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Serena (8 KP) rated just Jack in Books

Nov 22, 2017  
just Jack
just Jack
K.L. Shandwick | 2015 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jack and Lily were the best of friends from a young age and as they got older and realised that they were developing feelings for each other, they decided to have a little distance, that was the most miserable time of their lives. With Lily meeting Alfie, Jack know he will always be part of her life, but not as import and now it would be Just Jack, and he had to work out the missing half of him.
After breaking up with his ex, Rosie because he wasn’t in love with her, he meets a girl called Gini and feels a connection, but it doesn’t work out.
Deciding to take a break from everything Jack heads away for six months and when he returns after trying to reunite with Rosie with no success, Jack takes the opportunity to tour with Rick’s band.
Seeing a music technician that stirs feelings in him, Jack is surprised to find out that it’s Rick’s niece Mya, even more surprised when Rick tells her it’s up to her, he doesn’t tell her what she can and can’t do. With Mya and Jack slowly becoming closer friends and with a little push, one night after a accidently kiss, Jack feels like he never has before.
After they left the tour and returned home, Jack knew he had to work out things with Lily. Holidaying with Mya, he realises that life is too short for what if’s and on a day that they should be so happy Jack gets news that will change their lives.
I loved happily ever after ending and how Jack although he was still Jack, he ended up with more than he could have ever imagined and was more than Just Jack.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated XX in Books

Oct 4, 2018 (Updated Oct 4, 2018)  
Angela Chadwick | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A provocative, timely, stonking good read!
Such a thought provoking, insightful book! This novel looks at the possibility of two women having a baby using a groundbreaking medical discovery - two ovums, no sperm. Of course there's an outcry. Religious-types, mens rights activists and bigots in general make their opinions publicly known. Jules and Rosie, the two main characters, try to stay out of the limelight. Jules is a reporter at a local Portsmouth newspaper, so knows how the system works, but when the story is leaked to the newspapers, along with their identities, she is sure that her policy of 'no comment' will work. The media doesn't get bored though, and her workplace aren't in any way supportive. They want the story as much as anyone else.
This could have been a terrible book, but it really wasn't. The subject matter was sensitively dealt with, the relationship between Jules and Rosie wasn't sensationalised, reactions, both good and bad, were realistic. This book is coming out during interesting times globally, where women are calling out bad male behaviour. I can see this being a route that a lot of women would take given the opportunity, whether they were gay or straight - and male fertility is taking a nose dive at the moment, too! So perhaps this would be a real solution (if some clever scientist could get it to work!).
By the way, I lived and taught in a high school in Petersfield on the edge of Leigh Park in the mid to late 1990's, and I think she has the essence of the place just right. It's not an easy place to live and grow up in.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Dialogue Books for my copy of this book
Carnal: The Beast Who Loved Me (Exiled, #1)
Carnal: The Beast Who Loved Me (Exiled, #1)
Victoria Danann | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where on earth, or in any dimension, do I start with this book? It is a continuation of the Knights of the Black Swan world but set in a different world, with different characters, beings, and problems. Rosie, the daughter of Litha and Storm, ends up there after she asks "Lally" for somewhere to hide whilst she recovers from Glen leaving her. With firm instructions on just what she can and can't do, Kellareal takes her to the Exiled, where Rosie feels more at home than she is used to. She finds her place and a new love in Carnal.

Wow! This book is simply amazing. I loved every word, it's that simple. Actually, I'm lying because there was a part of it that I couldn't believe, and had to re-read through the tears pouring out of my eyes, but I won't go into any further detail on that!

Rosie's character grows exponentially in this, as she finds her place within the Exiled world. She draws strength and friendship from those who live there, and she becomes a better person for it. There is so much more that I need to see in this Exiled world.

I feel that this is one of the best, if not the best, books that Victoria Danann has written. It is powerful, emotional, funny, action-packed - it has it all. It is always a pleasure to return to the Knights of the Black Swan, but they now have competition in the form of the Exiled. Absolutely, completely and definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 15, 2016