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The Prince and the Ice King (Gemstone Kingdoms #1)
The Prince and the Ice King (Gemstone Kingdoms #1)
Amanda Meuwissen | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE PRINCE AND THE ICE KING starts off a new series where some of the kingdoms are named after gemstones. In this one, we have Emerald - where our prince comes from, and Sapphire - where our frozen king resides. Reardon sets out to rescue his friend who was an unwilling sacrifice to the Frozen Kingdom. He just hopes he isn't too late. When he gets there though, things are not as he thought they would be...

What a fantastic story this was! I loved every word from the very beginning. It hooked me in and I was invested in this story, which not only made it a joy to read but stayed with me when I didn't have the book in my hands.

Jack and Reardon have their differences - and difficulties - but Reardon is not about to let something as small as a kingdom-wide curse affect him. Oh, no! Indeed, he charms the inhabitants of the Frozen Kingdom with his willingness to help and learn.

But it wasn't just Jack and Reardon who helped make this story outstanding. They have a wonderful supporting cast with their own tales to tell. I can't tell you who my favourite was because I simply couldn't choose.

With a smooth pace, action, adventure, betrayal, love, honour, and some steamy moments to melt the ice, this book had everything I could possibly have asked for. I can't wait to continue this series and look forward to reading more by this author.

A magnificent start to the series and a new-to-me author to watch. Absolutely and utterly recommended. Loved it!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 6, 2021
Heir of Fire
Heir of Fire
Sarah J. Maas | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
In my head, this will always be "Throne of Glass: Sacrifice Edition". Dear lord.

Character development continues to abound in this book, and Celaena actually joins Chaol and Dorian in growing for the better. We even get a couple of sets of new characters to follow, including Manon, who is a wyvern riding Witch.

However, this book also suffered from Training Montage Syndrome (TMS). A good portion of the book is spent watching Celaena learn how to use her powers. And while I understand that it's an important piece of the story, the training portions were generally slow-paced, and made the book feel like it was never going to end.

<img src= ""; width="360" height="176"/>

I can be fair, though - that's a trap that a lot of fantasy books can fall into. I <i>still</i> haven't read [b:Inheritance|7664041|Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle, #4)|Christopher Paolini||10260587] because of how horrifically slow-paced [b:Brisingr|2248573|Brisingr (The Inheritance Cycle, #3)|Christopher Paolini||3124969] was.

The worst part of the overwhelming focus on training was, to me, that the book didn't really <i>need</i> to cut back to Celaena's training so often. There were plenty of other things to focus on instead of watching other people watch Celaena play racquetball with fire.

I mean, Chaol and Aedion (Celaena's cousin) are searching for a way to restore magic to the land, while simultaneously working to gather together survivors of Adarlan's oppression to raise a rebellion, Dorian starts looking for a way to control his magic, Manon is introduced and needs time dedicated to her character...but nope! Celaena needs <i>another</i> scene where she gets into a fight with Rowan, and then she's rude to everybody.

Chaol is the main driving-force behind my continued interest in this series. The things that man has gone through, and done by the end of the book...and all for someone who gave up on him, because of a misunderstanding. I said it in my Crown of Midnight review, and I'll say it again - Celaena doesn't deserve him. >__>

I actually found myself really liking Dorian in this book, as well. Even if he is doomed to unbelievably and suddenly fall in love with random women at the drop of a hat.

Manon's sections of the story were pretty fun. The new point of view was interesting, although I kept picturing Manon training her wyvern as the Other Mother from Coraline inserted into the world of How to Train Your Dragon 2.

...I'll leave you to supply your own visuals.

The ending would have been heartbreaking, except it just got ridiculous after a while. There are only so many self-sacrifices that can be made before my brain starts going, "I'm Spartacus! No, I'M Spartacus!"

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And the fruit of all of that self-sacrifice?

<spoiler>Chaol escapes the kingdom with his life, but is now a traitor to the Crown, which is kind of what Aedion had sacrificed himself to avoid in the first place. Meanwhile, both Aedion and Dorian are prisoners, and Dorian's love interest is dead.</spoiler>

These books are almost starting to frustrate me. They're <i>so</i> close to being great - but there's always something that disappoints me enough to stop me from being completely in love with this series. Ah, well. I suppose at least I still like them well enough.

Maybe the next one will be the one to completely win me over.
By What We Love (A New Start, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eloise has almost everything she ever dreamed of. A great job that pays well, a family that loves her, and a man who loves her unconditionally. None of these things came without hard work. Eloise grew up without her mother and then raised and put through school her younger brother and sister.

Mostes and Eloise have been together for years. Now, Eloise has the most amazing opportunity with her job and she wants nothing more than for Moses and her sister, Lori, to join her on the journey. Even though Lori and Moses love Eloise, they may not be ready to move to the other side of the world with her. Will Eloise be able to choose her family over her work? Which is really more important to her?

Charlene Carr writes about relatable characters. Any career driven woman could sympathize with Eloise. Maybe she is a bit more extreme than some, but she is still in a position a lot of women find themselves in, having to choose between their career and their family.

Eloise tends to make her decisions before consulting the rest of her family. Asking for forgiveness later. She has been this way for so long, she just assumes that they are going to go along with her. I personally, have never been one to put my work over my family. That is just me, but recently going from being a stay at home mom to a working mom, I can see how sometimes that sacrifice must be made. Charlene Carr does a great job of drawing you into the story and you can see yourself in the main characters shoes. You put yourself in the story.

This book is about discovering what exactly is most important. Hopefully we will come to that realization before it is too late and we lose out on those things we love the most.

**I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review**
First Love
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Love is a story of two young people, Alexandra and Robinson. Axi is sitting at Ernie's, a cafe in their small town, waiting for Robinson. Next week, she has finals for her two AP classes. Now, normally, this straight laced, straight A student would be studying for those finals, but today she has something else on her mind. As Robinson enters the store, all thoughts of finals escape her mind and a smile spreads across her face. He has that skill, to brighten her mood whenever he is around. As he sits down, worry starts to envelope Axi. What if her plan backfires? What if Robinson isn't interested in what she has to say? She takes a deep breath and says..."Let's Run Away".
All over the country they travel, breaking the rules and trying not to get hurt or arrested along the way. When this carefree trip takes a devastating turn, Axi comes to realize that life is way too short.

We all remember our first love. I know at that time, there was almost nothing I wouldn't do for mine. Would you lie, steal, cheat? Would you sacrifice your own life for their happiness? First Love is definitely not your typical James Patterson book. While he does have other books that are non-crime/police drama, they are few and far between. This was a cute story about teens trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Time is of the essence for them and they intend to ride it until the wheels fall off. Penning themselves Bonnie and Clyde, Axi and Robinson take a cross-country tour neither of them will ever forget. Starting in Oregon and ending in North Carolina they cross the country seeing the sites and trying to avoid the police. If you're interested in a quick, cute love story about a couple of kids, then you will enjoy this story!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Bloodlines in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Richelle Mead | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a huge fan of the Vampire Academy series, I anxiously awaited this book. What little I knew of the Alchemists fascinated me, and I felt like Adrian got the short stick in the final book of the series, Last Sacrifice. Richelle Mead does not disappoint in this book, and she keeps just enough mystery in the plot to keep me engrossed to the last page. Rose and Dimitri even make a few appearances, which was neat to see how other characters viewed them.
Sydney is the central character, and at first glance she seems to be the antithesis of Rose's personality. She wants to be obedient and cooperative with her bosses, and she had no interest in rebelling against the system. Unfortunately, her innate desire to do good and root out evil forces her into some rough situations. Her extreme phobia of magic also creates some interesting conflicts and a very promising revelation that I can't wait to see play out in further books.
Adrian's role is at first a secret, but with a few clues from the previous series allowed me to figure it out before Mead revealed it. Gone is the Adrian that Rose brought out -- instead he is back to as much smoking and drinking as at the beginning of the previous series, back when I did not like his character. BUT, this all seems to be a facade after awhile, when Adrian shows an avid interest in painting.
Jill is the one that Sydney is protecting, along with a collection of other new and old characters. As a fifteen-year-old girl also striving to have some semblance of normal life, Jill gets mixed up in problems of her own as she strives to define who she is. While her character could have had more development, as the first book in the series, there is plenty of room for growth.
I could not get through this book fast enough, and I can't wait for the second book, Golden Lily.

Parfs (178 KP) created a post in Avengers: Endgame (Discussion)

May 4, 2019  
So like most moooovie lovers and general nerds and geeks (still not sure what category I fit in to) I absolutely loved this movie and wanted to have a place to discuss some of the scenes and see what everyone's general opinion was. If you choose to read on and haven't seen the movie there are likely to be spoilers so you have had a warning.

1st off the whole 5 years later bit I believe places the time line now in 2021 as a discussion between Thanos and Nebula back in 2012 (pretty sure that is what was on screen during this portion of the moooovie) said that the other Nebula was from 9 years in the future. If that is the case Peter Parker is returning to school in 2021, 5 years after being dusted. I am really hoping Spider-Man - far from home covers this off as it seems weird to return to school with all his school friends and still be in the same class. I assume they were all dust too for convenience.

2nd, one of my favourite scenes is during the end battle where Pepper lands in her suit and then all the female characters all line up behind her doing their various we are here to kick your butt poses in a pure cinema moment which was just awesome too see. Now there is a but, this just felt a little bit forced from a plot point and did feel like the big bosses wanted to have a look at us moment. It also made me feel sad that Black Widow didn't get a chance to be there as she has been the driving force for this mesaage during the whole marvel cinematic universe.

3rd, the Black Widow point comes up again. Why at the end when they are Tony's wilderness retreat and laying the floating wreath was there not one for Nat? Did she not sacrifice for the entire universe too? Seems they missed a very poignant moment there.

Bohan Reviews (215 KP) May 8, 2019 (Updated May 8, 2019)

Your first point is one that I thought about almost as soon as I left the theater. I liked the idea of the movie being five years later because that adds a sort of legitimacy to the pain that they are all feeling, but I do think that it adds in a weird dynamic. Theoretically, everyone alive is now five years older than everyone who was dust, so if they don't address that in the new film, that will feel like a hole.

As for the Black Widow thing, I'm glad that they didn't give her her own funeral. For me, it wouldn't have felt in line with the character and it wouldn't have been something that she wanted. I like that Bruce and Steve have their own moment where they kind of acknowledge it at the end and for me that was enough closure.


Parfs (178 KP) May 8, 2019

Yeah, I can see that, fair point. Just feel there could have been a little extra to acknowledge it with the whole team.

Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Endgame or endlame?
#avengersendgame is a fitting, risk taking & satisfying conclusion to the #marvel #infinitysaga that treats every cherished character with the fan service, #love & respect they deserve. #Endgame is a great well made film that has lulls but delivers on all its #superhero promises. As it goes I did enjoy #Infinitywar more but AE is the more human, heartfelt, emotionally powerful, ambitious, meaningful & maturer film. A complete #nostalgia fest from start to end #avengers4 is not just a love letter to all your favourite characters its a tribute to cinema itself & how films become timeless in our hearts & minds. #Beautiful references to classic films are effortlessly intertwined here from #Terminator to #starwars, Indiana Jones, #aliens & even Casablanca its so magical & a great reminder of how warm & important film is to our lives #inspiring & moving us as people. As the stakes are now at the highest everyone has stepped up their acting game with poweful perfomances from everyone. Cgi is truly increadible (hulks face ?) & a fantastic technical achievement. Tone is bleak/morbid & a good chunk of the runtime is dialog heavy character building which may really test lesser fans/kids patience. Endgame takes these films in a darker direction too with its themes of loss & grieving explored really well. Theres great depth too which helps spark some great questions about the human psyche/spirit & what drives/motivates us to push on during our lowest & most desperate times (also how sacrifice, selfishness & the need to be #happy can weigh/take an exausting toll on our #mentalheath). #Thanos owns here & I found him extremely likable with great motives, interesting theories & memorable dialog. Action delivers eventually with badass memorable set pieces too. Endgame wraps things up nicely & its done with such passion/love for all its source material & characters that as a fan its hard not to enjoy it. A slow/long film with a fitting end that feels human, respectful & satisfying. Endgame proves #hope really is the strongest super power of them all. #mcu #avengers #comic #stanlee #spiderman #captainmarvel #captainamerica #blackpanther #comicon #thor #ironman #marvelstudios
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Sabaa Tahir | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Ember in the Ashes follows Laia's attempt to rescue her brother after he has been taken in the middle of the night and her grandparents murdered. She stumbles into some rebels and manages to convince their leader to promise to help her - at a cost. Laia must become a spy, infiltrating the Commandant's place and reporting to the rebels. If she gives them good information they say that they will risk the manpower to rescue her brother. Not only is he important to Laia, but he is the only Scholar who knows the secret of martial steel. Martial steel is superior and no weapons can match it, which is why the scholars have never successfully rebelled.

Martials are the ruling people who came to the and many years ago as conquerors. They enslaved the Scholars and treated the others in the land as second class citizens. The Martials even have a place they send their children to train and become Masks, some of the most feared warriors and killers in the land. Elias and Helene are two of those future Masks - training, top of their class and about to graduate.

Each character has their own secrets and motivations. Elias hates being a Mask and doesn't want to turn into his mother, the vicious Commandant. Helene is in love with Elias and despite her commitment to the Masks, is hesitant to call Elias' out on his commitment. Laia is scared, but can't abandon her brother again. Each must go on a journey of self-discovery and find out what truly matters to them - and what they will sacrifice to make it happen.

The world is full of unique places and characters. More interestingly, there is magic and creatures like djinn and efrits. Those are some of the supernatural creatures that are not as frequently portrayed in novels, thus make this even more intriguing. This is a beautifully written book and highly recommended to young adult/teen readers that like fantasy, books with good characters, world building, magic and supernatural creatures.
Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Just Great Sci-Fi
Total Recall is pure 90's action at its best. Cool fight scenes and gun battles are littered throughout, but never forced or never at the sacrifice of pacing. It definitely made up for some of my smaller gripes like having a lame villain. Seriously, Richter (Michael Ironside) was about as terrifying as my obese beagle. And what was up with the cheesy girl fight? Just not needed.

As a whole, though, Total Recall succeeds in a number of ways, some expected, some surprising. The film centers around Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Douglas Quaid who is bored with his life and needs an escape. After visiting a place called Recall where your dreams become reality, Quaid becomes mixed up in the center of a crazy mystery where he is a secret agent.

The film provides a solid mystery that keeps you entertained. The puzzle unravels in layers as you figure out a little bit more with every minute that passes. I appreciated the nice twists that kept things interesting. Director Paul Verhoeven wasn't just satisfied with getting by with swanky visuals and a big budget action star. The story's substance ultimately makes it better than what it could have been.

The twists and turns of the story are set against the backdrop of a creative future world. I liked the small touches like the lady changing her nail color with the touch of a pen and the bland driving robots. One of my favorite scenes, both in this movie and in film period, involves Quaid outsmarting the bad guys with a number of holograms. It was a cool trick that had I been watching in a theater in 1990: Mind blown.

Fun film that hits you with more substance than your run-of-the-mill action-sci-fi flick. I give Total Recall an 83. The film's quality made me hate the 2012 version even more.