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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
1982 | Action, Sci-Fi
Airtight plotting and brilliant direction by Nicholas Meyer (5 more)
Excellent character moments and growth
Ricardo Montalban as the film franchise's best villain
A climax which can still bring me to tears
James Horner's score
Thematiacally compelling
Umm... It's weird that Khan recognized Checkov I guess? (0 more)
Considered the best for a reason
Dumps the cerebral 2001 tone of the previous film and is instead a smaller, more character focused film. Not only one of the best Trek films but one of the Sci-Fi greats imo
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Great tributes to the late Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin (1 more)
The cast and their interactions with each other are good
Like it's predecessors, feels more like a generic Sci-Fi action movie than Trek to me. (3 more)
Idris Elba wasted as another bland villain
Shaky cam
Story just didn't hold my attention
I tried, but I just do not enjoy this
I really wanted to like this, I watched it twice in hopes that I would enjoy it, but it just fell flat for me.
John Carter (2012)
John Carter (2012)
2012 | Action, Family, Horror
7.1 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I saw this not knowing too much about it, although heard it got bad reviews. It's impressive in terms of scope, production and cast. The plot and story seem to have been made up of quite a few well known plots from other sci-fi films. Definitely felt like a mix of Stargate and even Star Wars attack of the clones at times. The big budget visuals and action does keep your attention though as do the actors on show. Overall it was quite enjoyable.
Sci-fi writings have been the dreams and places of inspiration for scientists for years past and this book shows that Star Trek is no different. A look at the items from the show that have or are becoming science fact, this book is well presented and easy to navigate, it goes into depth on some of the more familiar elements from Gene Roddenberry's world. With many, many images to break up the science, this could almost be a coffee table book, definitely recommended.