2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Movie Watch
Humanity finds a mysterious, obviously artificial object buried beneath the Lunar surface and, with...

Westworld (1973)
Movie Watch
An adult-themed amusement park seems to have a little something for everyone and every amenity until...

The Black Hole (1979)
Movie Watch
A derelict spacecraft is located and boarded by a rescue ship only to discover it is not deserted...

Logan's Run (1976)
Movie Watch
In a futuristic society, one man decides to challenge the systematic execution of human beings at...

Robocop (1987)
Movie Watch
Policeman Alex Murphy gets gunned down on duty in futuristic Detroit and rebuilt as the world's...
and 13 other items

The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film
The science fiction genre maintains a remarkable hold on the imagination and enthusiasm of the...

Girl In Space | A Sci-Fi Mystery Audio Drama
Nothing fancy here -- just the simple audio diary of a girl in space. Also, there’s this weird and...

Scotland as Science Fiction
John Corbett, Caroline McCracken-Flesher, Cairns Craig and Ian Duncan
Scots like Iain N. Banks and Ken MacLeod lead in a futuristic tradition, for from MacDonald, Barrie,...

Science Is Fiction: 23 Films by Jean Painleve (2009)
Jean Painlevé was a film director, critic, theorist, and animator, yet his interests and studies...