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A Star to Sail By
A Star to Sail By
Joy Lynn Fielding | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved being kept on my toes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Crispin wanted to be in the Navy, and now he finds himself on a pirate ship, helping them. But these pirates aren't like anything he heard about and Billy, especially, calls to him for reasons he can't figure out. Billy knows though, and it takes a storm to bring them finally to admit to each other what they could be.

What I especially liked about this, was being kept on my toes!

We are aware that something happened to Crispin to mean he is surviving on a merchant ship, and is no longer in the Royal Navy, but not WHY. We know Billy hates Naval officers, but not WHY. And we get the answers to both almost at the same time. Very different reasons, but equally devastating to them. I'm not going to go into it, for spoilers, but difficult reading, Billy's especially. Be mindful of the trigger warnings on this book.

It's not especially explicit, but I didn't mind that here. It's more about the feeling these two men have for each other, and knowing that they can be together, in this time, and be safe.

It is, however, quite violent. These pirates are their behaviours, but things happen and then Crispin and Billy are dealt a nasty blow. The level of violence is not graphic, though it does carry some detailed descriptions of punishments and the aftermath. Also, the reason Billy hates Naval officers is described in some detail.

It's not a complicated read, and I found I read it faster than I normally would for a book of this length, some 370 pages.

First I've read of this author, I like the way she spins her tales. I'll certainly read more by this author.

A very enjoyable, 4 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere