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L. J. Shen | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading Defy and Vicious by L.J. Shen, I knew I had to keep going. Especially after falling in love with Dean in Vicious's book. He was beautifully broken, in my opinion. Reading this book, I knew my heart was in for it with him. He was a cocky, sexy man who knew what...or rather who he wanted, and that was Rosie. Seeing them together, seeing his passion for her,despite her health issues, really hooked me! I couldn't get enough of their story! By the end of the book.....well, let's just say that I am ready to dive into Scandalous next because I NEED MORE SINNERS!!! Another wonderfully done novel by a truly talented author.
My Name Is Anna
My Name Is Anna
Lizzy Barber | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two women – desperate to unlock the truth.
How far will they go to lay the past to rest?

My name is Anna is one of those books that captures your attention from the moment you look at its cover. Then, it drags you into a story, makes you bite your nails throughout, lifts you up in the air with the amazing writing and than smashes you back into the ground with the incredible twist at the end. Exactly what you want and need from a thriller.

The story is being told by two girls:

Anna, a girl raised with a religious mother, where everything is forbidden and everything is a sin. And when on her 18th Birthday, Anna decides to disobey her mum and go to a theme park, she feels like she has been here before. And then random events lead to her realising that she was taken away when she was a little girl. And her real name is not Anna at all…

Rosie, a girl whose big sister has been missing for fifteen years. And when the media is ready to let the story go after the fifteen years anniversary, Rosie is determined to do whatever it takes to discover the truth of what actually happened on that day at the theme park.

The first thing I noticed in this book, that makes it different than all the stories about the kidnapping is – that the plot is being revealed in the first chapters. I was not expecting to immediately know that Anna and Rosie are sisters and Anna was kidnapped as a girl, but this was stated in the first chapters in the book. I personally thought that this would be the big twist, but the twist came to be so much better than that.

I loved how you could relate to both girls, for different reasons, and how even though they were sisters, how one little moment changed their lives completely. How Anna was raised with different beliefs than Rosie, and how they grew up to be so different, but the same…

This was a great story that give you thoughts about ‘’what could’ve been…’’ and it makes you wonder – if certain things didn’t happen, would our lives be the same?

The end for me, was particularly meaningful. The last moments, the realisation, the conclusion, the story that ended, or the one that never begun, all the things we could’ve been, but are not, and all the things that we wish we could have changed, but we can’t.

If you, like me, are into kidnapping stories, amazing twists and thriller stories that take your breath away, this will definitely be the perfect book for you. This will be a hit at the beginning of 2019, and it will hit the top shelves. I know it hits my favourite shelf – for sure!

A huge thanks to Penguin Random House UK, for providing me with a hardback copy, in exchange for an honest review of this book. The opinions in this review are entirely my own, and completely unbiased.
A Wedding in December
A Wedding in December
Sarah Morgan | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wedding in December is a book that was long overdue. I was supposed to read it for Christmas, but yet, here we are in February. Nevertheless, it was an amazing experience and I am so glad I finally read it.

Sarah Morgan has an extremely good talent in human relations and relationships. She puts these relationships on paper so easily… Do you know that feeling where you can sense people’s mood by just walking into a room? She managed to capture this moment in most of her scenes - and it was a true joy to read that.

The Synopsis
Maggie has two daughters: Katie and Rosie. While Katie has always planned everything in her life and never failed (becoming doctor is her biggest achievement), Rosie is the complete opposite. She changes her mind all the time and never knows what she truly wants.

And one evening, Rosie calls her mum to tell her she is getting married. All of a sudden. Not in her hometown in the UK, but in some snowy mountains in the USA. For Christmas. THIS Christmas. In just a few months.

Everything is happening so fast, and Maggie is afraid for her daughter. But most importantly, Maggie is afraid that she will finally reveal to her girls that she is getting divorced from their dad.

My Thoughts
In a lovely snowy atmosphere, we get to see this family, and their different personalities coming together, in a book where love wins in the end. Reading this book under a warm blanket and with a hot chocolate definitely gave me the true feelings of Christmas again.

I encountered some interesting scenes, a couple of plot twists, a bit of a mystery behind one of the sisters. The importance of mental health as well, and how important is to share our troubles with someone. Anyone.

Some of the relationships, new or current, happened at a very fast pace, which wasn't too my great pleasure. There was some sense of unnecessary urgency which didn't feel believable nor relatable to me. But in hindsight, a wonderful book to spend your evenings with.

If you love romance novels and you also love Christmas, A Wedding in December will probably end up being your favourite book. I highly recommend it!
All's Fair in Pucks and War (A Rush Hockey Trilogy #2)
All's Fair in Pucks and War (A Rush Hockey Trilogy #2)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ALL'S FAIR IN PUCKS AND WAR is the second book in Rosie and Joel's story. You really do need to have read book one to understand even the first page, so I highly recommend you read it! As for this one...

My head is still whirling from everything that has happened! Maybe the town is classed as quiet, but Rosie and Joel's lives certainly aren't. Not only are they trying to forge a relationship but they have so much extra cr&p thrown at them, it's a wonder they even know what day it is.

There are epiphanies in here - on both sides - that make it so realistic. I loved them. Willow though? Sob story or not, I still don't like her and can't wait to see just how deeply she is involved. As for the rest of it... I can't comment! No, seriously, I just can't. Not without giving something away and I refuse to do that. Let's just say the ending is a complete cliffhanger (again) but this one didn't come as a surprise. I'm just left on tenterhooks wanting to see how it all ties in.

So much going on and yet so much still left unanswered! Can't wait for book 3.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 6, 2023
Water for Elephants
Water for Elephants
Sara Gruen | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I never thought that I would really fall in love with a book about the circus. I found it very difficult to put this book down, unfortunately I had to so I could take care of my family. I can't imagine would life would be like if I ran away with the circus, that's not something I have ever desired.

Jacob Jankowski loses everything in one day. His family, his home and his education. So he runs away with the circus(for real!). There he meets all kinds of interesting people and learns the ways of the circus. He also meets Marlena, the star of the show. He befriends her and her husband August, who is quite abusive to the animals, the roustabouts, and, at times, to Marlena. Shortly after Jacbo joins the Benzini Brothers Circus, they acquire an elephant, Rosie. Together Rosie and Marlena are bringing in the big money for Benzini Brothers. Of course there are a lot of ups and downs to get to that point.
The story is told through Jacob as an old man in a nursing home, waiting for his family to take him to the circus. He remineces about those days in anticipation for the event.
I want to tell so much more about this book, but I don't want to give it away. Please read this book, it will touch your heart and surprise you.

In the ebook version there is a conversation with the author, and she admits to never have gone to a circus before thinking about writing this book. I found that to be an interesting fact.

Serena (8 KP) rated just Jack in Books

Nov 22, 2017  
just Jack
just Jack
K.L. Shandwick | 2015 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jack and Lily were the best of friends from a young age and as they got older and realised that they were developing feelings for each other, they decided to have a little distance, that was the most miserable time of their lives. With Lily meeting Alfie, Jack know he will always be part of her life, but not as import and now it would be Just Jack, and he had to work out the missing half of him.
After breaking up with his ex, Rosie because he wasn’t in love with her, he meets a girl called Gini and feels a connection, but it doesn’t work out.
Deciding to take a break from everything Jack heads away for six months and when he returns after trying to reunite with Rosie with no success, Jack takes the opportunity to tour with Rick’s band.
Seeing a music technician that stirs feelings in him, Jack is surprised to find out that it’s Rick’s niece Mya, even more surprised when Rick tells her it’s up to her, he doesn’t tell her what she can and can’t do. With Mya and Jack slowly becoming closer friends and with a little push, one night after a accidently kiss, Jack feels like he never has before.
After they left the tour and returned home, Jack knew he had to work out things with Lily. Holidaying with Mya, he realises that life is too short for what if’s and on a day that they should be so happy Jack gets news that will change their lives.
I loved happily ever after ending and how Jack although he was still Jack, he ended up with more than he could have ever imagined and was more than Just Jack.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated XX in Books

Oct 4, 2018 (Updated Oct 4, 2018)  
Angela Chadwick | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A provocative, timely, stonking good read!
Such a thought provoking, insightful book! This novel looks at the possibility of two women having a baby using a groundbreaking medical discovery - two ovums, no sperm. Of course there's an outcry. Religious-types, mens rights activists and bigots in general make their opinions publicly known. Jules and Rosie, the two main characters, try to stay out of the limelight. Jules is a reporter at a local Portsmouth newspaper, so knows how the system works, but when the story is leaked to the newspapers, along with their identities, she is sure that her policy of 'no comment' will work. The media doesn't get bored though, and her workplace aren't in any way supportive. They want the story as much as anyone else.
This could have been a terrible book, but it really wasn't. The subject matter was sensitively dealt with, the relationship between Jules and Rosie wasn't sensationalised, reactions, both good and bad, were realistic. This book is coming out during interesting times globally, where women are calling out bad male behaviour. I can see this being a route that a lot of women would take given the opportunity, whether they were gay or straight - and male fertility is taking a nose dive at the moment, too! So perhaps this would be a real solution (if some clever scientist could get it to work!).
By the way, I lived and taught in a high school in Petersfield on the edge of Leigh Park in the mid to late 1990's, and I think she has the essence of the place just right. It's not an easy place to live and grow up in.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Dialogue Books for my copy of this book
Carnal: The Beast Who Loved Me (Exiled, #1)
Carnal: The Beast Who Loved Me (Exiled, #1)
Victoria Danann | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where on earth, or in any dimension, do I start with this book? It is a continuation of the Knights of the Black Swan world but set in a different world, with different characters, beings, and problems. Rosie, the daughter of Litha and Storm, ends up there after she asks "Lally" for somewhere to hide whilst she recovers from Glen leaving her. With firm instructions on just what she can and can't do, Kellareal takes her to the Exiled, where Rosie feels more at home than she is used to. She finds her place and a new love in Carnal.

Wow! This book is simply amazing. I loved every word, it's that simple. Actually, I'm lying because there was a part of it that I couldn't believe, and had to re-read through the tears pouring out of my eyes, but I won't go into any further detail on that!

Rosie's character grows exponentially in this, as she finds her place within the Exiled world. She draws strength and friendship from those who live there, and she becomes a better person for it. There is so much more that I need to see in this Exiled world.

I feel that this is one of the best, if not the best, books that Victoria Danann has written. It is powerful, emotional, funny, action-packed - it has it all. It is always a pleasure to return to the Knights of the Black Swan, but they now have competition in the form of the Exiled. Absolutely, completely and definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 15, 2016
The Rosie Result
The Rosie Result
Graeme Simsion | 2019 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I learnt a lot about Autism from this book
I absolutely loved this story. It is very thought provoking and I learnt a lot specifically about autism. I love this whole family (Rosie, Hudson and Don), Hudson is such a sweet little boy he had my heart.

It is a beautifully written story. Towards the end of the book there is a part that nearly had me bawling my eyes out, Hudsons speech. Book three in the series, but is this the end? Maybe, as it wraps up it all up at the end pretty well no cliffhanger but we will have to wait and see. Parts had me laughing… An uplifting, inspiring story. I enjoyed every minute of it.

I awarded a well deserved four stars and highly recommend. A brilliant read. Eye opener. Page turner. Full of facts. Hard to forget.
Payback (1999)
Payback (1999)
1999 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Get Ready To Root For The Bad Guy
Payback- is a intresting revenge action thriller. Maybe its me, but i fell like this movie is boring. Its good, but some what boring, like nothing going on. Also its kinda of confusing, again it might just be me, but i fell like its confusing as well. Like i said before its good, but in the end its both boring and confusing.

The plot: Porter (Mel Gibson) is a thief betrayed by both his wife, Lynn (Deborah Kara Unger), and his partner, Val (Gregg Henry), when he is shot in the back after a heist. Slowly, Porter recovers from his wounds and begins a search for Val, intent on recovering his share of the money they stole together. With the aid of prostitute Rosie (Maria Bello), Porter captures Val but still cannot find his cash. For this, Porter will have to challenge an imposing crime syndicate called the Outfit.

Although credited as director, Brian Helgeland's cut of the film was not the theatrical version released to audiences. After the end of principal photography, Helgeland's version was deemed too dark for the mainstream public. Following a script rewrite by Terry Hayes, director Helgeland was replaced by the production designer John Myhre, who reshot 30% of the film. The intent was to make the Porter character accessible. The film's tagline became: "Get Ready to Root for the Bad Guy." A potentially controversial scene between Porter and Lynn which arguably involves spousal abuse was excised and more plot elements were added to the third act. After 10 days of reshoots, a new opening scene and voiceover track also were added, and Kris Kristofferson walked on as a new villain.

The Director's Cut version features a female Bronson, that is never seen only heard over the phone voiced by Sally Kellerman, does not include the voice-over by Porter and several Bronson-related scenes. During their scuffle (which is longer than in the theatrical version and was the main source of controversy), Porter earlier tells Lynn that his picture with Rosie was taken before they met, thereby rendering her jealousy unjustified. This version has an entirely different, ambiguous ending where Porter is seriously wounded in a train station shootout and driven off by Rosie.

A June 4, 2012, look at "movies improved by directors' cuts" by The A.V. Club described Payback: Straight Up as "a marked improvement on the unrulier original.

Mel Gibson stated in a short interview released as a DVD extra that it "would've been ideal to shoot in black and white." He noted that "people want a color image" and that the actual film used a bleach bypass process to tint the film. In addition to this, the production design used muted shades of red, brown, and grey for costumes, sets, and cars for further effect.

Like i said its a good revenge action thriller but to me its both boring and confusing. Maybe i have to watch the directors cut.