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Kevin Phillipson (9961 KP) rated Luther - Season 1 in TV

Feb 1, 2019 (Updated Feb 1, 2019)  
Luther  - Season 1
Luther - Season 1
2010 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Idris Elba (1 more)
Ruth Wilson
Brillant cop drama great cast lead by idris Elba and ruth Wilson as his nemesis only just watched the first season looking to forward to the seasons

Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 1, 2019

Such a good show in general. So much creepier & scarier than modern horrors, especially series 3. Make sure you keep watching!


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Luther - Season 5 in TV

Jan 12, 2019  
Luther - Season 5
Luther - Season 5
2018 | Crime, Thriller
A welcome return
It seems like such a long time ago since Luther was on our screens, and it’s really good to have him back. Idris Elba is as usual fantastic as the dark and tormented Luther, who as per usual can’t seem to catch a break in this new series. The returning cast are all as good as they’ve ever been, and it’s always good to see Ruth Wilson and Michael Smiley. I do however think some of the newer cast and characters were a little weak. I couldn’t stop staring at Hermione Norris’s face (looked a bit plastic) and Luther’s new partner Halliday was a stereotypical foil to Luther’s law breaking antics. She was definitely no Ripley and I think fell foul to a lack of interest and development in her character in general, only being needed to push along certain plot points.

The plot itself though was as entertaining as ever, switching from near horror film to cat and mouse cop thriller seamlessly. There are a number of shocks, and lots of blood and gore. One thing Luther always does well is that it really pushes the horror aspect of what would otherwise be just a detective show. Like some of the earlier series, there are scenes in this that are absolutely creepy and terrifying. Makers of modern horror films should really take note. I also think the ending of this series was rather fitting, and without spoiling it, I’m hoping that this may be a decent finale for Luther, assuming they doom overdo it and make more.
The Little Stranger (2018)
The Little Stranger (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Thoughts on The Little Stranger


Characters – Dr Faraday is a young doctor who takes a fondness of an outcasted family, he wants to help the injured brother, wants to save Caroline, while being left in the middle being able to help them or a potential supernatural presence in the house. Roderick is the injured war hero, he was left with a limp and burns to his face, which make him feel outcasted from the rest of the village and useless to his family, he is struggling with the mental side of everything too, leaving him to make rash decisions. Caroline is the daughter of the household, she is the one that they family has hope of seeing escape their impending poverty and becomes the ones that Faraday takes an interest in. she comes off unsure of what to make of her own future. Mrs Ayres is the mother of the house, she wants the best for her children and is still haunted by the one that she lost.

Performances – I don’t think any of the performances in this film are bad, Domhnall Gleeson does everything he can in the leading role, as does Will Poulter in his supporting role, Ruth Wilson and Charlotte Rampling don’t disappoint with what they try to bring to the film, the problem with most of this film, comes from the characters be so bland and the story not going anywhere.

Story – The story here follows a doctor getting close to a family that are seen as outcasts only to start to fall in love with one member of the family just as the strange events start to happen within the mansion. This is where the story just doesn’t get going, we are promised a horror element to this film which just never comes to life, which makes the story feel like more of a class position story. if that sounds confusing, well that doesn’t change from the story in full, because we have very little happening here and end up just shrugging our shoulders at the end, wondering if anything was actually meant to happen.

Horror/Mystery – The horror in this film does seem to be non-existent, where anything supernatural does seem to only be part of the mystery over anything else going on in the film.

Settings – The film is set mostly in the mansion in a village in the English countryside, it shows how the family can be seen as outcasts and how people can look out at these types of buildings hoping to be part of this society.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are down the practical additions to Will Poulter, they look great, everything else just seems basic.

Scene of the Movie – The dog attack.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The aftermath of the dog attack.

Final Thoughts – This is a film that seems to hint at something big, only to end up feeling dull and uninspiring.


Overall: Just fails to deliver.
See how they run (2022)
See how they run (2022)
2022 | Comedy, Crime
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Despite a miscast Sam Rockwell - it works well...enough
The British Comedy/Murder Mystery SEE HOW THEY RUN came and went in movie theaters (at least in the U.S.) pretty quickly last fall and, consequently, most folks missed that this was even a thing.

The good news is that it is now streaming on multiple streaming services so as people gather for the Holidays there is a fun, family friendly (but good for adults) film that young and old alike could gather around the TV to watch together.

Written by Mark Chappell and Directed by Tom George (both of whom who have quite a few BBC TV Series under their belts, but it looks like this is the Major Motion Picture debut for them both), SEE HOW THEY RUN is a comedic look at the British Murder Mystery with a frumpy detective, a victim who “deserved it” and a plethora of potential suspects who are all brought into a room by the Detective on a “dark and stormy” night to reveal “whodunnit”.

Normally, with these types of films, it comes down to the casting and while there are some very good - and fun - actors in many of the roles, one of the roles is terribly miscast and that brings down the quality of this film quite a bit.

So, let’s start with what works - the central murder mystery is clever…enough…(for this sort of thing) and is wonderfully constructed around the London Stage debut of the long-running Agatha Christie murder mystery play THE MOUSETRAP in the 1950’s and, thus, this film is a period piece and that atmosphere adds - in a positive way - to the look and feel of this movie.

Saoirse Ronan, as always, is very good as the young Policewoman who is brought in to aide the main detective and proves out to be quite the Detective herself. She really holds this film together tightly in the middle. Adrien Brody, Ruth Wilson, David Oyelowo and Harris Dickinson all bring something to the film in their characters (and suspects) that add color and life to the central mystery.

Unfortunately, the usually good Sam Rockwell is miscast as the lead sleuth on this case. His frumpy, disheveled Detective was reminiscent of Columbo and just didn’t fit in this British Murder Mystery. While this performance is not a distraction to this film, it doesn’t elevate or lift this movie either, and - in a murder mystery - the detective solving the mystery is a major cog in the movie machine and this cog just isn’t that interesting.

Rockwell is not helped by a green Director and Writer who are looking to make the leap from television to film and this film feels more like a made for TV film, than a major motion picture.

Which is why this film is a good one to catch on one of the streaming services it is currently on. It is a fun enough film that will entertain young and old alike over the Holidays.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials
2019 | Adventure, Fantasy
Any fan of Phillip Pullman’s epic trilogy will tell you that His Dark Materials is one of the best stories ever told. There is so much scope to adapt and interpret the narrative, so rich are the textures, characterisation and pure weight of its many themes. Which is perhaps why any re-imagining will always come under such intense and divisive scrutiny.

The American studio version, patronisingly renamed The Golden Compass for the hard of thinking, was absolutely woeful, despite some canny casting. Choosing to focus too much on the potential of spectacular effects, rather than concentrating on the key elements of plot that make Northern Lights the perfect exposition for a much larger message.

You could always trust the BBC in conjunction with HBO not to make that same mistake. Which is why this version largely succeeds, regardless of some valid criticism concerning clunky dialogue and some creative re-arranging of events from the book. Yes, there is still a lot of telling rather than showing, in an attempt to engage an audience that have yet to read the source material; but, really, it didn’t bother me at all.

Casting Logan’s Dafne Keen as Lyra was the first stroke of genius. This girl has some serious potential, and, as the episodes unfold, she more than holds her own against more experienced actors in key roles. Her presence is a driving force from the get go that at times left me breathless at just how much she understands this complex young character. Truly exciting for the next chapter…

Of course, Ruth Wilson is more than capable of fulfilling the nuance of the sinister Mrs Coulter. And James McAvoy does an admirable job also, in a pivotal, but thankless role (for now) as Lord Asriel. But, no part is neglected, in this cast of dozens, which depends hugely on the idea of adults trying to control a world (eventually many worlds) in crisis!

The casting throughout is immensely bold – hardly a single actor matched my inner vision of them from the book, but the more I came to trust the production, the more I appreciated the clever choices made in this respect. Again, story-telling is always more important than spectacle, and episode to episode I simply began to believe in this version whole-heartedly – and I include in that all the voice actors who bring to life the demons, bears and all other CGI characters.

It is easy to gripe about what is wrong about it all. I can’t ever imagine a perfect visual re-telling of HDM that doesn’t disappoint at some level… but, more important to see what is very right about it! I felt moved, shocked, excited and elated at all the right moments! Basically, I got onboard and allowed myself to enjoy the story.

And what a story! Northern Lights exists as a phenomenon on its merits, but The Subtle Knife is where the themes of this idea really take off! Almost a year to wait for the next season… All I can say is, what an opportunity to make this one of the best things BBC has ever done.

Too many debating points for a brief summary. Keep watching is all I would say to anyone. Or perhaps I just want it too much…