STEM Careers: A Student's Guide to Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
A vast array of exciting career paths is open to people with STEM-based skills and qualifications,...

Cancer Stem Cells: Targeting the Roots of Cancer, Seeds of Metastasis, and Sources of Therapy Resistance
Huiping Liu and Justin Durla Lathia
Cancer Stem Cells: Targeting the Roots of Cancer, Seeds of Metastasis, and Sources of Therapy...

Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches - Tiangan Dizhi: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom Traditions
Karin Taylor Wu, Zhongxian Wu and Fei BingXun
Essential reading for serious students of Chinese practical arts, including medicine, martial arts...
The Scientific, Clinical and Commercial Development of the Stem Cell: From Radiobiology to Regenerative Medicine
This book offers timely and novel insights on the development of what may be the most important...

STEAM Channel (Video)
The STEAM Channel is a hub for educators, industry leaders, policy makers and students looking for...

Of Steam, Steel and Murder
A podcast presentation of our groups Skype based Role Playing game. Based on the FUDGE system by...