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Merissa (11950 KP) rated Shattered Ties (Guadel Chronicles #4) in Books

Apr 7, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Shattered Ties (Guadel Chronicles #4)
Shattered Ties (Guadel Chronicles #4)
Dean Murray | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Va'del, Jain and Abby are fighting to make their way back to the Capital. Whilst you read about them, you have the timeline of Javin and Va'ma with the others that we lost track of during Brittle Bonds.

This book is non-stop action pretty much all the way through. You can feel the exhaustion of all of them. I have to say that I still feel sorry for Va'del as he still has to fight against the Guadel as well as the lowland mages. I am very pleased that he has the love and support of not just his wives but the rest of those that are fighting for him too.

Va'del has grown so much from the first book and not just physically. As crazy as this sounds, I feel very proud of the achievements he has made. The ending of the book is just perfect and I won't say more than that. What I will say is that Va'del once again has to make a huge sacrifice that most people don't even see or acknowledge. This book has left me with a hangover as I continued to think about the various characters and what their lives would be like "after".

Absolutely brilliant series by Dean Murray. On a par but completely different to his Reflections series. I honestly can't recommend this author highly enough.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 13, 2016
The Solder Who Killed a King: A True Retelling of the Passion
David Kitz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to fiction books that are centered around Biblical times, it takes a really good author to hook me into the story line. Don't get me wrong, I love reading my Bible, however, not every author can create a story that brings the Biblical portion off the book pages and to the reader like a movie screen. David Kitz, however, truly hooked me with this book, and took me a first-class whirlwind ride through history. 

I absolutely felt every emotion of this book, watching, most often on the edge of my seat, as Christ was cruxified. This book really brings to life the Biblical and the historical detail. As I watched the Roman Centurion who was tasked with awful task, I found myself with tears in my eyes, both for him, and for Christ. It was a heartwrenching, gut twisting, thought provoking story of sacrifice and pain. 

This book......anything less than a 5 star review would be a disgrace. The style of which David Kitz wrote this novel is stunning and captivating. This book is definitely not for everyone though. If you are a reader of Biblical fiction, if you want to see what happened during that eventful week in time, then this book is for you. You will not be disappointed and you will want more! I know I am already ready for another beautifully written novel of Biblical times by this superbly talented author! Grab this book and be prepared for a jaw dropping experience of watching the cruxifixion come to play. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Leah, daughter of the cheesemaker has had a hard life living with a violent father. Leah marries Judah and finds protection and care. But the land is controlled by Antiochus IV, who is descended from one of Alexander the Great's generals. When he issues a decree that all Jews are to comply with Syrian laws, the devout Jews chance it all to follow the law of Moses.

Judah's father Mattathias decides to move his family from Jerusalem Modein to flee the punishment for defying the decree. By defying the decree, it begins a war that will cost many their lives. Before his death, Mattathias commands Judah to continue the war, otherwise, the Jewish lineage and their lands would be annihilated. Leah wants peace and wrestles with her husband's decision to be the commander of the army. Will there ever be peace?
This is the incredible chronicle of the Maccabees, told through the wife of Judah, who learns what courage and sacrifice are all about.

The author Angela Hunt has done an incredible amount of research and has produced a powerful history lesson entwined with her own creative writing. The author has a way of captivating the reader's attention while teaching us historical content. I like the way the author writes her novels through the eyes of people that were actually there, teaching us history through their eyes.

This is an excellent read, especially for those who love history.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (277 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I gave The Hunger Games trilogy a chance, I really did, but I found myself so frustrated with these books. I know all about the comparison to Battle Royale and here and there I do see where Suzanne Collins was influenced by it, but the books are different. For one thing Koushun Takami's book is better.
 The problem for me, mainly was with the heroine Katniss. I wanted to like her, but I found I could not care about her at all, even after she did the noble sacrifice of taking her sister's place in The Hunger Games. She seems very cold, apathetic, and just drifting along. For a main character there isn't any depth to her and that's sorely disappointing considering the theme of these books. Then we have this pointless love story that is completely unnecessary to the book and it just seems awkward and forced. The only character who seems real to me at all is Peeta while the other characters seem one dimensional. I also found myself frustrated with Katniss because at so many intervals in the story she just gives up so easily like it's as simple as changing her hair color. Are you kidding me with this nonsense?
 I had to keep reminding myself that these were books for young adults and while the writing wasn't bad, the story was not great. If the writing is so poor that you find you can not even care about the characters especially the main one, that's a serious problem. This didn't feel like a dystopian novel at all, sure it was dark and depressing, but that's pretty much it. I need more from something claiming to be a dystopian story. This was more like Dystopia with training wheels. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read Fahrenheit 451 and Battle Royale again.
Smashed (2012)
Smashed (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After a horrible lie goes wrong for Kate Hannah (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), she finally decides she needs to do something about her alcoholism which is causing her life to spin out of control. Throughout this Movie-a-Day experience, I have already watched a number of classics (see previous reviews). I randomly sprinkled in some films I had never heard of, Smashed being one of them. This is one hidden gem of a film that I'm so thankful it found its way on to my list.

The messages in the film aren't preached, but still manage to resonate strongly due to a powerful delivery. Kate's character shows us that it doesn't matter how you start (or the cards you're dealt in life), rather it's about how you decide--and only YOU get to decide--to finish. Kate wants to change but she has no support system as her husband is just as bad as her. In spite of the incredible adversity she's battling, she decides to go for it anyway, refusing to make excuses.

What makes this so important is the fact that Kate is a complete wreck and you recognize it almost instantly. Her life is a downwards tailspin, kind of like watching a car crash in slow motion. Her story is layered seamlessly into the film and you slowly start to understand that she never really had much of a chance to be anything other than what she became. Winstead captures the role in phenomenal fashion, aided by yet another strong performance from Octavia Spencer as Jenny. Through the two of them, we experience a powerful meaning that says doing the hard thing will always come with a sacrifice.

Recommended. I give Smashed an 86.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The best of the new 3 films
Contains spoilers, click to show
Episode 8 of the Star Wars saga is full of great characters, great moments & a great finale for Carrie Fisher. The film moves along Rey's story. Where did Rey come from? Who are her parents? Some people were disappointed with the reveal that her parents were nobodys. Well, nobody. I think we're going to find out Rey was born of the force. That's why she's so strong with the Force.

The scene with Leia & Luke is truly moving. Knowing this will be Hammil & Fisher's last scene acting together can bring tears to your eyes. And Luke's end sends chills down my spine. The sacrifice he makes to save what little of the Rebellion is left is a perfect ending for him. I'm sure he'll be back as a Jedi "ghost" in the future.

If you really pay attention, this film is a remake of Return of the Jedi, which is fine. There could be worse movies to copy & luckily, this film is so much fun, just like RotJ. The Porgs replace the Ewoks as the kid friendly merch for the film & although the Porgs don't do anything really, they're adorable. If I were a kid, I'd probably buy a whole bunch of Porg toys.

People did have problems with Finn & Rose's side story, with the excuse that their mission was useless & didn't accomplish anything. But it did. It spread the word of the rebellion to that part of the galaxy. We even see a young boy with force powers, who may be a future Jedi.

Everyone was wondering who was the last Jedi. Was it Luke? Was it Rey? Remember, Jedi can also be plural. It can be many people.

I feel this was a great addition to the saga & can't wait for Solo & then episode 9.
Opposition (Lux, #5)
Opposition (Lux, #5)
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The last installment in the Lux series. Luxen have invaded earth in their thousands without so much as a smidgeon of friendly intent. In the face of alien domination, salvation rests on our brave ragtag bunch of Lux, Hybrid and Origin heroes. Who can they trust? Where can they turn for help? Oh my, things are grimmer than grim.

Opposition was a decent read, and it certainly wrapped the series up neatly. However, it does conclude rather abruptly on a note which felt slap-dash rushed. On reaching the epilogue at only 63% -way before I was prepared for the story's end -I did feel kinda cheated. I don't know how long the book actually is, but it buzzed with a powerful not-long-enough vibe. And going off my kindle's progress bar, it was like I was robbed of almost half a book. The Shadows novella takes up the final 40%. I skimmed through this with very little interest. In place of this prequel, I'd have most definitely preferred more of the Opposition storyline, and there was a wealth of play space to expand upon the drama of the whole invasion fiasco and the fight against it.

I enjoyed the Lux series on the whole; the characters were great, and their interactions never failed to tickle me. But...

- Kat's excessive use of 'Holy alien babies' and similar such exclamations became increasingly annoying.
- The sizable proportion of word count devoted to declarations of love everlasting (and promises of sacrifice in the name of) would have been better spent on developing the actual plot.
- Daemon's lips 'kicked up' repeatedly. Sometimes, he could have just 'smiled'.
- Kat and Daemon reacted to situations in some bewilderingly dumb ways.
- Solutions to, and escapes from life threatening situations of doom played out way too swiftly and conveniently.
Condemned and Admired (The Earl’s Cunning Wife) is the first book I’ve read by Bree Wolf. It is an historical story involving both England and France. It is quite a long book if you are a slow reader, just as a reference. 4 stars from this reader.

Our heroine starts as Violet Winters, daughter of Viscount Silox on a night when her mother makes the ultimate sacrifice to save both her and her daughter from a life of hell.
Fast forward the story to Violette Duret and the mission she is on to save her family.

Oliver Cornell is the Earl of Cullingwood and he is tired of the rules and regulations he must follow to keep the titles in his family. He is young and just wants to have fun and enjoy himself, much to the chagrin of his father. When he wakes up on a ship headed to see he thinks he has found his ticket to freedom.

When Violette and her family pull their ship over to commandeer the vessel they don’t realize the precious commodity they now have on board. When the Earl reveals his identity she realizes he could help with her plan.

Violette and Oliver set off on an adventure that brings her right back into the family life her mother fought to remove her from. Will she make it out a second time?

A well written historical story with plenty of description of times in 1800’s England. I enjoyed the storyline of Violette and Oliver and look forward to reading her mother’s story in Trapped and Liberated. I received a copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. I have a couple other books by Ms. Wolf on my TBR, can’t wait to dive in.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.

Honestly I think I'm still recovering from the midnight screening, but it was well worth going to. Lots of fans showed up. A real mix across the board, had a lot of banter with them. Slightly disappointed with some that left before the end of the credits... seriously... you should know by now.

I don't want to really give spoilers so this is going to be brief.

I was basically in shock from about minute three of the film right through to the end.
One bit really made me cry, and that annoyed me.
I laughed a lot.
Everyone loves a pirate angel baby.
The atmosphere in the cinema was incredible and it really upped the enjoyment of the film for me. Yes, that is fairly tricky to do as it was already right up there, but there's no denying that it was way better with all those reactions. I was buzzing when I left the cinema at 3am, as was everyone else.

The only thing I would say is that I'm not really sure why people were coming out and acting so shocked... they know what films are in the pipeline and who is signed up for more films... and there's still part two to come... yes, I died a little bit inside by the end of the movie, but you know the outcome for some of the characters. Take a breath and enjoy everything.

Minor off topic (sort of) annoyance... another film with a trailer full of things that you don't see, or don't see quite the same, in the film.
Midnight Exposure (Midnight, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't you just love it when you read a book and it is so much more than what you expected? This is what happened to me when I read Midnight Exposure. I thought it would the usual story of hero meets heroine, they don't get on, big calamity, insta-love, everything's fine. That is so NOT what you get with this. You get a well thought out, full of plot, suspenseful story. Yes, there are overtures of romance to the book but they are brilliantly done.

Our main female and male leads both come with baggage and flaws. Jayne is no weeping wallflower mind you. One of my favourite parts of the book was when she used her black belt karate on someone. She is not just going to sit there and be a victim. The supporting characters are all well rounded and develop really well throughout the book.

As for the 'occult' side of things - I thought this was remarkably well written and that's coming from a pagan. Too often in books, knowledge is mis-used or only given in part and the result can be something that makes me cringe as it dumps every earth and nature based religion in with satanism. The parts of this book that were revealing more about the villain and his motives etc, never painted the actual symbolism as black, instead just showing how it was being used for his purposes. I know I haven't explained it very well but trust me, Melinda Leigh did a great job. As for the reviewer who said "we get no clue what kind of religion this is", I suggest you take a re-read as it is written plain as day.

Loved this book and have started on book 2, Midnight Sacrifice. Recommended!