertaining the whole way through. I don’t know why I put off reading it so long.

The plot had great pacing, great twists, and great conflict. At one point I was tempted to flip to the end of the book just to make sure it all worked out at the end… because I wasn’t sure I could handle it if it didn’t.

I loved how Jessica’s and Lucius’s relationship wasn’t perfect. I saw this in Fantaskey’s other novel, Jekel Loves Hyde. Like Jill and Tristen, Jessica and Lucius certainly had their ups and downs… may I say more of the latter than the first. I dispise happyland syndrome in romances… and was pleased to find none whatsoever in Jessica’s Guide. Their romance was destiny and fate, the only question was how they’d get there in the end. And it was quite a rollercoaster. Their love was based on character more than actions, something that is sometimes hard to write well, and many authors fail miserably, but Fantaskey did a great job. For both Jessica and Lucius, there can never be anyone else.

The characters were great. I officially adore Lucius… passionate and mysterious and infuriating…we need more heroes like him… and Jessica was the kind of girl who would work hard for what she wanted, and sacrifice anything. I think we need more heroines like her, too! Jessica’s parents were both annoying and funny… I especially loved her mom.

The writing was fluid and descriptive, and easy to read. I demolished this one in about four hours.

Heart-pounding plot, characters to die for, and an epic romance, this one begs many re-reads.

 Content/recommendation: some language, no sex. Ages 14+. This one is a perfect summer-read… or anytime read, really.

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Beauvallet in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
Georgette Heyer | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Dona Dominica sets sail on the Santa Maria, she wonders if she will ever meet the infamous El Beauvallet, the English pirate with a reputation of being able to do anything because of witchcraft. But she does not expect her ship to be taken by him, Nor does she expect to be kidnapped by him and taken abord his ship the Venture.

Sir Nicholas Beauvallet captures Dominica and her father and proclaims that he will take them home to Spain, as Dominica has demanded. But falling head over heels in love with her was never part of his plan. In order to please her, he agrees to returning her to her country, but also announces that he will wed her before the year is up. How is Sir Nicholas supposed to come back to Spain to claim fair lady as his bride if all of Spain wants his head? The answer is easily—because Beauvallet can do anything, of course.

This was such a sweet story! I cannot think of words enough to describe how much I adored Beauvallet. The romance was fast-paced, the adventure was exciting, and the language was eloquent. I absolutely loved it. It was a pretty fast read and I read it in a few days. Georgette has many little surprises spread all through the story and tells amazing creative adventures of Beauvallet’s wits, fights, and escapes. It was a perfect blend of a sweeping romance and a gripping adventure.

The story is told in third-person omniscient, so you don’t always have all the details. It was a little hard to get inside the character’s heads at first, but once I learned who they were It was very easy to relate to them.

A wonderful thing about Beauvallet is that when El Beauvallet falls in love with Dominica, he does not claim her as his “love” or as his “mistress” or, in our culture, his “girlfriend,” he claims her as his bride. Which is really the most romantic aspect of it all.

The end was so sweet I won’t tell what happened but rest assured it was wonderful.

I loved this story so much! I have already run out to pick up more books by Georgette Heyer, I am officially a new fan! I cannot wait to read other books by her.

Content: Gloriously clean: no language, no sex.

Recommendation: Boys and girls (it’s such an adventure that boys would like it too!) Ages 13-Adult. It’s not aimed specifically to teens or young people, and would be perfect for an adult as well.

(Beauvallet was first published first in 1929. Reprint copyright to Sourcebooks: 2010)

Love You to Death
Love You to Death
Shannon K. Butcher | 2009 | Crime, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love you to Death by Shannon K. Butcher
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Rating: 2.5/5
Summary (from back of book):
It's been days since reporter Elise McBride has heard from her sister, Ashley. She's convinced Ashley has met with some kind of foul play, especially when she learns that bodies of other missing women have surfaced in and around Chicago--all victims of a brutal serial killer. Convinced her sister is still alive, Elise vows to risk everything to save her...
The last thing ex-cop Trent Brady needs is more blood on his hands. Yet when he catches Elise breaking into her sister's house, full of reckless determination and fear, he knows she needs his help. But just as desire ignites between them, a twisted madman sets his sights on Elise. Hell-bent on possessing her for himself, this psychopath won't rest until he has his perfect woman.
It’s hard for me to say where I sit for this book. There were some aspects of it that I liked (how do you spell Hottie? T-R-E-N-T.) and some that I didn’t (a lot of content.)
The plot wasn’t as mysterious as it could have been. I knew what the criminal was doing because when I read from his perspective, he told me. Also even at the end, there are some un-answered questions. They should have come up in the book and they didn’t.
This wasn’t a book that I was addicted to. I could only get through a few chapters at a time before having to put it down. The writing wasn’t anything special and the characters were just characters. They were realistic but not enough to make me really care about them. My favorite character was John, the ex-cop who was Trent’s partner. He just had so much character and personality. I think I would have enjoyed a book with him as the main character. Ashley and Elsie? Not so much.
On the good side, I liked the change in Elsie. In the beginning of the book she didn’t believe in true love, and laughed at the idea of marriage. She said it just didn’t work. She learned that that wasn’t true. I also liked that Trent was a marriage-minded man (There aren’t enough of those out there). But of course that didn’t stop their physical or sexual relationship any.
If you look at my sidebar at my rating system, you’ll see that this rating was the only one I could come up with. It wasn’t really worth reading, but I liked it enough to finish it.
Content: My opinion on the content is mentioned thought the review.
Recommendation: Ages 18+

Annie Chanse (15 KP) rated Wintersong in Books

May 25, 2018  
S. Jae-Jones | 2017 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was okay.
Contains spoilers, click to show
[Warning: May contain spoilers]

I SOMEWHAT enjoyed this book. It is very much like "Labyrinth" meets "Beauty and the Beast." The premise is a bit too much like "Labyrinth" for me to be entirely comfortable calling this a "unique" book. Goblin King -- thin, blonde, mischievous Goblin King nonetheless -- comes to earth for a bride. A game ensues in which the stakes are as follows: the girl wins, she gets to take her sister and go home, leaving the Goblin King behind forever. The Goblin King wins, he gets to marry the girl. Sound familiar? Yeah. I thought it might.

I was a little turned off by this at first, but the author quickly adds in enough individuality to make the book her own and separate from the "Labyrinth." I don't want to give away any key plot points, so I am not going to go much further in the description of the book.

I will say, however, that the book is very prettily written, and that music is prominently featured throughout. Thankfully, the author writes music well, and it makes the book quite lovely to read, image-wise.

It is listed as a Young Adult fiction book, but I'd say that is not quite the right categorization for this book. The sex scenes are a little too descriptive for YA, and I worry about the poor librarian who is going to get chewed out because a religious mother catches her thirteen year old daughter reading it. Ha.

The plot was okay, if a little overdone, and the pacing was nice; it flowed well. There were no draggy bits, and nothing seemed too rushed. I'm not sure how I feel about the relationship between Liesl (the girl) and the Goblin King, which is, at times, very Beauty and the Beast and at other times, more Joker and Harley Quinn. :-/ I wouldn't say it was the healthiest of young marriages.

Still, overall, it is a solid 3.25-3.5 star book. I recommend it to lovers of romantic fantasy. Not ideal for hardcore fantasy geeks, though.

Oh, and also, if I see the word "entire" again, as in "I gave myself to him, entire" or "I am Elisabeth, entire" or "He finally gave himself to me, his body, his soul, his trust. Der Erlkonig, entire" one more time, I might punch someone. The author really needs to get over that little quirk. I would hate to see it repeated in the sequel, since she made use of it about ten bazillion times in the debut novel, and she has completely lost her right to EVER use the word "entire" again.
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (277 Ratings)
Book Rating
Right away this book captures my attention with a quick introduction to Katniss's survival skills followed by the District 12 Hunger Games lottery, a grim holiday that nobody wants to celebrate, but is still mandatory. It does not take long for the reader to feel sympathetic towards Katniss and the hardship she struggles with everyday just to survive.
Every detail leading up to the actual event of the Hunger Games has a surreal feel, as Katniss is primped and paraded like a beauty pageant contestant, as if everyone is ignoring the fact that these are children, with all but one facing imminent death. This is reality television meets the ancient gladiator games of Rome, combined with the sick irony of using a nation's most precious commodity -- its children. As a mother of three, I can not even fathom living in a country that tolerated this year after year. These Hunger Games are the country's way of preventing rebellion in its citizens through fear, brainwashing, and desensitization, as it is mandatory for every citizen to watch. In some districts, this is so successful that children are routinely trained specifically for the Hunger Games, volunteering to face murder and death for a chance at fame and fortune.
The love triangle is obvious early on, though the conflict can't come into play until the second book in the series. Peeta is the one in the spotlight, the one that humanizes Katniss for the viewers and makes her likable due to his own romantic feelings for her. Unfortunately, Katniss is too busy staying alive to be certain of her true feelings, even though she can pretend well enough to convince even Peeta. Peeta is self-sacrificing, while Katniss is observant and resourceful. Katniss is able to avoid becoming a cold-hearted murderer only because of Peeta's presence.
Regarding the actual Game, those that run it operate to keep the entertainment value up, adding to the danger of the contestants still alive, handing out gifts to give one an edge over another, forcing contestants into battle to increase bloodshed and drama, and generally treating the twenty-four as actors and actresses in any other fictional television drama. What Katniss keeps returning to is how "normal" these people of the Capitol see of the deaths of these children. It occurred to me while reading this that it would be better to be one of those that died in the Games, rather than live with being the monster responsible for the deaths of twenty-three other children purely for the entertainment of the shallow and self-absorbed.
This book is both shocking and heart-rending, and I look forward to the next installment, Catching Fire.
Persuasion: A Latter-day Tale
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I said yes to reviewing this book because even though I have not yet read the Jane Austen classic that this book is based on, I was curious about the Mormon aspect of the book and how the author would modernize it. I know some about Mormon customs and traditions, but it was still interesting to read the book from the perspective of a practicing Mormon and see how this specific religious sect influenced the main character in her daily life.
I am sure other reviews will compare and contrast in detail this book with the original Persuasion, but I will write about this book from the perspective of someone who has not read Persuasion by Jane Austen, though I have read some of her other works and I am a fan.
The book as a whole was an enjoyable romantic read with a bit of suspense and drama thrown in to create conflict. While I was reading some of the situations, I did often wonder how Jane Austen would have written them were she still alive today, such as Lily's jellyfish sting or Anne's stalker. The use of modern technology, such as computers and cell phones, also contributed to the modernization quite obviously.
The characterization that Jamison employs closely resembles Austen's skill, with personality traits that translate across any era, such as the ones' whose main concern was about money and what it can buy. There were the females whose only concern was obtaining a husband, as well as the mother who had little regard for disciplining her children. Matchmakers also abounded and many of the characters were related - either by blood or marriage.
The Mormon influences are easy to pick out, such as Anne's avoidance of alcohol and caffeine, and sometimes these little changes did not blend well with the plot, likely because I did not always understand what the terminology referred to, such as references to a "Fireside." I believe the book would have benefited from more explanation of the Mormon practices woven into the background details.
Ironically, my favorite characters were not the main characters, Anne and Neil. I had more interest in the ones that seemed to have a smaller part, such as Jay, who lost his wife after only 8 months of marriage. Anne's character seemed to fall a bit flat, and even when she was supposed to be in a highly emotional state, such as when she gets angry at Will, I had a hard time believing it. I also would have liked more emotion from Neil, as he always seemed to be too cool and collected for the events that were unfolding.
I did enjoy the book, though, and any fan of Jane Austen would enjoy this modernized tale, as well.