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Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Funny (2 more)
Good acting
Good diversity
Film seems like it lacks something (0 more)
Amazing! Brilliant! Funny
Contains spoilers, click to show
So if you haven't seen the film then go watch it and then come back and read this review! I am about to go in depth!.. GO NOW!!

Right, so the film centres on peter quill who is a earth boy abducted by an alien race, initially you don't know what for *SPOILER* (it gets revealed in GOTG2) that he was abducted for his father but let's not get in to that.
So, Peter is abducted by the alien race and developed into a thief, he's sent to retrieve this orb that he knows nothing about and is to deliver it to ronin... if your familiar with the comics you'll know all about him. He's big, ugly, strong and quite frankly the evil guy.

Peter is meant to take the orb to yondu for him to deliver it. However after taking a little bit of a detour to another planet, Peter finds himself in a 3-way battle with Gamora, rocket and groot. Gamora is there for the orb and rocket and groot are there for gamora and Peter.

All this being said, they end up in a pretty public fight and end up being sent to jail. This is where the film starts to build it's character, they are put in a maximum security stronghold where Drax is. More on him in a moment. The character building in these scenes are quite intense and you really see gamora for who she is..

Drax, right Drax is also seen as the destroyer because Ronin destroyed his planet and family and Drax has held a vengeance for the entirety of his time. Seeing gamora and knowing she is associated with ronin is enough for him to want to kill her. This is where his character starts his arc. After speaking to peter, he decides to join them anf see where he can go.

Following the stronghold scene, they eventually come against ronin after taking a mahoosive detour.

Coming to the end of the film you have been through intense laughter, even bits of sadness but you'll understand all of there standings and why they do what they do. The visual effects are brilliant and second to none and the action and comedy within is also amazing. Then we get to the performances of the cast, these really bring the film together and show the versatility of some of the actors.

Now even without my biased opinion onnthis film it is definitely a family friends amazing film you should definitely watch!!!
Seen (Breaking Free #2)
Seen (Breaking Free #2)
A.M. Arthur | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far more emotionally devastaing read, but equally blown away!
I was shared my copy of this book, via Amazon friends and family thingie.

This is book two in the Breaking Free series and I would STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Saved, before this one. More than strongly, I think it's very necessary for you to get a proper picture of this world and the men in it.

And, I was totally blown away by that book. This one? Equally blown away, but this is a far more emotionally devastating and difficult read.

Kell is Braun's older brother, and after three years of horrific abuse, snaps. Already reeling from the loss of his newborn, Kell now faces a murder charge. Ronin knew Kell ten years before, but moved away before their mating bonds could fully develop. Coming to Kell's rescue, via a court room, brings him back into contact with his mate, damaged though he is.

I wasn't able to read this book in one sitting, but I wanted to. It's just far too heavy a book for a one sitting read, but it was so f*cking good!

the full extent of the abuse that Kell suffered at the hands of his husband, and indeed, his father in law, is bad, even for this world, and through a series of witnesses, the story becomes clear. Braun knew about the beatings, but he didn't know how bad it really was. Kell thinks everyone will look bad on him for what was done to him. But Ronin?? He SEES Kell, makes Kell SEE, that there are better ways to live than in fear.

I don't know if the author has experienced of spousal abuse, or if they did a huge amount of research for these book, but either way, the way this is played out, it could be happening in any given court room across the globe right now. Ronin is an outstanding lawyer, and he systematically destroys the prosecution witnesses, one by miserable one.

And he pulls a blinder! Won't say what he does, but oh! I cried! For Kell, and for Ronin at that point.

Actually, there were a lot of tears in this book. Some heart breaking sobs, but also, some tears of joy too.

Attitudes they are a-changing, but these things take time. Fortunately, I have 6 more books to read to see how that all plays out!

Again, trigger warning are rife here, and you should probably not read these books if you have abuse triggers. It's a HUGE part of this story.

I can't really say what I want to say about this book, without spoilers, and I don't do spoilers, so I'll leave you with this:


5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Dustwalker in Books

Aug 25, 2017  
Tiffany Roberts | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dustwalker by Tiffany Roberts
Dustwalker is a post-apocalyptic dystopian novel, set around the community of Cheyenne. The humans scrimp through their living as best as they can, ruled over by the bot Warlord. Our main female, Lara, is worried about her missing sister, and surviving the best way she can, by finding scraps and trading them for food. Ronin is a dustwalker, a bot who goes out into the Dust. Some say the dustwalkers are a crazy lot, but Ronin knows that he is alone. No one will come looking for him if something happens to him out there. Through fate, Lara and Ronin's live connect, and what happens next is something that neither of them saw coming.

This is an amazing story, with world-building that is second to none. Every scene is 'real' and completely believable, even when they involve bots ;) This book is a bit of a slowburner, but in the best possible way. You get drawn into Lara's world, with all the hunger and pain and loss that goes with it. You feel for Ronin as he tries to understand what he has said to upset Lara! Most of all, you root for these two, and everyone else in Cheyenne, to get their HEA. After all they have been through, they deserve it; and as a reader, you will want it for them.

The pace is smooth, slow and gentle to entice you into their world, and building up as the story progresses. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The characters are all highly developed and completely distinct. There is simply no way you could confuse one character with another. There are some steamy bits but they are completely in keeping with the story, not superfluous in any way. This book had me right up until the last word - which I had to reread once I had wiped my eyes! Absolutely outstanding, I am so pleased I was given the opportunity to read this book. Highly recommended by me.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!