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The Paying Guests
The Paying Guests
Sarah Waters | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had high hopes for this book, hearing that Sarah Waters was an excellent storyteller, however for me this book didn't go very far in expanding my imagination. I found the plot slow and uninteresting, by the middle of the book I was ready to put this down but I powered on through in hopes of it going somewhere exciting, only to be utterly disappointed to find that it didn't.

Finishing this book I exhaled 'Thank God for that!' and threw it into the back seat of the car (I was a passenger at the time, don't worry!) and it remains there today.

Even a close friend of mine, who absolutely loves Sarah Waters was bored by this book, I don't even think she finished it.

If you're interested in a long winded story about unconventional love and murder then by all means have a go, but I wouldn't suggest this for any thrill seekers like me.


    Amy Bloom

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    Amy Bloom's Away revitalizes the American road-trip novel from the perspective of a vulnerable but...

The Goddess and the Thief
The Goddess and the Thief
Essie Fox | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Goddess and the Thief is a work of fiction based in Victorian England and briefly at the beginning in Lahore, India. It tells the story of Alice Willoughby, who after living all her life in India with Her father Charles, is moved to England to live in the care of her Aunt Mercy whilst her father returns to Lahore were is works for the English residency as a surgeon. Her Aunt Mercy works as a spiritual medium and after events including the death of Alice’s father and the introduction of the enigmatic Lucian Tillsbury, Alice’s aunt endeavours for her to join the clairvoyant profession. All events lead to dramatic and catastrophic events for Alice.

Considering all the elements such as; gothic Victorian era, Hindu mythology, intrigue, drama and the paranormal I feel I should have liked this book more than I did. There is nothing particular wrong with the book, it works well and is written fine with no obvious errors that I have observed in other books. I just wasn’t my style of book. I have read other reviews that have liken Essie Fox’s writing style as similar to Sarah Waters, who I have read previously and also not found to my taste. Perhaps if books written in the style of Sarah Waters is your cup of tea you may appreciate this tale more. Having said this the inclusion of the Hindu mythology was really interesting and differently added a lot to the story development. There are twists and turns along the way and this is by no means a ‘bad book’ as said just not to my taste.
The Wicked Cometh
The Wicked Cometh
Laura Carlin | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable, easy read
Rich in atmosphere, characterisation and vocabulary, this historical fiction follows the character of Hester White, an 18-year-old living in squalid conditions in 19th century London. A carriage accident may well prove her salvation - passenger, the charismatic Calder Brock, seems determined to rescue her from the gutter, his sister Rebekah to be entrusted with her education.

Following closely in Sarah Waters' footsteps, this is a Victorian pastiche that returns to those perennials of murder, identity, prostitution and female survival. Carlin writes with fluency and conjures up a grim, dank, seedy London where the only sanctuary for our heroine is in female friendship

While this is an enjoyable read, it does feel more generic than original, and there are some clumsy tricks such as the extended death-bed confession/life-story at the end. Great for fans of Victoriana.