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A Hundred Lies
A Hundred Lies
Jean M. Grant | 2020 | History & Politics, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Hundred Lies is a historical romance with a supernatural twist. Rosalie has made a living from gathering information and reading body language to portray herself as a fortune-teller. Unfortunately for her, a Lady with no scruples has decided she knows too much and wants to silence her. This leads to Rosie and her family travelling to Scotland to try to escape.

The amount of detail and research in this book is amazing, leading to a rich comprehensive story. The characters are all well-described, even if you don't like them! This book is part of The Hundred Kisses series but it can be read as a standalone as I did. The only downside to that is that I now want to read the others too. 😁

I thoroughly enjoyed every word of this novel and thought the ending was superb, tying everything up nicely. If you like your romances to have a twist, then I can absolutely recommend this one!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Suspect (Kate Waters #3) in Books

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 8, 2019)  
The Suspect (Kate Waters #3)
The Suspect (Kate Waters #3)
Fiona Barton | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intruiging, winning tale
Eighteen-year-old Alexandra O'Connor and Rosie Shaw are backpacking in Thailand for three months. But when they don't contact their families as scheduled, panic ensues. They are reported missing, and journalist Kate Waters begins covering the case as well. But this one feels especially close to her heart, as she can't help but think of her own son, Jake, who has been overseas traveling for two years. As it quickly becomes clear that there's more to Rosie and Alex's case than meets the eye, Kate will soon be drawn to into their world.

For some reason, I must have forgotten that this was another Kate Waters book, so I was really excited when I started reading and realized that both she and DI Bob Sparkes were back in this one. I really liked Barton's previous two books featuring Kate and Bob, THE WIDOW and The Child, and this one was no exception. By this point, they are starting to feel like old friends.

The story is told via short chapters from various points of view: Kate, Bob, and Alex's mother, Lesley. We also get flashbacks to Alex in Bangkok. It's all very effective, as the result is very easy-to read. The story moves along steadily, and it kept me very interested and wondering what had happened to the girls. I also found the story a little frightening and, as many thrillers do, it made me quite frightened for my children to grow up and leave the house!

Kate was her usual self--I just always find myself drawn to her. She's determined and tough, yet vulnerable. I don't know much about the press, especially not in the U.S., but Barton's take on Kate always seems really authentic to me. This makes sense, considering Barton is a former U.K. journalist: it shows. I always enjoy how focused Kate is: ready to do nearly anything to get her story. What's great about this novel is that Barton throws in a compelling personal aspect for both Kate and Bob; for Kate, it really shakes up her take on reporting, which is truly her one constant in life. While it's not easy for her (or for me, really, since I have grown to care for her), I found it interesting to watch her grapple with this. Kate also has to look at the truth and how she might present it when it's more personal for her. It's a stark dilemma, and made the book more fascinating.

"Being a reporter is touchy-feely...We're not here to observe the news happening through a telescope--or Google. You've got to plunge yourself into this job so you can feel things, see things up close, understand them. You've got to get your hands dirty. Right up to the elbows."

At the core, though, there's a very intriguing plot here: what happened to Alex and Rosie? I found the book to be really interesting, and I was sucked up along with Kate and Bob, trying to piece together the various clues as to what had happened. There are several great twists and turns thrown in: a few I guessed at, several that really surprised me. The book does a great job at exploring how the media can put a person on trial, as well as the way we portray ourselves on social media versus what's really happening behind the scenes. All the various shades of truth being presented in different facets--all quite interesting.

Overall, this one was a winner for me. It featured some characters that are old favorites, a compelling mystery, and some intriguing personal elements for said characters. I certainly hope Bob and Kate make a return appearance in another Barton book.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Water for Elephants (2011)
Water for Elephants (2011)
2011 | Drama
The future is bright with promise for Jacob, a Cornell veterinary sciences student, ready to graduate and follow in his father’s footsteps. But after a series of unfortunate events, Jacob finds himself a college dropout, homeless and penniless. He sets out to find work and stows away on a passing train which turns out to be the Benzini Brothers Circus train.

Jacob appeals to the vanity of the heartless circus owner and ringmaster, August, convincing him to keep him on as the circus veterinary doctor. One of his first patients is the horse of the circus’ star attraction, Marlena, who also happens to be August’s wife. When Marlena’s horse is replaced by an elephant, Jacob is made responsible for the elephant’s care and training. This gives Marlena and Jacob a common ally in Rosie, the elephant, and a common enemy in an increasingly violent August. Cue the furtive glances, the stilted conversations and awkward moments that signal the start of the mutual attraction between Marlena and Jacob.

While Jacob, Marlena and August form the romantic triangle that drives the story, it’s Rosie and the circus backdrop that provide the more entertaining aspects of the movie. Director Francis Lawrence (Constantine and I Am Legend) pays decent attention to period detail, highlighting the desperation and brutality of The Great Depression while romanticizing the ephemeral circus life and the subversive lifestyles enjoyed in defiance of The Prohibition. Sadly they were just quick peeks into a curious world.

Based on a best-selling novel of the same name by Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants is a sweet tale told in retrospect by a 90-something-year old Jacob, played by a wistful Hal Holbrook. Robert Pattinson plays young Jacob capably, and I have no doubt his fans will swoon at the many close ups of his brooding stare, pained grimaces and the occasional delighted smile. While this character gives him a few more lines than his more well-known role as Edward, the tortured vampire of the Twilight saga, it was difficult to watch him and not see the similarities in how he portrays Jacob and Edward. Reese Witherspoon’s Marlena was in turns adequately fragile and sufficiently steely. With negligible chemistry, Pattinson and Witherspoon’s performances paled in comparison to that of Christoph Waltz whose sadistic August was played with cunning zeal.

A carefully told story, Water for Elephants is however too carefully told, in a predictable, pedantic pace. However, fans of Pattinson will not be disappointed.