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8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>4.5 stars</b>

<b>The Seance</b> was one of those books that I just could not put down! Addictive, fast-paced, thrilling, and thoroughly fun, it had everything I wanted to read - mystery/suspense, romance, paranormal - and reminded me of R.L. Stine for adults. Of course it's not 'serious' fiction, who wants that when picking up a book that looks like this? It's fun brain candy, plain and simple, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I haven't had an easy time finding books to read because my concentration level has taken a nosedive, but this book had me hooked from the back synopsis - and kept me hooked throughout. Yes, there are some editing issues, coincidences, red-heads seem to be the main populace, redundancies (e.g. victims are attractive red-heads, beautiful red-heads, gorgeous red-heads, and did I mention Christina's a beautiful, attractive, gorgeous red-head also? Argh, it was annoying! I got it the first time; I don't need it repeated ten million times.), and I figured out who was behind everything in the first-seventh of the book, which could have used more of an explanation for the why at the end, but my problems are eclipsed by the engaging plot.

After Christina called Gen, I wondered if there was a previous book with her, Thor, and Adam, and there is called [b:The Vision|731809|The Vision (Harrison Investigation, #3)|Heather Graham||717999], and I've already ordered it from the library - I can't wait to read it! I'm thinking Heather Graham's romantic suspense novels might just be the key that'll keep me reading all the way to the end of a book. :) So, overall, I liked the characters, the story was great, and even though it isn't even close to Hallowe'en, I would still recommend it for a thrilling good read.
Need You Now (Love&#039;s Paradise Series #1)
Need You Now (Love's Paradise Series #1)
Dei Araujo | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Need You Now (Love's Paradise Series #1) by Dei Araujo
Need You Now is a romantic suspense story that involves the kidnapping of a child. The story moves along smoothly enough, and I really enjoyed the moments with Keyon. I have to say that the male characters in this book had a better depth and believability (yes, I know that's not a real word!) than the females one did. Amaranth had her moments, but she would insist on ignoring the advice/warnings of the professional, and rush headlong into danger. And Cassia was a one-dimensional character who didn't do much to the story and quickly disappeared from working with Nick to being with Roberto.

The story was a good one, and like I said, Keyon stole every scene he was in. The pacing was smooth, and there were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. With an easy-going writing style, this is a book to read if you don't want anything too deep, but will keep you turning the pages. I did enjoy it, and would read more by this author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Protector
The Protector
Jodi Ellen Malpas | 2016 | Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
steamy, angst, suspense (0 more)
Jake Sharp just became another book boyfriend
Yeah, I loved this book. I mean, Jodi Ellen Malpas doesn’t really disappoint, so I knew this was going to be a no-brainer. This is the woman who gave a voice to Jesse Ward (long live the Lord) for Pete’s sake. (If you haven’t read the This Man series, drop everything, and go do so.)

This book has all the things I love about romance novels:

sexy alpha male
feisty heroine
steamy sex
There’s also some mystery/suspense as an added bonus.

Jake Sharp is a former soldier who suffers from PTSD after both a personal tragedy and an op gone wrong. Jake now works for a security agency, which is how he meets our heroine, Camille, who is in need of a bodyguard.

Camille Logan is known in the tabloids as a model and party girl, but Cami is not what the press paints her as. She’s an intelligent, level-headed girl who is partnering up with her BFF, Heather, to launch a clothing line. Cami is struggling to get from under her extremely wealthy and overbearing father’s thumb.

Both characters are struggling with the aftermath of personal tragedy. Cami’s backstory is pretty readily explained, but Jake’s backstory is only hinted at initially, and we don’t see the full scope of events until closer to the end of the book, so we’re left guessing as to what has made him who he is. It’s a fun ride, though, and we get to watch Jake transform from this cold, terse man into a big ol’ teddy bear thanks to Cami. I mean, that whole scene in the English bluebells? That shit is fucking romantic!

If you’re not already a JEM fan, I propose you go make yourself one. Other books by JEM:

This Man series
One Night series
The Forbidden (I have not read this one yet, but you can bet your sweet ass that I will.)

FYI: Word on the interwebs is that PassionFlix has optioned The Protector for a film and the This Man series for a tv series.
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (5 more)
Fantastical Creatures
Sarcasm and Humor
Character Development
Female Lead
Romantic Involvement (0 more)
Breaking through the glass roof more like!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I went into reading this book with the expectation that it would be like any typical 'heroine' book where the man actually ends up saving the woman. HELLS was I wrong!
A book with a sarcastic, badass Heroine who doesn't need any man to help her ... Yes I am into it!
This book follows the journey of Celaena Sardothien, a teenage assassin (and when I say teenage I mean 18 Years Old) who has been imprisoned and to then becoming the tyrannical King's 'Champion'. From meeting the Crown-Prince to the Captain of the Royal Guard all the way to the horrific King we meet a variety of different characters. Each of these characters bring different traits, difficulties and challenges to Celaena who must over come them all to survive!
Watching Celaena grow from wanting to only trust herself to ending up trusting in the Princess, Prince and Captain of the Guard is heart-wrenching as you go through the motions of this. The way Sarah J. Maas puts across her character's is truly fascinating.
If you are looking for a book that has humor, sarcasm and sass and so much adventure and fighting - this is the book for you!!

Now I would have done 10 however, SPOILERS - I felt the romantic relationship (if you can call it that) between Celaena and the Prince was not needed in this book and was only placed in to appease some of the readers who wanted romance. I felt that this book honestly didn't need that detail, Celaena is baddass enough without having a man yanking on her arm all the time. Without that little detail I would have given this a ten out of ten.

But even with the romance it does not take away from the general plot of the first book and I cannot wait to start reading the rest of the series to see where Celaena's journey goes being the King's Champion and what mysteries are left to be uncovered from her past and now the future!