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Dolph Lundgren recommended Spartacus (1960) in Movies (curated)

Spartacus (1960)
Spartacus (1960)
1960 | Adventure, History, War

"Spartacus is a great movie, too. It’s also one of those epic pictures. The story is great. I think what’s cool is you had a young director. The fact that he had to walk on there — Kubrick was in his 20s and they fired the original director, and it was produced by Kirk Douglas, so being a star producer — I can kind of relate to that. He brought this kid on set, and didn’t really know him. He turned out to be this incredible genius who did these incredible battle scenes, and just some beautiful stuff in there with real extras — they had 5,000 extras. If you call “Cut! Reset!,” it took half a day to put everybody back in their positions. That’s an accomplishment, I think. Scale, but also keeping it intimate in those close-ups. Also, they said that [Kubrick] always designed the last shot of his movies first. He tried to sum up the whole picture in the last shot of the movie, like Dr. Strangelove. The guy sitting on the bomb, falling down. That’s a classic shot. In Spartacus, it was Spartacus hanging on the cross being crucified, and there’s a row of crosses leading all the way to Rome, I guess, to the horizon. Then his son is born a free man at his feet, and his wife says, “Spartacus, please die.” Because he was so tough, he wouldn’t die on the cross. She’s asking him to die, while she’s sitting there with his son who is free now. He’s not a slave anymore. Anyways, it’s a beautiful movie."

    Civil War: 1863

    Civil War: 1863

    Games and Entertainment

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    Relive iconic battles of the American Civil War. Take command of both the Union and Confederate...

Bad Business (Billionaire's Club #17)
Bad Business (Billionaire's Club #17)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BAD BUSINESS is the seventeenth and final book in the Billionaire's Club series, featuring Ro (Rome) and Maddie, both of whom we have met before.

Maddie is a fixer, always happy to solve everyone else's problems whilst ignoring her own. And Ro certainly has problems - he's still fighting a custody battle for his son and getting nowhere fast. It doesn't help that Jack is acting out due to all the changes. Top that with a cherry on the top in the shape of his ex coming back from the dead (I kid you not!) and it's all going on. He's dealing with it all as best he can and still has time for his family. I thought he was a brilliant, no-nonsense character.

I liked Maddie and her get-go attitude. There was nothing that could faze her until she looked in the mirror and, I'm afraid, this is where it got to me a little. I was SO glad when Ro gave her the harsh truth, I really was!!! Life isn't a bed of roses for anyone all the time but it felt as though Maddie was wallowing in it, holding a 'Poor Me Pity Party' for one. I do understand her reaction though. It's easy to fall back on old habits because they're comfortable.

All in all, this was a great read that I enjoyed, and I am looking forward to Brooks' story.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 26, 2023