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Lights Out (2016)
Lights Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
Could have been so much better
When I first saw the original short film it scared the crap out of me, the whole idea of what is in the dark that we just can't see is such a base fear for most people and the short film played on it so well.

Just like the short film Lights Out played on this fear so well but due to an uninteresting plot and frankly unmemorable characters, they really lost what made the short film so good.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) Oct 8, 2017

I agree with you 100 percent. This movie had the most amazing marketing campaign that any film could ask for, a scary as fuck short film that seriously messed with your head.
But when brought to full length feature it didn't really deliver. It dropped the proverbial ball so to speak and left me wondering what I just spent 90 minutes watching.
Normally I am a huge Theresa Palmer fan too. She was awesome in Warm Bodies. But for as good as she usually is, she looked kind of lost in this role.
This movie could've been so amazing had it stayed independent in my opinion.


BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) Oct 8, 2017

I feel like they suffered from what a lot of horror movies do now a days they simply try to add too much plot and engage emotions that frankly don't really need to be engaged when watching a horror movies, some times the simple route of a boogieman killing people is all we need I don't need some angst ridden backstory. Plain and simple scare the shit out of me and we're good.

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've read Walton's columns at with much appreciation, and realized with some ebarrassment that I haven't actually read any of her fiction. I tried this story as a starter.

It is extremely well written, but so chilling that I'm almost scared away from her novels! Fortunately, many of the comments on the story site do point out that her best-known novels aren't as dark as this piece. That's a relief, as I don't think I could stay away from such a marvelous author.
Broken Dolls
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a dark disturbing read that I was glued to from the beginning, two broken souls that come together and don't fix each other more sooth and adhere themselves as a coping mechanism, don't know if I would call this love more a connecting of brokenness. Mia is a tragic, scared, vulnerable figure and Brian sees a kindred spirit in her, an extension of himself, protecting Mia eases his own demons and with a matching set of scars Brian puts himself in the role of Mia's protector. I never thought I would see Brian in any redeemable light but I do, don't get me wrong the man is still wired wrong a complete sadist but with mia he becomes so much more as well. A very dark thought provoking read loved it.