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Tails and Fixers
Tails and Fixers
Charles Kaluza | 2015 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an intriguing and interesting story that mixes a few ingredients together into a standard science fiction concept. The result is an engaging and moving story of survival and love.

The main protagonist is Floyd, an ex-military pilot. He is dying from kidney failure until he is given a lifeline - there is a new medical technique that can regenerate his kidneys using his own stem cells, but it will only work if he is put into 'hibernation' for 50 years. And oh, if you accept we will also be sending you on a 50 year trip to another solar system which has been broadcasting radio signals.

The book starts with Floyd waking at his destination and taking a crash course in the language of the alien planet's inhabitants. That is if there is anyone to speak to as 8 years before he arrived an asteroid struck the planet and left the surface desolated. Floyd must find if there any survivors and provide any assistance he can.

From the asteroid impact on, nothing goes to plan and Floyd must use his ingenuity just to survive himself, aided only by the ship's computer and whatever stores Earth thought to provide him with (the lack of beer being his main concern). Fortunately Floyd is very practical and able to improvise solutions to a number of problems as he struggles to survive in the hostile environment.

Once he has established a base he makes contact with the survivors of the asteroid impact, living in an underground bunker. There are humanoids with tails and also a genetically engineered slave race that do all the practical work - the Fixers.

Although they appear to be at least physically like Floyd their society is very alien indeed. Floyd immediately questions how their civilisation works and talks to a number of aliens - some he likes, others he dislikes enormously. Floyd must work out if he fits in and if so how.

The book certainly didn't go as I thought it would. Just as it seems the normal path will be followed in the narrative Kaluza takes a sharp turn and throws everything up in the air and sees how they land. This makes it an interesting read and stops it becoming bogged down in one mode or another. I found the end particularly - and unexpectedly - moving and it made a very suitable ending to what had gone before.

This is the best kind of science fiction. It uses the concept of the alien world to throw sharp relief on our understanding of subjects such as philosophy, genetics, engineering and sociology. There are some clever ideas (I particularly liked the way we got to see the results of Floyd's work beyond the end the novel in a very ingenious flash-forward sequence). The love story is well told and keeps the story balanced between the sometimes heavier going in the more profound themes without being too overworked.

Overall a book I enjoyed and wanted to keep coming back to. I will have to pick up another of the author's books sometime as he clearly has great ideas.
Sophie Breeze | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The style of this book is rather unique to me as it doesn't seem to hold to any one genre (0 more)
The only thing that I really did not like was the surprise factor of learning this is the first in a series. (0 more)
Surprise its the first book in a series.
Exile by Sophie Breeze is a great book. It is the first book in a series of unknown length as the second has yet to be released. The cover however says nothing about it being part of a series. Please keep in mind as well that Sophie was only nine years old when she started writing Exile, no small feat.

 A group of five kids live on the planet Mellania but are not accepted there. Mellania only accepts those without human DNA and unfortunately these kids are all half human. The kids live with Lucia, a demon whom they believe to be their friend until she takes them to Earth. Upon arrival they are almost immediately attacked and discover Lucia’s true intentions. Now on the run from an evil demon on a planet they are unfamiliar with the kids don’t know who to trust and the stress creates a rift in the group.

 Two of the kids go one way and the other three go another, wondering if they will ever see each other again. Soon it is clear that even apart they are not safe as both groups are attacked and tracked down by the SSC. Sadly even once they are with the SSC the kids don’t know who to trust and secrets start revealing themselves. Will they ever be able to feel safe again? Who is really their friends and who is just trying to use them for their own benefit?

 The style of this book is rather unique to me as it doesn't seem to hold to any one genre. It starts out as a science fiction heavy in politics and with an assassination. Then as the story moves on it seems to take a more fantasy element with question. While the politics remain through out they do not overpower the rest of the story. The only thing that I really did not like was the surprise factor of learning this is the first in a series. I found myself becoming increasingly confused as I came towards the end and things were no where close to a conclusion.

 This book is probably best for young adults with an interest isn’t science fiction/fantasy. They dynamics of the relationships between the hybrids themselves might be a little difficult for young readers to understand. Those who have enjoyed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series should enjoy this book as well since they share many elements. I rate this book 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5. I enjoyed this book very much and the twists actually surprised me. The only twist I did not like was how the book turned out to be the beginning of a series. While I have nothing against series I plan when I start a new one carefully and I imagine so do may others, because of this the book lost a point.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Bone Music in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
Bone Music
Bone Music
Christopher Rice | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bone Music’s story by Christopher Rice is not a classical melody, but more like hard rock. The scenes are riveting and realistic enough that there is an element of believability, alternating between a thriller and the fringes of science fiction.

This consuming read has the heroine trying to overcome her tragic past by rebuilding her life and overcoming her trust issues. The intensity begins from page one when a husband and wife team of serial killers abducts a nine-month-old baby after brutally killing its mother. They raised Trina, hoping to include her in their viciousness, grooming her to follow in their footsteps. Luckily for her, at the age of seven, the FBI raided their hideout.

Yet, throughout her life Trina had to be under the suspicion of some who felt that she was complicit in the murders, labelled as “The Burning Girl.” She attempts to bury her past by changing her name to Charlotte Rowe, and baring her soul to psychologist, Dylan “Cole,” who was pretending to help, but actually had his own agenda. He gives her a supposed calming pill, which is actually an experimental drug. It transforms her adrenaline when triggered by a sense of fear, allowing her to have super strength. Now able to gain back her confidence with a life ruled less by fear, she decides to use her extraordinary ability to fight evil, a serial killer known as the Mask Maker, with the help of the pharmaceutical company that makes the drug.
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Tom Becker | 2016
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I specifically left this book till December to get me into the Christmas spirit.

I love reading short story collections, it’s a great way to find new YA authors and sample their writing.

‘I’ll be home for Christmas’ is a collaboration of UKYA authors and their stories of young adults and what ‘HOME’ means to them. I loved that this book has several genres including science fiction, Horror and Contemporary with such diverse characters. We have refugees, race and sexuality being explored and there was something for everyone to enjoy. I obviously had my favourites in this book and it was surprising that it was the horror, it was so intense and atmospheric and definitely got my pulse racing and that was Claws by Thomas Becker. There was not one story that I disliked in this book and after each story was finished I was left wanting more. I will definitely be purchasing my own copy of this book. There are 15 short stories/poems in this book including a competition winner.

This book is heartwarming and heart wrenching at the same time and definitely recommend reading.

Stripes teamed up with the charity Crises for this book to raise awareness of the hardships young people are facing today. This book is definitely impactful and made me think of the people who are less fortunate and homeless, £1 from every sale is donated to the charity.

*I received a E-copy of this book from Netgalley and Stripes in exchange for an honest opinion.*
Venomous Craving (Eok Warriors #1)
Venomous Craving (Eok Warriors #1)
Mary Auclair | 2017 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Venomous Craving (Eok Warriors #1) by Mary Auclair
Venomous Craving is the first book in the Eok Warriors series, and we are introduced to the whole world. Humans have been hunted to near-extinction, and now live in 'protected facilities'. They are basically breeders, although a small group managed to escape over twenty years ago, and have been surviving since then. However, things are tough for them, and it is at a tough time when Rose is captured. Taken away to be sold as a slave, she constantly worries for the family she had no choice but to leave behind. When she sees her chance for escape, she takes it, but finds herself with another person too.

This was a well thought out, intricate, science fiction romance. There is plenty of action, with political twists and turns, plus personal betrayal. For those wanting sexy times, don't worry! There is plenty of those, but they don't detract from the story.

This is only book one, so I am hopeful the questions I still have unanswered will be answered in either the next book, or future books. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, plus excellent story and character building, and a whole host of supporting characters I want to hear more about, I have no hesitation in recommending this book. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Distortion in Books

Nov 2, 2018  
Victor Dixen | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An enjoyable YA science fiction novel
Honestly, I wasn't 'wowed' by this book in the same way that I was the first. I feel it would have been much better if it had been about 100 - 150 pages shorter.
I AM enjoying the way the story is going though. The decision to go on to Mars regardless, the insta-love between the contestants shows their youth and sad childhoods, and how much they enjoy their roles. I liked all of that. Serena Bee continues to be a thoroughly foul character - and I love that.
My issue isn't the storyline as such. I think that some descriptions are far too detailed and long-winded (especially the agonising internal dialogue). However, I DID like the descriptions of the advertisements that the 12 competitors made: a true reflection of the money orientated society that they're a part of, and precisely what has driven the predicament that they find themselves in. I DID like the descriptions of the Mars landscape, the living accommodation and the farming area (interesting!). There was A LOT of internal dialogue though. A certain amount is great. Informative, even, but I think that this is where I realised that perhaps I'm not the demographic they're looking for. I'm about 20 years out (I don't care, by the way). BUT I will be reading the next book. I want to see how this goes - and I like the characters and the story being told.
Many thanks to ReadersFirst and the publisher, Hot Key Books/ Bonnier Zaffre for my copy of this book.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Dead Space in Video Games

Oct 21, 2019  
Dead Space
Dead Space
Rachel is Dead
Contains spoilers, click to show
This game, is so great. The plot, the setting, the psychological, the horror, the twist, the ending. Lets talk about it...

The Plot: it puts the player in control of an engineer named Isaac Clarke who fights Necromorphs, monstrous reanimated human corpses, aboard an interstellar mining ship, the USG Ishimura.

The player controls Isaac Clarke, a ship systems engineer who must fight his way through a mining starship infested with an alien scourge. The crew has been slaughtered, and their corpses reanimated into creatures known as "Necromorphs". Various types of Necromorphs appear throughout the game, each with different abilities and requiring different tactics to defeat.

The game has a strong science fiction atmosphere and is set in a spacecraft. It is also set way in the future.

Lets talk about the twist:

This was nothing more than another hallucination from Isaac. He’s gone mad, and in his mind, has somehow turned Nicole into one of them. The real Nicole is still dead.

Finally take the first letter from each mission to reveal a secret message… and it spells out Rachel is Dead, which is a intreating easter egg, that comes true. No one really thought about that, until years laters. To take the first letter from each mission and spell it out.

It is a great twist and when you find out, later on in the game, like close to the end, you are surpised.

I highly reccordmend this game, it is great and horrorfying.
Saturn Night Fever
Saturn Night Fever
Diane Vallere | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Race to Rescue Pika
It's been a few months since we last saw Sylvia, and in that time, she's been living on Neptune's compound, training with him and her friend, smuggler Mattix. One day, Mattix's ship arrives back at Neptune's place on autopilot. Inside, Neptune and Sylvia find a message from Pika, the little Gremlon who has also been living with them, asking for help. Then they find Mattix's body. Naturally, Neptune and Sylvia do the only thing they can, steal a Moon Unit Corporation ship, hire a small crew, and set out to reach Saturn and figure out what has happened to Pika. But can their crew be trusted? Will they survive the flight?

I was anxious to pick up this book to find out what happened after the revelation that ended the previous book. We definitely get more on that here. In fact, we get plenty on that as Sylvia is also trying to resolve her latest troubles. There are plenty of twists and turns there as well since Sylvia doesn't really know who she can trust. I did feel that in the midst of the twists the original premise got hurt a little, but I may be overthinking things, and it was definitely a minor issues. Author Diane Vallere does a great job of making the science fiction setting and alien characters relatable. Cozy mystery fans like myself will feel right at home here. The alien characters allow for a few more over the top characters, but I loved that, and overall, I still found them to be relatable characters.
Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sci Fi Film Noir Masterpiece
When film scholars debate whether Alien or Blade Runner is director Ridley Scott's best film it is hard to make an argument against each as both are masterpieces It's funny that although they are both science fiction films, they are completely different in tone, style and action.

The art direction and cinematography are almost unmatched even under today's standards and then consider this movie is from 1982 and it is just astonishing. I won't argue with someone who says the film is slow developing or style or substance; however, I do not consider that a negative whatsoever. Consider it just another way to tell a story. Why do movies always have to follow the same formula to be considered a acceptable?

It is hard to believe the film only managed US box office of $27 million upon its original theatrical release. It's cult status was almost immediate along with the rise of home video and eventually DVD. The various cuts of the film and the vast and minor differences between them can make the meaning of the film quite different depending on how you interpret it.

The argument whether or not Deckard is a replicant could really depend on which version of the film you have seen or what you choose to believe.

Nevertheless, the film still stands the test of time as a sci fi classic and one of the most visually stunning films ever made!


KeithGordan recommended Paths of Glory (1957) in Movies (curated)

Paths of Glory (1957)
Paths of Glory (1957)
1957 | Classics, Drama, War

"Kubrick has always been my keystone filmmaker. It was when I saw 2001 at age seven on opening weekend in New York that I first had my mind blown by a film. (And yes, I got to see the infamous nineteen minutes before they were cut!) I didn’t understand it, but I became obsessed with understanding it, dragging my poor dad back to it over and over. It changed my life . . . and I still have the Criterion laserdisc—my first Criterion purchase. The extras on the LD were—and still are—extraordinary, even if the picture quality has long been surpassed on Blu-ray. This film is why I’ve kept my rickety laserdisc player. (I’d love to see Criterion get ahold of 2001 again and what they could do with this greatest of all science-fiction films with modern 4K technology.) Paths of Glory was the second Kubrick film I saw, a couple of years later, when my dad took me to a revival house (I think it was the Carnegie Hall Cinema). He loved the film and its unflinching, humanist, antiwar stance, and it immediately became a huge touchstone for me. Its influence is all over my film A Midnight Clear, but I see it in other ways in almost everything I do. I was so excited when the Blu-ray was announced that I ordered two, so I could store one as a backup in case—God forbid—anything happened to my first copy and the disc went out of print."
