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Assassination Nation (2018)
Assassination Nation (2018)
2018 | Thriller
Bad, but Could Have Been Worse
In a suburban town, four teenage girls find themselves fighting for their lives when some very private information about the townspeople gets posted online. I wanted to love this movie. I mean, it did enough to earn my respect. Unfortunately, it falls well short of being a movie I can recommend.

Acting; 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
Director Sam Levinson begins the film by capturing the essence of the daily lives of the four girls the story revolves around. You see them joking around, getting ready for a night out on the town, texting and doing all the social media stuff. It’s not long before the movie takes an extremely jarring turn. It’s a sharp curve and I appreciate the contrast. The movie maintains its bright vitality even as people are dying all over the place. Like it or not, it’s hard to look away.

Conflict: 7
Assassination Nation is slow in a number of spots. It’s like a sputtering car: hard to get going and once it does, it’s only a matter of time before it begins to stop again. There are a number of intense moments, but they are either few and far between or too little too late. From the title, I expected more.

Genre: 2

Memorability: 1
I am racking my brain trying to remember moments from this movie. It comes to me in pieces, but not spectacular pieces. The movie overall is missing a serious punch. It’s trying to succeed at being something it’s not and it shows. I mean, REALLY shows.

Pace: 8

Plot: 4

Resolution: 7
As messy as the movie can be at times, you are always hoping that the girls get a decent payoff. I won’t ruin what happens but I will say that, although it’s not perfect, it definitely beats the movie’s saggy middle.

Overall: 67
Assassination Nation is the kind of movie you watch once to say you did then move on forever. At best, it’s meh. Just when you get a glimpse of things improving, they fall below expectations. Again and again.