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And the Mountains Echoed
And the Mountains Echoed
Khaled Hosseini | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story I will never forget.
This is an unforgettable novel about finding yourself through someone else. This story revolves around the ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor and sacrifice for each other at times that matter the most. And The Mountains Echoed expands outwards becoming an emotional and powerful read with each page you turn. This is the perfect read for those who enjoy contemporary, bestsellers, drama and family genre’s and would make an outstanding read to discuss if you are part of a book club.

I have to admit this is another one of those books that I did not think was my kind of story, how wrong was I? Very. This has to be another of my all time favourite books! This is the first book I have read by Khaled Hosseini and it will not be the last, I cannot wait to dive into more of his outstanding stories. I chose to read this book as I had heard so many good reviews and recommendations and it did not disappoint me, so it would not disappoint you. I promise! I wouldn’t say i found this story an easy read but well worth the effort! And The Mountains Echoed is a beautifully written story that will leave you wanting more! This is a must read, page turner for you all to enjoy. You are welcome.
Storm Siren (Storm Siren #1)
Storm Siren (Storm Siren #1)
Mary Weber | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Be prepared for a tale full of twists and turns that will knock you off your feet and steal the very breath from your lungs. Infused with the powers of the Elementals Storm Siren has everything a YA Fantasy novel should posses.

Epic battles, devastating loss, search for purpose, simmering romance, bad guys that are the most vicious sort of people and good guys that will sacrifice everything for the good of the people. Nym has totally swept me into her world and I am looking forward to reading the next books in the series (which I was SMART this time around and placed all three books on hold at the same time at my library).

While the elements of faith are not blatantly in your face. I do recognize the threads weaving through the story. The constant battle between good and evil, the enemy being a deceiver, the good sacrificing everything. But maybe most importantly is seeing what is inside ourselves...and recognizing it for the GIFT it is rather than a curse.

If you enjoy Young Adult Fantasy with clean content and decent morals, you should definitely check this series out! Stay tuned for my thoughts on the remainder of the series.

I borrowed a copy of Storm Siren from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Secrets Submerged (Isla Emerged #1.5)
Secrets Submerged (Isla Emerged #1.5)
Deidre Sequeira | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
67 of 250
Secrets Submerged ( Isla Emerged book 1.5)
By Deidre Sequeira

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Pain. Deception. Family.

Eleven months ago, Isla became the matriarch of her merfolk kingdom. Unfortunately, transitioning from being an exiled princess to being a queen is tougher than she anticipated. Isla is haunted by the trauma her mistakes have left behind, the sacrifice her father made, and the glimpse Anita gave her at a secret that had been buried for nearly thirty years.

Only Anita and the secret she holds close to her heart can give Isla any measure of closure and make the road ahead clearer for Isla to grow as Queen. But, much like the young mermaid, Anita is wracked by guilt because of her past complacency, the lies she believed, and the damage that was done.

Do they dare risk their friendship—and Isla’s fragile sanity—by exposing a truth that could change everything?

This novella bridges the gap between the series' first book, Isla Emerged, and the full length sequel.

This is the perfect refresher and set up for the next book of the series. After reading book 1 I knew it was going to be good and I’m glad I wasn’t disappointed. The author has given you a refresher, some history and made you excited for the next one.

Jessica Simpson recommended The Book of Longings in Books (curated)

The Book of Longings
The Book of Longings
Sue Monk Kidd | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Growing up in a Southern Baptist home, I was hesitant to read a fictional account of Jesus’ adult life, his own family relations, and the introduction of a romantic relationship. I know the ending to this story, so what could I possibly learn? However, my curiosity got the best of me, and I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved how the author humanized Jesus in a way I hadn’t seen him described before. I knew about his adoration for his mother, his intense sense of responsibility and his steadfast purpose, but I had never considered the down to earth humanity within those qualities: the love of laughter, warm interpersonal connections with siblings, and day-to-day decision-making. The other fascinating character was, of course, his love interest Ana. You see Jesus through this strong, feisty woman’s eyes and cannot help but weep with her when she loses her greatest love. As this historical moment that I had faithfully studied for all of my life unfolded, I was so involved in the story that I forgot everything aside from the passion, love and sacrifice these two figures shared. Sue Monk Kidd provides the ultimate gift that any writer has to offer their reader: the ability to climb inside the hearts and minds of her characters, feel their pain and celebrate their love. What an experience."

Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
2006 | Fantasy
Even though this isn't that good, the resounding acclaim still makes sense to me because this is pretty much exactly what normies would have wanted out of this movie - to a T. The grand, moving mythic-fantasy spectacle this could have been takes a backseat to like only 4 full-fledged fantasy scenes swept under the suffocating carpet of yet another trite war drama. I realize this is deeply personal to Del Toro, and I'm not trying to invalidate that - but I think somewhere in his love for the project he forgot to add actual... depth to the thing because to him, just this film existing was enough? Don't get me wrong, it's still fine as it is - when it actually decides to be a fantasy film instead of a generic parable for self sacrifice (yawn, plus hot damn the ending is shitty *and* problematic) I think this looks great even though it's color-coded like a sickly Eiffel 65 music video for some reason. Moment to moment this is okay, some scenes work more than others. But ultimately it boils down to another batch of empty cyphers and caricature villains in the orbit of a boring heroine from Del Toro - who seems to specialize in that. A mishmash of unsubtle things he thinks have nuance but don't, though worth it for the practical effects alone.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 3, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the Christian romantic suspense book TARGETED by Lynette Eason, Lynn H. Blackburn, and Natalie Walters on my blog' and listen to the amazing playlist that accompanies the book while you're there! Be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of the book, a soy candle, and a $10 Target gift card.

Get ready for triple the excitement, intrigue, and romance with three heart-stopping stories from your favorite romantic suspense authors!

In On the Run, Lynette Eason introduces you to IT Specialist Daria Nevsky, a highly skilled FBI agent with the ability to hack any computer. She must go on the run to find out who wants her dead--and Dr. Ryker Donahue refuses to let her do it alone.

In Deadly Objective, Lynn H. Blackburn throws physical therapist Emily Dixon and Secret Service Agent Liam Harper into an impossible situation. They don't know why the vice president's son seems to be in the crosshairs of a killer, but they'll sacrifice anything to keep him safe.

In Caught in the Crosshairs, Natalie Walters pits former Army PSYOPS officer Ari Blackman against his colleague, CIA officer Claudia Gallegos, when Claudia is implicated in the murder of a Saudi prince. Can he prevent a coup that would put America at risk?
Babel: An Arcane History
Babel: An Arcane History
R F Kuang | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Babel is a college in Oxford - the Royal Institute of Translation - where all of the languages in the world are spoken and learnt about. It’s also where all the power of the British Empire originates from. But not in the way that you would think.

Robin Swift is brought to England by a mysterious Englishman after he is orphaned in Canton. The Englishman educates him, and then sends Robin to Babel to continue his studies. But is Babel everything that Robin wants or expects it to be?

This truly imaginative novel looks at colonialism, the power of language, resistance and sacrifice.

I loved the narration as well, it really added to the story, I felt, particularly the footnotes that were inserted into the rest of the dialogue explaining pronunciation and etymology (I really liked these parts, more than is normal or socially acceptable, probably! 🤭). I’ll admit that there were some mispronunciations of the Oxford colleges which would have been easy to avoid (I have to admit to mainly learning how to pronounce them by watching University Challenge 😆).

If you love language, languages (I do!), fantasy and an alternative history, then this will really appeal to you.

I do feel that I should have finished the book having learnt at least one more language though. Ah well 🤷🏼‍♀️
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Deborah Dorchak, Wendi Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice by Wendi Kelly & Deborah Dorchak
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice continues in the world of Angels, shifters, demons, Talutha, and goodness know's what else. I'm sure we've only scraped the top of the barrel as far as Kelly and Dorchak's imagination goes! Although this is only the second book in this series, I would highly recommend you read the first series, just to get a handle on the different characters and the relationships they have.

You may remember that I fell out with Cole in the last book. Well, he is making efforts to redeem himself, but to be completely honest, it's not really working with me. Then again, I have always been biased towards Harry. The fallout/effect from the last book is shown in this one, with the affects being far-reaching to everyone connected to Regina. I love that woman, I really do, but she really needs to start focusing on the bigger picture. She has so much help on hand, people who love her, that I wish she could take a moment to simply breathe. Actually, I related to Olivia in this book A LOT! There is always drama, always some crisis going on, and as for who is with who - well, I've actually given up on that now. I just figure that they are all together, in one way, shape, or form, and that will have to do. With so many characters, new and old, all interlinked in so many different ways, I just can't keep track in my mind over who is with whom! Another thing that Olivia mentioned is the fact that it is now the Pride, not the Pack. In fact, the pack is now given a lower-case when it's mentioned. I get that they are doing something completely new, and with new comes chaos, but I do feel a sense of sorrow that the cats seem to be taking over.

Now, with that all being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book, and read it in one sitting. You have bad guys, you have good guys, and then you have bad guys that you actually feel sorry for and want to help (Victoria and Simon anyone?). This book is extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. The scenes also smoothly flow from one to the next without any jarring. The world building is amazing, and I am in awe of these two authors for not only providing such a distinctive story, but in a world is intricate and intriguing, and it will keep you turning the pages. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
 The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3)
The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3)
Mary E. Pearson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
That was one of the hardest books I had to rate and review. The reason is that the adult part of me had very specific expectations while my young teenager self was reminding me that this is a YA book. More details.

Things that I liked:
-Lia is taking control of her destiny and do everything she can to save her people. As with the previous books is a strong female character, with personality and a big heart.
- We keep seeing how Lia is still attached to Venda and is also willing to help them. Is not just about saving her people but it's also about saving the people of Venda from their tyrant.
-Nice twists regarding Kaden past.
-Nice twists regarding Lia family
-I liked Lia's and her family dynamic.

Things my teenager self liked:
-Everybody gets a happy ending. Every main character survives and every one of them found love. A classic fairy tale ending.

Things I didn't like:
-Everybody gets a happy ending. Every main character survives and every one of them found love. A classic fairy tale ending... As an adult, I really didn't like that. First of all, if you have a love triangle and for two books you are telling us how much both Rafe and Kaden are sooooo deeply in love with Lia you don't get to just make Kaden fall in love with Pauline out of the blue and forget about Lia and just be besties. NO. I want my heart to be broken. I had mentally prepared myself for him to die or at the end to de like "I can be around you if you are not mine" and just leave. The author had an amazing opportunity to break our hearts but not... It's a YA book we can't do that. I sound like a crazy person I know...
-I felt this book was slower than it should have been. I was 40 pages from the end and this big battle between the ferocious army of Venda haven't even started. We had a big build-up from the previous book and I wanted an epic battle with twists and turns but it didn't happen.
-For 3 book we were told that Lia would have to "sacrifice" herself for the greater good. Well, that didn't happen either. Well, she "sacrificed" because she became the queen of Venda and couldn't be with Rafe. Ok, I can deal with that but then at the end, Lia and Rafe are "we love each other so we'll make it work", sooo... where is the sacrifice? Again a great opportunity to break our hearts but no... we went with the happy ending.

As I said this is a YA book so I'm perfectly aware of the author choices and I respect them. As a teenager, this would have probably been a 10/10. But if this final book was written for an adult audience it could have been heartbreaking and amazing.
Mercy Triumphs (Side by Side #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am new to Jana Kelley’s work, but I can say that it won’t be the last one I read from her. While this is the third book in a series, it could easily be read as a stand alone. It was captivating and breath taking, and didn’t leave me confused with the beautiful characters or the plot lines.

I absolutely can not imagine what a Muslim who wishes to embrace Christianity has to go through. The judgement, the pain, the sacrifice, all of it has to take a toll on ones soul. But, through the beautiful words of Ms. Kelley, I can see what happens. I can see the pain, the sacrifices, the emotional transition. It’s all vividly portrayed among the pages of Mercy Triumphs. The characters that are chiseled for this story are life like and become a part of the reader. I loved that.

Ms. Kelley has true talent! An emotionally raw novel of mercy and grace, this story will leave you in awe long after you’ve closed the last page. The details that Ms. Kelley weaves into this story are beautiful. I could feel God with me as I read this stunning novel. It is definitely worthy of 4 stars and two thumbs up. I am looking forward to going back and reading book 1 and 2.

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*