Covering Shakespeare: An Actor's Saga of Near Misses and Dogged Endurance
David Weston has spent a lifetime acting in Shakespeare's plays, and has been directed by Peter...

Niorstigningar Saga: Sources, Transmission, and Theology of the Old Norse Descent into Hell
The Evangelium Nicodemi, or Gospel of Nicodemus, was the most widely circulated apocryphal writing...

The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz
On Winston Churchill's first day as prime minister, Hitler invaded Holland and Belgium. Poland and...

Don't Cry Alone: An Utterly Captivating Saga Exploring the Strength of Love
No.1 bestselling writer, Josephine Cox, is 'hailed quite rightly as a gifted writer in the tradition...

Bíblia Sagrada
Lifestyle and Utilities
O aplicativo 'Bíblia Sagrada' é um programa que leva o conteúdo da Bíblia à todos os lugares...

Bíblia Sagrada
Reference and Education
Versão da CNBB do Texto da Neo Vulgata Contém os 73 livros com todos os detalhes que constam da...

Bíblia Sagrada 2.0
Lifestyle and Book
O aplicativo 'Bíblia Sagrada' é um programa que leva o conteúdo da Bíblia à todos os lugares...

Blíblia Sagrada
Catalogs and Reference
Aproxime-se de Deus com este aplicativo Biblia Sagrada para IOS. Há muitas Bíblias para escolher e...