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The Lying Game (The Lying Game, #1)
The Lying Game (The Lying Game, #1)
Sara Shepard | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is definitely not my typical book. I'm not a fan on teenage drama filled novels so I was hesitant to read this book as part of my 2014 book reading challenge. This book was recommended to me my one of my amazing cousins so I committed to reading it this year.

Okay, where to start‰Û_ The Lying Game by Sara Shepard is a murder mystery that takes place in high school. This book is filled with drama and murder with a slice of romance. The characters were very "Mean Girls" with an evil streak and I found myself thankful that my high school could not be compared to this high school.

I felt that the characters could have more dimension to them. I felt like they fell flat. Even the main character was only 2 dimensional and very clich̩. I tend to be a character person so I found that I couldn't truly connect with any of the characters in this book.

The storyline was entertaining, I found myself wondering what was going to happen and I was sort of invested in the plot. I wish that the plot line was more flushed out and that the characters were more flushed out. Seriously, I love characters that I can relate to‰Û_

I could definitely tell that this was a young adult novel. I liked that it was a quick and surprisingly light read.

Ultimately, I think I may have been too old for this novel. I think I would have liked it better if I were to have read this in middle school. I liked the concept of this book but it just fell flat.

Ultimately, I would give this novel 3 cups of coffee. I enjoyed the book while it lasted but I will not continue on in the series.

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Spider-Men in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
Brian Michael Bendis | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, here's the thing.. Brian Michael Bendis . When his writing is good, like on ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN or his own creator-owned projects like JINX and POWERS, the man is quite good. When he is regrettable, like he was on his run on ALL-NEW X-MEN and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (Peter Quill + Kitty Pryde? Really?!? Um, no..), his writing stank like yesterday's diapers! Fortunately, that was not the case with this little gem!

Let me frank here: THIS WAS A FUN READ! It was great to see Miles Morales and Earth-616's Peter Parker, <b>our/my</b> Double-P, working together. Still riding on the good++ vibe generated by INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (seriously, if you have not seen it yet, you totally need to see it), this was just what I wanted.

And that art? Wowwowwoweeewow! I sure do love me some Sara Pichelli! I never really tire of seeing her work! And the perfect compliment to her art? The always-perfect coloring by the late Justin Ponsor! Man, I am gonna miss him! Rest in peace, Justin! #cancersucks

If there was anything I could find wrong with the story as a whole was Mysterio. Look, I am a 50-year-old comic fan who got all sorts of happy when I saw the clip of SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME and Mysterio was in it -- with his fishbowl head! But, here in this story, while cool to see him used, I felt he was not really memorable. His performance in the story didn't really feel like Mysterio, you know? Other than that, the book was all aces for me!

If you are looking for a Spider-Fix, and you want to read some of the good Bendis, look no further than this one! Enjoy!
A Faint Cold Fear (Grant County, #3)
A Faint Cold Fear (Grant County, #3)
Karin Slaughter | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Started off well..... (0 more)
Went down hill rapidly...... (0 more)
Hope this was just a blip in a promising series......
Contains spoilers, click to show
I really enjoyed the first two books in this series so was looking forward to reading this, and I may be guilty of over anticipation as it fell far short of expectations.

It got off to a powerful start but soon turned into a bit of a slog. The previous books felt more story driven, while this more focused on the characters which isn't my ideal. Despite the focus the characters didn't seem to develop. Lena I could do without at this point, yes she's been through a lot and she's not coping well but god make the odd good decision at least, just so frustrating.

Jeffery and Sara's constant bickering followed by making up is tedious, why she wants to get back with the guy is lost on me. When Jeffery looses is because Sara is speaking to an old colleague in a hospital while a loved one is in critical condition made me just want to yell run from him he's a controlling, cheating bastard stop going back to him your a strong woman you don't need that. Updates on the critically injured sister just got stupid how many times was it just "she's doing better" without really addressing what was going on with her just seemed odd, we got more detail on how long and much traffic there was on the way to the hospital.

The main plot just never caught on for me and the investigation just lacked any sense of urgency or intrigue.

I'll be continuing with the series hoping this one was a blip and we return to stronger stories.
The High Moments
The High Moments
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I am very excited to be part of the Instagram Tour for The High Moments by Sara-Ella Ozbek. Thank you to Kaleidoscopic Book Tours for this amazing opportunity, and for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

<b><i>The High Moments is a book about Scarlett.</i></b>

She’s not perfect and she has a very tricky relationship with her mother. All she wants is to be successful and for people to like her.

She is one of those people that make goals on New Year’s Eve, and then reflect back one year later, just to realise that nothing has changed. But one day, she does decide it’s time for a change. So she moves to London. She doesn’t have a particular plan, but she does want to be a designer.

She ends up getting a job at a modeling agency with a very low salary. But the fashion industry is the worst place you can go to, if you are willing to change yourself, just to appeal to others.

<b><i>Which is something Scarlett, obviously, does.</i></b>

She makes friends that aren’t that real. She hands out with the wrong crowd. And she sleeps with men she shouldn’t. She takes drugs. She consumes alcohol. Way more than she is supposed to. But at least people start to recognise her. They invite her to parties she could only have dreamed of. Surely that can’t be all that bad? Well – it is.

<b><i>And she doesn’t really learn from it, until it’s way too late.</i></b>

This book was compared to The Devil Wears Prada, and I don’t agree with that comparison. The Devil Wears Prada is a gem, and the first of its kind, so it shouldn’t be a very easy story to compare. Just because this book follows a woman that works in a very fast paced fashion industry it doesn’t mean comparisons should be thrown left right and center.

Additionally, Scarlett is a very insecure person. And despite her goal in design, she doesn’t show a lot of determination. She seemed to care way more about her parties, than to be good at her job and get promoted in her career. But I think that her immaturity comes with her age, and the story was captured in a time when she still needed to experience everything and grow. Which she does, at the very end of the book, even though it’s a slow start.

Aside from this, I really enjoyed the book, and it only took me one day to finish it. I was very invested and entertained, and I have only praise for that. The scenes were very realistic and the characters were very real. The plot was predictable, but I expected that. Every time Scarlett would make a bad decision, I knew it would come back to bite her. And I also knew she would learn to grow from all the mistakes she made – which she does. And that pleases me.

<b><i>“Everyone always wonders how good people can do terrible things, but bad behaviour is the easiest thing in the world, really. You just don’t think about it.”</i></b>

If you love fast-paced books, filled with humour and fashion, I promise you will enjoy The High Moments by Sara-Ella Ozbek. It will lift your spirits and make you giggle. And on top of that, it will make you discuss Scarlett’s choices in life with your best friend. What more do you want in a book?
The Silent Wife
The Silent Wife
Karin Slaughter | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read three books now by Karin Slaughter and enjoyed every single one. After I read the first, I promised myself that I would catch up with the Grant County and Will Trent books, but here we are. I will do it, but when, I have no idea. Just so that it’s clear: if like me, you haven’t read the rest of the series, it won’t ruin your reading enjoyment. These books are so well written, that I didn’t feel as though I didn’t know what was going on.

This story based around Will Trent (a GBI agent) and medical examiner Dr Sara Linton, is as dark and unsettling as the other books I’ve read. When the GBI is called in to investigate the death of an inmate during a penitentiary riot, another inmate, Daryl Nesbitt, offers them information about a series of terrible attacks, sexual assaults and murders of women in Grant County. Murders and attacks which almost exactly mirror the murders that he was convicted of and that he claims that he didn’t commit. He claims that Sara’s dead husband, Chief of Police Jeffrey Tolliver, and his fellow officer, Lena Adams, framed him.

There is enough in what he says for them to start looking in to past cases and to follow up on a more recent death.

No matter how gore-filled these books are, it’s never done in bad taste. The characters have respect for the dead women (I don’t think I’m giving too much away when I say it’s ‘women’, as in ‘more than one’), and they, to some extent, treat suspects with restraint. I really liked the extended flashbacks to Jeffrey Tolliver. They’ve certainly made me want to read more of the Grant County books.

I’m really glad that The Pigeonhole have serialised the last couple of Karin Slaughter books, and selfishly, I really hope they continue to do so! If you’re already a fan of Karin Slaughter books, you’ll understand. If you haven’t read any yet, what are you waiting for?
Rocket: The Blue River Score
Rocket: The Blue River Score
Al Ewing | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to confess: I went into this one with low expectations, largely due to trying to read the previous Rocket outing, Matthew Rosenberg's ROCKET RACCOON: GROUNDED! That book was just depressing as hell, and every character in it just felt wholly out-of-character, as if Rosenberg no flarking clue as to who the characters actually were and how they were SUPPOSED to behave! Fortunately, my pre-"low expectations" were ill-placed, as Trash Panda's outing was as far from the depressing wreck that Rosenberg churned out!

Yes, first and foremost, it was a Rocket Raccoon story, but it was also so much more. It felt not unlike SMOKIN' ACES or SNATCH...only on another planet, with aliens and an augmented raccoon! Writer Al Ewing is clearly a fan of pulp noir novels, and it shows throughout. Ah, if only Marvel would realize what a great film this mini would make!

If you like the wise-cracking, sometimes edgy wit of RR - basically, the RR of the MCU - then this is a book for you! Rocket has a great scheme in here, as well as some good intentions, all of which amounts to a double-cross and an ending that effectively resolves everything with a somewhat bittersweet ending. Bravo, Mr. Ewing! I truly hope Marvel lets him helm another RR solo mini!

And, if that does happen, allowed for another Ewing-helmed outing with RR, I hope that brings along artist Adam Gorham and colorist Michael Garland. Those two brought this fun li'l space heist to life ever so well! I was a big fan of Sara Pichelli's GOTG art for Rocket, but as good as she was, I feel these two were just as good, if not better! Definitely artists (and colorists) to keep an eye out for!

End of the day, you could do a whole lot worse that reading ROCKET: THE BLUE RIVE SCORE. *cough* CIVIL WAR II *cough* Bendis' ALL-NEW X-MEN run *cough cough*
Fate of the Moon
Fate of the Moon
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have never yet been disappointed by a Sara Dobie Bauer book and FATE OF THE MOON wasn't going to break that trend!

The society that Shay lives in is very... protective of its Omegas. Some may even say backwards or stifling. But that's the way it is. Shay is lucky in that his parents allowed him more freedom than most. That didn't help him when his parents were brutally murdered though, or when he became the prime suspect. He is struggling to survive, sinking deeper into depression every day. That is until Alfie comes along. Alfie is an Alpha with no intention of ever mating. He just wants to do his job and report on the Omega murderer. Everything changes when these two actually meet.

Lots of things stand in the way of Alfie and Shay's HEA - societal norms, snobbery, business dealings, oh, and a murderer! I loved reading about how life was and how they both wanted to change it. I can't say as the Big Bad was a surprise but I adored how it was written.

One thing I have to comment on is the Insta-Bond. I loved it. Being a fan of paranormal books, I am used to Insta-Love but this? This was a whole new ballpark. The fact they couldn't physically be far apart, the way it showed up in blood tests, all of this was new to me and I found it brilliant.

All in all, this was a great read from beginning to end. I was hooked on every word and I am really hoping there is more to come from this world. Absolutely brilliant and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11794 KP) created a post

Mar 15, 2021  
Shifter Affairs Box Set: Shifter Agents Books 1–4 by Nancy Corrigan is $0.99 for a limited time.


Freeing his Mate
Never lead a widowed shifter cop to his true mate then tell him he can't have her.

One night, I was stolen from my human life and thrust into the shifter world. With no rights among these primal males, I'm expected to submit to their will. But I only want Rick—the rugged, tattooed cop who can touch my soul and tame my wolf and... free me.
One thing stands in our way—the beast who kidnapped me would rather kill me than let me go.

A century ago, I lost my family. While on the hunt for a killer, I found my future. Mya's my true mate. She's my gift from the gods...the one woman I'm supposed to love and treasure forever.
And the rogue wolf shifter who took her from me will die.
Even if I have to break the law I've sworn to uphold to steal her back. Nothing keeps a shifter from his one true mate.

Claimed by the Assassin
A shy waitress and an ancient, shapeshifting assassin with a bounty on his head… A match made in heaven?

It was supposed to be a simple favor. Instead of helping out the sexy, aloof bouncer at my bar, I’ve narrowly escaped death at the hands of a murdering shifter and inadvertently rescued Ilan’s nephew in the process. The things a woman has to do to get a guy’s attention these days…

For years, I kept my innocent human true mate safe from me and the dangerous world I live in. Then on the night I planned to skip town, Sara lands in the middle of a botched assassination attempt. Now, I can’t let her go. She’s a target. So is my infant nephew. And the killers who came after my family should be afraid.
Very afraid.
I’m not called an Angel of Death for nothing.

Baiting the Royal
A murder case where the stakes are personal…in more ways than one.

As a coroner, I give a voice to the voiceless. But the latest body on my slab raises questions someone doesn’t want me to answer. With my sister’s attacker back in town, I need to uncover the truth. Any way I can get it. Even if that means partnering up with Uri, a Royal feline shifter from the Alexander pride and a by-the-book cop who’d rather keep me safe in my lab…or his bedroom.

Rules are made for a reason. But nothing in the official Shifter Affairs handbook covers what to do when you’re forced to partner up with your true mate. Especially when Lyla has a penchant for fighting for the underdog and finding herself in dangerous situations. But with a serial killer on the loose and the body count rising and hitting closer to home, only one rule matters.
Nobody threatens a shifter’s mate and lives.

He thinks we’re destined to be together. I think he’s crazy... Or maybe that's me.


I’m called the “beloved human” of Kade, the alluring leader of the Royal Alexander pride. Its members consider me his possession. I avoid thinking too hard about what that means by teasing him mercilessly. Besides, I have other worries. My nightmares are back, stronger than ever, and they’re starting to bleed into the real world. To make them stop, I have to discover the truth behind the attack that cost me my baby and my fiancé. Their deaths demand justice. And I want revenge.

Ever since I healed Zoe, she’s been my responsibility in the group to handle—and to control. I never asked to claim her, and I didn’t want to. Until now. She’s the one. My mate. And the timing couldn’t be worse. Other shifters are making bets on how soon I’ll lose my title, and fears over a prophesy have made our group a target. But I’ll do anything to protect Zoe, to ensure our pride is a safe place for the future we could have together. All that’s left is to convince her—and to prevent my enemies from claiming what’s mine.
The Forgiving Jar
The Forgiving Jar
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Many of y'all know me, and know that one of my favorite genres to read is Amish fiction. Among that Amish fiction, there is this really amazingly talented author who never fails to hook me, keep me focused on the story, and make me feel as if I was a character within the pages as I follow the ups, downs, ins and outs of her beloved characters' lives. That author is Wanda Brunstetter. She is phenomenal. So, I looked forward to opening up the next book in her Prayer Jars series. Let me tell you this: She did not disappoint me. In fact, I was blown away with this story. 

Ms. Brunstetter has woven a tender story with this book. It's full of secrets and twists, but also full of hope, longing, forgiving and grace. Sara and Brad's characters are tenderly chiseled together to create a few sparks of romance blooming within the book, and Michelle's character.....well, let me say that at first, I wanted to hate her, for assuming a life that wasn't her own. But, through the words of Ms. Brunstetter, through the forgiving grace of God, I was able to see why she did it, and much like the story line suggests, and forgive her for it, the same as if she truly did it to me. 

The way Ms. Brunstetter makes me feel at the end of the book, like she wrote solely for me (which, of course, I know she did not but that's how good her writing is!), has once again left me ready for her next book in the series so I can feel this way again. The Forgiving Jar is a tender story, one that makes the reader sit and reflect about forgiving and letting go of the pain and the past, and focus on the here and now. Anything less than a 5 star praise for this book, would not be doing it justice. Well done, Ms. Brunstetter. Well done. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Shiloh Run Press and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Natalie Swain (4 KP) rated Everless in Books

Jan 4, 2019  
Sara Holland | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everless by Sara Holland.

It tells the story of Jules, a 17 year old girl who is desperately trying to find a way to help her father pay his debts. A very common troupe in YA but in Everless there is a new and interesting system.

You pay with your life. You bleed onto an iron coin - lets say you give up a year of your life. Bleed it onto the coin and the person taking the coin eats/drinks it and they gain that year you gave up. So naturally the rich live long and the poor die early.

Jules gets the chance to work in Everless and after her father repeatedly telling her no and it's too dangerous - she still goes.
She reminds of Ariel who defies her father but at the same time - she's 16. He knows way more about life than you!

Jules sounds like a 12 year old girl. The way it was written made her sound very young and immature and my issue is, is that it was a lot of tell and not much show. There was a lot of info dump at the beginning of the book and I didn't really connect with Jules or feel sorry for her situation because I felt nothing towards her.

When a situation in Everless means that she should and could leave she refuses to.
Jules NEEDS to know the answers to the secrets surrounding her.

“Maybe I am a mystery— a secret— that needs unravelling...”

Her character moved forward on emotion and not using her intellect. So she often got herself in situations that she shouldn't be in.

Now the romance!
There is Roan and Liam Gerling two brothers who are are very different.
Roan is the typical sweet guy who is apparently kind to everyone.
And then there is Liam - the brooding secretive guy that Jules "hates," and everybody else "hates"

It becomes clear that both men are not what they seem but Jules ignores all the signs and only follows what her heart is telling her.

Things seem straightforward and the secrets seem obvious but there was genuine surprises.
However that being said, it's a great mystery and there's still so much more intrigue and I am excited to be reading the next book very soon!

Natalie xoxo