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Tombstone (1993)
Tombstone (1993)
1993 | Action, Western
The cast! Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell, Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thorton, Billy Zane, Sam Elliot and some many more (2 more)
Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday was perfect.. No one could have done it better
Based on a true story and so well written.
The Perfect Cast Makes A Perfect Movie
Absolutely the best western IMO. It's not my usual genre but it is and will remain one of my all time favorite movies.

John Hawkes recommended The Big Lebowski (1998) in Movies (curated)

The Big Lebowski (1998)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
1998 | Comedy

"I could go with Shadow of a Doubt, any number of Woody Allen movies, Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson — The Royal Tenenbaums I love — but I’m going to go with The Big Lebowski because it’s such a fully realized, beautiful film. John Goodman is amazing, [John] Turturro, [Steve] Buscemi, Sam Elliot — and then Jeff Bridges was fantastic. Julianne Moore. Just really, really, really, really such a satisfying film to watch, and so quotable, and something that I could have on a loop 24 hours a day in my home and never be bored with. Fantastic film. I’ll say no more."

The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama
Just got through watching The Man Who Killed Hitler and then Bigfoot. I really had no idea what direction this movie was going to take going into it. While the title may sound silly, this movie is anything but. Sam Elliot delivers an amazing performance as a man whose adult life is bookended with being tasked to kill Hitler and Bigfoot, just as the title states, but the real story of the movie for me was the life of Sam Elliot's character in between those events, and how the worst kills for a soldier are the ones right at home in the deaths of relationships and such. Living a life of regrets and what if's, trying to move forward from your past, it's like walking through life with something stuck in your shoe poking your foot with each step. And to me, that's what this movie is really about. One regret you don't want in life, not watching Robert D. Krzykowski's feature directorial debut The Man Who Killed Hitler and then Bigfoot.
Ghost Rider (2007)
Ghost Rider (2007)
2007 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Ride With The Cage
Ghost Rider- is one of those movies you love but think its wierd at the same time.

Nicolas Cage- goes over 100% on his acting in this film. He's over nine-thousand.

The plot: Years ago, motorcycle stuntman Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) sold his soul to save the life of a loved one. Now, he transforms into a fiery, avenging agent of justice at night wherever evil roams. As the only one who can walk in both worlds, Johnny is charged by Mephistopheles (Donal Logue) himself to destroy Blackheart (Wes Bentley), a demon that wants to overthrow Mephistopheles and create a worse hell than the one that currently exists.

Their is a 5-10 minute talk between nicolas cage and sam elliot and you cant understand a word there saying.

Ghost rider- is funny, has action, is dumb but overall is a good movie.
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Wow. Just wow.
To be honest, I had been holding off on seeing this one because I had heard all the reviews and didn't want to head into another movie that was loved by critics and be disappointed again. I also wasn't sure about the Cooper/Gaga pairing, Cooper as a singer, or Gaga as an actress. It just all seemed like a combination of things that would never work. And I'm happy to be completely and totally wrong on all counts. Simply, it worked. It all worked. Gaga and Cooper are brilliant in their portrayals and have amazing electric chemistry. All the actors put into their roles, no matter how big or small fit so perfectly. Sam Elliot is amazing in his supporting role, such an underrated actor. Man, even Dave Chappelle is good in his character as well. The music is outstanding. So much imagery and meaning to the story on several levels. All the characters felt real and the story felt true. I guess sometimes it's a perfect storm of miscellaneous square pegs that somehow come together to form a perfect circle. Highly recommend. One of very few films I would gladly watch several times and probably will.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated A Star Is Born (2018) in Movies

Oct 19, 2018 (Updated Oct 19, 2018)  
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Bradley Cooper's direction (2 more)
Both lead performances
Great original songs
Some odd character motivations (0 more)
Better Than Expected
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have dragged my other half to see plenty of stuff recently that she has sat through because I wanted to see it, so I thought it was about time that I let her drag me to something that she fancied seeing. I'm pretty glad that she did.

I expected A Star Is Born to be full of cheesy dialogue and crappy pop songs and I didn't know what to expect from Bradley Cooper's first time in the director's chair. Thankfully, my uncertainty and doubt was proven wrong. This is an absolutely fantastic directorial debut from Cooper. There were several parts in the movie where it felt similar to a Clint Eastwood directed movie, the influence that Clint obviously had on Cooper when they worked together for American Sniper has clearly paid off here. The cinematography is brilliant throughout the film and he gets a lot out of his actors too.

Considering Cooper is an actor, he plays an exceptionally convincing rock star as Jackson Maine. His voice is phenomenal and if all of the guitar playing was done by him, then that was impressive also. Likewise, considering Lady Gaga's background is as a singer and not an actress, she did a pretty great job in this role as Ally - even if she is playing a character very similar to herself. Sam Elliot is also fantastic, (as he always is,) as Jack's older brother and I reckon could be in for an Oscar shout for best supporting role.

In order to talk about the main negative I had with the film, I am going to have to spoil the way that it ends. So SPOILERS from this point on, you have been warned.

I know that Jackson didn't commit suicide just because of what Ally's sleazy agent said to him at the end of the movie, but I only know that because I had to fill in the blanks myself. The way that the movie presents it, is as if the agent tells Jack that he's an embarrassment to Ally and that's what makes him want to hang himself, which to me isn't justification enough to have a character take their own life, especially a character like Jackson Maine. The argument could be made that it wasn't what the agent said that led to Jack's suicide, but because he said out loud the way that Jack sees himself. As a burden and embarrassment to Ally. Although, if this was the case I feel like the movie could have driven it home a bit more. Like I said, I know that there was more to the character's decision to end his life than that, but the movie doesn't show it, instead making it look as if he decided to hang himself because of a smarmy wee prick's obnoxious comments.

Overall, this film was far better than it had any right to be. Although, the movie is funny in parts, overall it takes itself more seriously than I expected it too and I think that it is better for it. It may not win best picture, but I reckon it deserves a nomination, as does Bradley Cooper for best director.