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This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

This starts with Lexi and some of the crew heading up a mountain in the hopes of recruiting a strong rock/stone giant to their crew as they gear up to appear at the Magical Summit in a few months time where Kieran will hope to become the recognised Demigod of San Francisco. Kieran doesn't know where she's heading and they're all hoping to get the giant on side before he realises. Then a ghost who used to be a spirit walker gives Alexis details of someone else who'd be good for the team and they head out after him, too. There's also the issue of Lydia, a Demigod of Egypt, who has invited them to her territory after being caught sneaking around their property. Kieran is hoping for an alliance with her so they go.

I do still really love this group of people. They are one big extended family that look after each other and compliment each others abilities magically. The new additions are great characters and I quickly grew to like both of them. I loved watching them all kick arse in this at the end. I was willing them on and grinning like an idiot at times.

There was a little twist/surprise at the end revolving around Magnus, Lexi's dad, that has me intrigued to see what might go down in the last book at the magical summit, so I'm off to go borrow it from the KU Library.

Ed O'Brien recommended What's Going On by Marvin Gaye in Music (curated)

What's Going On by Marvin Gaye
What's Going On by Marvin Gaye
1971 | Rhythm And Blues
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This takes me back to when we were on tour in America with The Bends, and we had all our equipment stolen. We only had three days to buy more. I remember Jonny and I travelling into this guitar shop in San Francisco, where I saw this Telecaster Strat I fell in love with, then me, Colin, Jonny, our soundman and our tech hiring this van to drive six hours north. We had only one cassette to play in it, which had Swervedriver's Ejector Seat on one side and Marvin Gaye's What's Going On on the other. I'd never heard it before. I was like, what is this? Oh my God! All I knew about Marvin Gaye was that he'd been involved in Motown. After this, I got trainspotterish about the album, and its band, The Funk Brothers, and how they made music.

This was really influential on the way I made music from that point. Before that, my bands were Pixies, Nirvana, The Posies and other grunge stuff, but I'd more or less reached a saturation point with all that by 1995. Hearing What's Going On? was like suddenly hearing music in five dimensions; it really made me think about how I wanted to contribute sonically to OK Computer. I thought 'Inner City Blues' was the greatest song I'd ever heard in my life, and it's still up there for me. This music felt like truth. It elevated and transported me. It was music that made me love the music I was trying to make."

Always Be My Maybe (2019)
Always Be My Maybe (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Verdict: Rom Com 101

Story: Always Be My Maybe starts when we get to meet two friends Sasha and Marcus who have grown up as best friends into their high school era where they almost become a couple, only their friendship falls apart. 15 years later Sasha (Wong) has become a major celebrity chef, heading back home for the latest restaurant opening. Marcus (Park) has followed his father Harry (Saito) into the family business, getting high on the side.
When the two reunite they see the changes they have both been through and start looking at what could once have been between the two despite having their own relationships on the side.

Thoughts on Always Be My Maybe

Characters – Sasha was once Marcus best friend before becoming one of the biggest celebrity chefs in America, she has restaurants across America and now looks to return home for the latest one. She starts to see her relationship crumble and with her old best friend walking back into her life, she is left to wonder what if. Marcus was Sasha best friend too, he never made too much of his life, working with his father, getting high and being part of his small band, never leave San Francisco. With Sasha back in his life, he must decide if it is finally time to take a chance on life. Harry is Marcus father that has always let him do his own thing, they both lost his wife and mother to Marcus. Veronica is Sasha best friend who is always there for business and personal issues, she knows about the previous friendship.
Performances – Randall Park and Ali Wong are both fine in the leading roles, they do struggle with balancing the ideas of their stand-up routines, with realistic conversations, which shows through the film. The supporting performers do get the better laughs, with more realistic nature to everything happening.
Story – The story follows two childhood friends that almost became more that have gone onto live very different lives until they get a chance to meet up again 15-years-later to put forward the question once more about what could have been. We do have deeper side to the story, which explores the ideas of not taking chances in life, when you meet somebody who will go everywhere. The idea that the two get a second chance does make most of the story feel like a straight to TV level of storytelling and while it doesn’t completely fall into relying on stand-up jokes, we do get more than we need to. The story does have a proper heart which is the important factor needed, only it just doesn’t do much more outside of this.
Comedy/Romance – The comedy is mostly miss until Keanu Reeves arrives on the scene, where he will give laughs through the scenes with ease, while the romance elements are everything we have seen before.
Settings – The film is mostly set in San Francisco which is always a nice backdrop, it does show the different lifestyles the two are living with where they feel more comfortable.

Scene of the Movie – Double date.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – It offers nothing new to the rom com.
Final Thoughts – This is a by the book rom com that does get saved by an outrageous cameo, which is the clear highlight of the film.

Overall: Simple and Fun.
Murder at the Palace
Murder at the Palace
Margaret Dumas | 2019 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Days are Murder
When Nora Paige’s movie star husband is caught having an affair with a co-star, she decides it is time to start over. Fortunately, Nora’s friend Robbie needs someone to manage the Palace Theater up in San Francisco. However, Nora’s first day doesn’t go as planned. She’s barely met the staff when she finds a dead body in the backup ice maker in the basement. Naturally, she doesn’t recognize the victim, but none of the staff know who he is either. Could his murder be tied to the death of the previous manager? And, if that shock weren’t enough, Nora starts to see a hallucination that just might be the ghost of an usherette named Trixie from the 1930’s. Is Nora going crazy? Can she figure out what is going on?

Since I rarely do paranormal cozies, I almost skipped this book, but I was so drawn to the classic movies theme that I had to give it a try. I’m very glad I did because it was fun. While we find the body early on, the set up, including introducing Trixie to the mix, does slow thing down at the beginning, but there is a strong mystery for Nora to solve. Nora, Trixie, and the rest of the cast are a hoot, and I can’t wait to hang out with all of them again. And there is plenty of talk about old movies. While I haven’t seen many of the movies mentioned yet, the discussion certainly made me want to fix that. I’m already buying my ticket for the next entry in this series.
Sophia (The Brides of San Fransico book 4)
Sophia (The Brides of San Fransico book 4)
Cynthia Woolf | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
few pages in but not as good as books 1-3, but could get better. (0 more)
romantic western
taken from amazon-Working long hours in a New York City bakery is not at all what Sophia Hayes had planned for her life. When her fiancé breaks their engagement her to marry her thinner, blonder, more beautiful sister, Sophia knows it is time to do something drastic, something completely unexpected. All she's ever wanted is to have a husband and family of her own. Agreeing to be a mail-order bride seems the perfect answer.

Robert Langley has been a sailor his entire life. As Captain of the Sapphire of India, his last cargo made him a very wealthy man, but his time at sea cost him much. His wife was killed in an accident while running away with another man leaving him a widower with four young children who barely recognize their own father. A mail-order bride seems to be the ideal solution. He simply needs a willing woman to warm his bed and a compassionate woman to raise his children. Love is not an option.

Sophia's sister is not content to leave well enough alone. When her husband dies unexpectedly, she makes her way to San Francisco to do what she has always done...take what she wants. And the moment she sets eyes on her sister's new family, what she wants is Robert Langley.

Sophia has always believed her stunning, talented sister deserved the best in life. But this time Sophia is in love, and she's not going to surrender without a fight.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2086 KP) rated Golden Gate in Books

Apr 19, 2021 (Updated Apr 19, 2021)  
Golden Gate
Golden Gate
James Ponti | 2021 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The City Spies Cross the Pond
As this book opens, Brooklyn and Sydney, two of the team of City Spies, are on board a ship for a week of marine biology targeted at young women. While they certainly do appreciate the science they are getting, they are really there to covertly guard two of the other teens on the ship. And it’s a good thing, too, when Umbra agents show up trying to kidnap the girls. Meanwhile, there is a new lead on a mole inside MI-6 and a lead in a secret project for Mother, the spy in charge of all the City Spies. Might it tie into the kidnapping?

Last year, I fell in love with these characters with the first book in the series, and I’m delighted to say that this book was just as good as the first one. The story kept me engaged the entire way, and there were times I was turning pages as quickly as I could to find out what would happen next. While all of the characters get their moments to shine, this is really Sydney’s book since she sees the most growth. One thing I love is how much the characters care for each other, so we see them working through conflicts they have. I might have even teared up a time or two as I read. We also get plenty of laughs along the way. I especially enjoyed the scenes in San Francisco since I recognized so many of the places they went. Kids will love this book. I know I’m already anxious to find out what happens next.
Bound (Chinatown Demons #1)
Bound (Chinatown Demons #1)
Rhys Ford | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
cant wait to see where this series goes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book one, a short introduction if you will, into a new series by Ford, Chinatown Demons, and I bloody loved it!

Spencer moved to San Francisco, for a last chance to save himself from his demons. Only to find himself working with a different sort of demon he never knew existed.

It's only short, this book, some 100 odd pages, but it pulls and tugs you in so far and so deep, you keep reading til you blink, and poof! The book is finished and you didn't see it coming! I loved that!

I haven't tagged this one as a romance, because, quite simply, it isn't one. Oh there is attraction between Xian and Spencer, but there is nothing else. Xian, though, seems to know something more is going on between him and Spencer.

There is something going on, that isn't made clear yet, much like why Spencer came to town from the LAPD. Hints are all we get, and I'm not able to currently put the pieces together fast enough, but hey! I don't mind that. Makes future books far more able to pull me in again, like this one did.

I can't wait to see where this series goes, and I know it will probably be some time before we get the next instalment, but I'll wait!

I'm sorry this review is short, but I'm in a difficult place right now.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Gate 76 in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
Gate 76
Gate 76
Andrew Diamond | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Freddy Ferguson is a private investigator. While walking through the San Francisco airport, a blonde woman catches his attention as she is being escorted on to a flight to Hawaii. She doesn't look very pleased with her escort, maybe this is why she catches Freddy's attention. There are other people in the airport as well that seem to be watching her and her escort to see if they are doing what they should. After she boards the plane and her "handlers" clear the area, she gets off the Hawaii flight and gets on another bound for Chicago. Shortly after take off, the Hawaii flight explodes in the air. Did this woman know the plane was going to blow up? Where did she go and do the people who were looking after her know? Now working with the airline to try and find who did this, Freddy finds corruption in the highest of places. Will he be able to find out what is going on and find the girl?

Thank you to NetGalley and Stolen Time Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

At first this book started out slow for me. I didn't like taking so much time flashing back to Freddy's life. I'm not sure how it tied in with his current situation. Over all the book was pretty good. I felt a very personal connection to the book with all the places mentioned in it in the Washington, D.C. area where I currently live and in Texas where I spent my college years driving all around the state.

Overall, the book was pretty good, redeeming itself towards the end, keeping me drawn in to find out what was going to happen in the end.

Jenni Olson recommended News from Home (1977) in Movies (curated)

News from Home (1977)
News from Home (1977)
1977 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The running themes of my top ten list are so perfectly combined in News from Home, which features the most exquisite first-person voice-over and a series of static landscapes of New York City. I had the incredible experience of watching News from Home on the night of October 6, 2015, the day after Chantal Akerman took her own life. I had awoken to this news from Paris on the morning of the sixth. Having spent the day trying to comprehend this incomprehensible fact, I found myself drawn to Hulu that night, choosing to process my grief by watching one of her films. After the first few minutes of News from Home, I realized to my amazement that I had actually never seen it despite thinking that I had (shameful confession: I realize now that it was Hotel Monterey I had seen long ago, and all this time I had somehow mixed up these two titles). Of course, I have seen many of Akerman’s other works and have always considered her a huge influence on my own—especially her formal approach to lengthy shot duration and the static camera and her affection for the mundane. But seeing News from Home, particularly at that moment in time, was such a revelation. It seemed so uncanny that my own cinematic style of mixing static, durational 16 mm urban cityscapes with voice-over would so resemble Akerman’s style in News from Home—and I make this comparison in the humblest way possible. As the final twelve-minute shot of a Manhattan skyline with seagulls unspooled before my bewildered and bleary eyes, I discovered that the conclusion of my new film, The Royal Road, which features a single seagull flying across the San Francisco skyline, pays uncanny homage to Akerman’s film."

Rainbow in Curved Air by Terry Riley
Rainbow in Curved Air by Terry Riley
1969 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The avant-garde comes to the mainstream. At the time, Terry Riley was an avant-garde composer. He still is, but he's probably more so known for his work in the late '60s. Indian music at the time was coming into focus because of The Beatles and psychedelic music. So his compositions - especially this one - were really hypnotic, very mantra-esque. I think Terry Riley influenced more in a pop sense than in a rock sense, and I think A Rainbow In Curved Air has probably equal influence to Sgt. Pepper's. And you can quote me on that! It's obviously where The Who got the name 'Baba O'Riley', where the band used synthesisers - that's from Terry Riley. We cut our teeth in Buffalo, NY, in the early '80s and in that time the place was at the height of avant-garde. They opened a music school where they featured all the greats - Terry Riley, Steve Reich and Tony Conrad - just a ton of avant-garde composers, who later became more famous. It was such a central point for the electronic avant-garde movement, one that hadn't been around since San Francisco in the late '60s. It influences everything that Grasshopper and I do. We have strange polarities of the melancholy, romantic side of us. Then we also have the avant-garde side of us. The rock & roll side of us is probably the least prominent in our music. One of our albums, Snowflake Midnight, is also our homage to that bygone era of electronic music. Once you put it on, you think, ""Oh that's where all that William Orbit and Moby stuff comes from."" If you look all the way back, that's Terry Riley. It was the beginning of synthesisers, arpeggio synths also, which eventually became modern dance music. It was his motif of making it more hypnotic."
