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Kisscut (Grant County, #2)
Kisscut (Grant County, #2)
Karin Slaughter | 2002 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A disturbingly good thriller
The second in the Grant County series this book continues with the high shock value of the crimes involved. Seriously if you are squeamish or don’t want to be reading about rape, genital mutilation, paedophilia, child abuse, and/or suicide then you should probably avoid.

In this outing medical examiner Sara Linton and her on / off partner police chief Jeffery Tolliver investigate a tragic teenage argument that leads to the uncovering of a series of very dark secrets in the town. But with those around the victim closing ranks it’s tough to get to the bottom of who is responsible for some pretty disturbing stuff.

We get to see a bit more of the Sara and Jeffrey relationship dynamic; but more interesting in this book is the ongoing recovery of Detective Lena Adams. The horrendous experiences that were covered in the previous book in the series “Blindsighted” are taking their toll on Lena. I would recommend reading this series in order to fully get the back story to this.

Despite the uncomfortable nature of some of the subject matter this is another well written thriller from Slaughter.

Andrea Hill (14 KP) created a post

Jul 14, 2018  
I have just finished a book called Everless by Sara Holland. It is the usual epic tale of a young woman who is orphaned and finds out she has a hidden destiny. There are of course 2 brothers the one she secretly loves and one who is gruff and hateful, guess who she will ultimately fall for. Saying all that, there are lots to enjoy too. There are some interesting twists and concepts, enough to keep you reading. Currently there is no second book available but I will look out for it.
Prophecy (Destine Academy book 4)
Sara Snow | 2022
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
127 of 230
Prophecy ( Destine Academy book 4)
By Sara Snow

Caroline and her friends are running out of time in their quest to find answers - and her family - in the shocking fourth installment of the exciting new Destine Academy series.

Sixteen-year-old Caroline and her magically talented friends are racing against the clock to find answers that will lead her to her missing mother and brother. As Caroline’s powers escalate, they find help from an unexpected ally,

...and Caroline is confronted with the possibility that her mother and brother are better off without her.

Between her friends wanting to protect her, and her aunt wanting to control her, Caroline is feeling increasingly out of control of her own life.

Her growing relationships with Aldrick and Corbin complicate matters further as she continues to feel TORN between the two. Caroline and her friends uncover more about Tempeste and The Entiere

...but nothing could have prepared them for what they reveal—and what it means for Caroline.

So we now know the phrophecy and Caroline has unlocked another power! She’s also found and lost all her friends in less than 24 hours! What is her aunt up to? I really like this little series. I like Sara Snow!
Born To Be Wilde (Immortal Vegas, #3)
Born To Be Wilde (Immortal Vegas, #3)
Jenn Stark | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*Read as part of the 1-3 boxset*

I was more into this than the previous ones, the series is now starting to progress at speed, with more players coming into the game in relation to the tarot cards and their representatives. Very interesting concept, although I admit I know nothing about it at all, so Sara's explanation when she reveals her picks are rather interesting.

The thing that started in book 1 with Sara and the Magician progressed quite a lot in this one, and I have to say I was excited for it happening.

Cannot wait to read book 4.
Broken (Will Trent, #4)
Broken (Will Trent, #4)
Karin Slaughter | 2010 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Broken isn't my favorite Slaughter book, nor is it my favorite Trent book. However, I enjoyed it much more than Undone. It didn't feel quite as long or tedious. The murderer and circumstances of the events were a little hard to accept, but all-in-all, it was enjoyable. I like the fact I can focus on a few different plot lines: Will and Angie's relationship, Faith with her baby girl, and now the true history between Sara and Lena. Broken wasn't very gruesome and it felt more oriented around the characters' lives instead of their case - that was a nice change.
Unraveling (Unblemished, #2)
Sara Ella | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sara Ella has truly bewitched me with Unraveling. So many twists, so many emotions, so many aspects that will leave you speechless and unable to move...More than once my husband would look over at me and say "Shhhh"...Because HE was trying to read his book and I was over here repeating myself..."NO!!!! Noooooo!!! NO!" or "WHAAAAAAAAAT?????" (you get the picture?)

With an eloquence that is rarely seen (especially in YA) Sara Ella has created "a whole new world" for us to discover! Infused with the life force of music and song, this aspect of Eliyana truly speaks to my heart. For readers who have not delved into the heart of fantasy fiction, this is a really good place to start (although I recommend starting with Unblemished first). Because Sara merges the real world and the fantasy world so seamlessly it is so much easier to follow along. Yes there are new phrases and places and words that you have never heard of, but the familiar is referenced enough throughout the story that I was able to stay grounded and my mind sane. One of my favorite parts of this book is all of the music references. From having song lyrics as the chapter titles, to the melody El hears in her head. Music is her strength, her life. And I love how we discover her TRUE nature, the fierce and bold person that rises to the surface.

The bottom line is that I LOVE this book. Be prepared for a MASSIVE book hangover. (Please resist throwing your Kindle and/or book at anyone or anything after you finish...I understand I do....but we only have to wait

Please note that this is the SECOND book of the series. You will be totally lost if you pick up Unraveling without reading Unblemished first. My review will be available this summer for Unblemished.

I received a complimentary copy of Unraveling from the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
All That  Remains
All That Remains
Al Barrera | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful zombie thriller
All That Remains is a dystopian horror following Kyle, Tim and Sara 13 years after the apocalypse. After finding young girl Kaylee, they need to get to Oak Ridge to protect themselves and maybe save the world.

There's normal reanimated human zombies, but also other monster like creatures that roam the earth. All That Remains is able to describe the monsters, make them horrifying, yet not interrupt the plotline to do so. In previous books I've been pulled out of a tense moment because there's too much description, but Barrera is able to bypass that problem.

There's varying themes of hope and morality within the book. All four of our characters experience hope, and lose hope throughout the book. Whether it's hope to find more people, hope that cities are inhabitable or just hope for survival. Because of this focus, I felt attached to the characters. Even when they were being pessimistic, they still didn't give up.

Morality is a fine line in this new world. You must kill to survive at times, but is it the right thing to do? If you kill a bad person does it make you just as bad? One of the lines mentioned that right is nothing but a direction anymore which I think is relevant to the book as a whole.

As we get to see the point of views of both Sara and Kyle you do feel attached to them. The characters are extremely likable, even when they're not being the best they can be. They don't consciously make bad decisions which puts them in danger, which makes me route for them more. Although problems do arise due to accidents or it's out of their control.

Sara in particular is a great character. She shows both mental and physical strength by not only surviving 13 years but also with her mental fight with 'the walking cancer'. The walking cancer is a monster that no one has ever seen before. It's a new, worse monster in the world, and the main bulk of the book is spent running and hiding from it. Due to Sara being a scanner she can sense and also connect/talk with the monster.

The plague-like spread of zombies and natural disasters mirrors that Kyle is ill throughout the book. It's implied that it's a cancerous tumor, most likely in the brain due to headaches and blackouts. As the situation for the group gets worse, the illness gets worse. I think Barrera was definitely trying to show the similarities. There's also a underlying message of having hope throughout which I think is an important takeaway.
The Last Widow (Will Trent #9)
The Last Widow (Will Trent #9)
Karin Slaughter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This latest book in the Will Trent series is centred around far right extremists (Alt-right, Nazi ideology - there’s a lot of ‘Blood and Soil’ being shouted about). I have to hold my hands up here, and admit that I haven’t read the other 8 books in the series, but that didn’t stop me enjoying this. I LOVED it. If it wasn’t for the fact that I had to wait for each ‘stave’ to be released on The Pigeonhole for 12 days, I would have read it all in a couple of sittings. ‘Gripping’ is not the word to describe this - or rather it IS the word, but I’d add ‘exciting, ‘tense’ and ‘oh blimey, I really ought to breathe now!’.

Seriously, it’s a really very good book - loads of great detail about Alt-right/ Nazi groups, a great storyline explaining the relationship between Will and Sara (for those of us who need to catch up), and how the group Sara is kidnapped by operates.

I don’t want to say anymore, because spoiling a book is not on, but I should perhaps warn that it does go into details of rape, torture and paedophilia. If these subjects are not for you, then you’d best avoid this book. However, if these subjects don’t turn you away from a book, just do yourself a favour and read it!!

Eleanor (1463 KP) Jun 14, 2019

Trying to get through the Grant County series before I start this series, looking forward to it.


ClareR (5589 KP) Jun 14, 2019

@Eleanor I’m rubbish at reading most series - as you can see, I more often than not pick up somewhere near the middle, and then have to go back to the beginning. Luckily it didn’t backfire with this book!

The Last House on the Left (2009)
The Last House on the Left (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dont Mess With The Fmaily
The Last House on the Left- is a good remake, but the oringal is better. Did "The Last House on the Left", need a remake, i would say kinda of. Its not that nesscary to make one, but hollywood did anyway.

The plot: The film follows the parents (Goldwyn and Potter) of Mari Collingwood (Paxton), who attempt to get revenge on a group of strangers, led by a man named Krug (Dillahunt), that have taken shelter at their home during a thunderstorm.

I think Sara Paxton, Tony Goldwyn and Monica Potter all did a excellent job.

Its a good movie, just not that nesscary.
What's Done in Darkness: A Novel
What's Done in Darkness: A Novel
Laura McHugh | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An excellent dark and foreboding mystery
Sarabeth is seventeen when she's held captive for nearly a week and then dumped along the side of the road, bound and blindfolded. She doesn't know who took her, or where. The police doubt her story and her parents do not even report her missing from their rural Arkansas farm . Sarabeth had argued with her religious parents, who insisted she follow their strict rules and marry someone of their choosing. As she returns home and finds her family appalled by her kidnapping, she realizes something good may come from the abduction: she can escape life on the farm for good. Five years later, she's now known as Sara when investigator Nick Farrow asks her to help with the missing persons case of another girl--one incredibly similar to Sara's. Reluctantly, Sara returns home, where she must face her darkest fears (and her family) to assist in bringing this girl home.

"Sarabeth had come to think of her time on the farm as a sentence that she had to serve, one with an end date. Now it seemed like she'd have to plan an escape."

I adore Laura McHugh's writing at this point. She's an excellent writer, and this is a great mystery in her deft hands. The religious, almost cult-like aspect of Sarabeth's family seems extremely timely in this era. We see how they narrow her options, forcing her to choose between her family and her own life. Religion and darkness are major themes in this book, with darkness playing not just in the title but across the entire novel. McHugh weaves it in and out of her story--Sara being afraid of the dark, darkness and shadows lurking at every turn. And it's a dark book to read too, even if it has its light moments. Still there's hope here as well.

I loved how Sara was a complicated heroine, with a complex past and many scars. She reminded me of Joanna Schaffhausen's Ellery Hathaway in that sense--a troubled soul who must overcome her own darkness to try to save others. Her interactions with Nick were an excellent respite, and I certainly could see myself reading about these two again.

"A piece of me was still there in Arkansas, but I was gone. No one in my new life knew who I was, what had happened to me, and I wanted to keep it that way."

The book is atmospheric, sucking us into both the deep religious aspect of the Ozarks and the Arkansas countryside. The Arkansas hills seem to play their own role in the book--another character so to speak. This one kept me guessing and even as I worked out some pieces, there were plenty of twists and turns. It's a fairly quick read, but an excellent one. Certainly recommend to mystery fans and those who enjoy a character-driven read.