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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"I know these are things that go back in time, but now coming up to date, we got 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now, the projecting forward of Arthur C. Clarke was just such a marvel of imagination, but not just guessing. I mean, he predicted that communication satellites would rotate at the same rate that the earth rotates. They’re in orbit traveling, so they sort of remain stationary over the equator. Now, that was a brilliant observation, and I think so many of these people — Isaac Asimov and H.G. Wells, all of these science fiction writers. In a way, it prompted me to think about creating imaginary situations in the past, in the present, and off into the future, being as true to reality as possible. It also predicted things that we would call today… It’s a cable that goes all the way up and out to geosynchronous. And that has fascinated a lot of people, and I’ve appreciated some engineering observations that I think were quite impractical, but Arthur Clarke projected building a tower all the way out there. 22,000 miles. Now, that’s pretty stretching. But I feel very satisfied since Arthur Clarke wrote an epilogue to the book that Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and I wrote with other people, First on The Moon, and Arthur Clarke wrote the epilogue to that. And because of his contributions and my appreciation of those and having met him on several occasions, I just was compelled to arrange a cruise so that I would get to spend a day with Arthur Clarke in 2001."

View the original review on my blog:

I don’t usually read non-fiction books, but I’m a science geek at heart and couldn’t resist requesting a copy of this in return for my honest review.

It was definitely an interesting read. I loved the humour within the writing, and the combination of complicated scientific terms along with more simplified ones. It was easy to understand for the most part, and I hope I can truthfully say that I’ve learned something over the past two days from reading this.

Due to my habit of reading books at the speed of light, I don’t think the information in this book has sunk in as much as it could have. I personally found it a little hard to follow sometimes, though it was definitely better than skimming a textbook.

This is aimed at an older audience in my opinion, but I was still fascinated by what I read. A lot of it was information that I’d never even considered learning. The effect having a child has on a man’s brain? I can honestly say that it has never crossed my mind.

I did enjoy this book, even though I sped through it and am probably a little too young to fully appreciate some of the references. I’d say Your Daily Brain deserves a strong 3.5 stars, maybe edging up near 4.
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror
Acting (4 more)
Genuinely Frightening
Fight Scenes (0 more)
Almost the perfect horror movie!
This film is basically a horror masterpiece, with it's only downside being some of the worst movie punches I've ever seen near the ending. These are barely worth mentioning but this is the only downside I could find apart from all the clichés, which this movie invented anyway, so you can hardly count that against it!

The story is of course typical, but with a little bit of a science-fiction element I wasn't aware of, so that was a nice surprise! But it is worth mentioning the small, enclosed setting which makes the film all that much scarier and makes it a genuinely frightening movie.

All of the actors played their parts to perfection, and the perfect blend of different character traits among the 6 main characters provides the film with another layer of horror.

The soundtrack is beautiful. An unusual score consisting of strings, horns and synthesisers, all at different times. It is reminiscent of 1950s and early 1960s Kaiju films.

Finally, the ending. The ending is a masterpiece, and certainly not the typical zombie ending. I'll leave it there to leave the "surprise" intact.

Overall, apart from the aforementioned punches, a total masterpiece, and I can't wait to watch Dawn of the Dead when it arrives!

P.S. The original quality of the film is quite poor, but the 4K remaster is stunning, so I definitely recommend the Criterion Collection 4K remaster as the film quality is dramatically improved.

Becs (244 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fiction, Dystopia, Fantasy

Audience: Young Adult

Reading level: High School +

Interests: science fiction, fantasy, video games, 80’s

Style: Sci-Fi

Point of view: First person.

Difficulty reading: It started off great and I flew through the first half of the book. It’s towards the 55%-75% mark that was a bore for me. But the ending was great!

Promise: Dystopian Sci-Fi video game world

Quality: Minus the 20% that was pretty darn boring and long, the book as a whole was a great read.

Insights: I’m not a huge gaming geek, so without Cline explaining half the time what these gaming terms are, I’d be as lost as a pig in a supermarket. For that, I thank him. It was nice seeing a Dystopian world set in the future that was still in our lifetime. I have never read anything like that – cool to see how Cline wrote it.


Okay, I knew Aech was hiding something. But I could not figure out what it was for the life of me. But when Aech and Parzival first met, in real life, face to face, I WAS NOT EXPECTING him to actually be a ‘her’.

This was me:

Favorite Quotes: “Going outside is highly overrated.” – Yea, I feel ya too. I just want to stay in and read all day every day. Who needs a job, who needs to eat, all we need are books. Am I right?

“You’d be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever.” – I mean, you’re not wrong.

“One person can keep a secret, but not two.” – Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone.

Aesthetics: The whole book is an 80’s aesthetic that I love. Plus, it gives a brief inside scoop on the whole “if we don’t care for the planet now, there will be nothing in the future” debate. Which is true, we should care for the planet more than what we do now. I mean we only live on Earth just as much as everybody else. The copy of Ready Player One that I have, is a 2015 Special Edition copy – I love the cover on it.

“People are more than just the way they look.”
Slow Bullets
Slow Bullets
Alastair Reynolds | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been a fan of Alastair Reynolds since I picked up a copy of Revelation Space when it was first published. He is the master of telling stories that span solar systems while still maintaining a human perspective via his characters.

The set up is interesting and simple, at least in summary. A ship carrying soldiers, mostly war criminals of one sort or another, following a ceasefire malfunctions and they are awoken from hibernation much later than they expected. Almost immediately the the rivalries from the war become apparent again and it is up to Scur to put herself in the position of ensuring that they can at least survive without killing each other for a war long since finished.

The story is told from Scur's point of view as she effectively writes her memoir - and confessional - as she comes to the end of her life. Reynolds entwines several threads effortlessly producing some good dramatic moments and plot twists. The changes of direction are not so much surprising as they occur but the direction they go in.

Apart from the expected divisions between the different sides of the army and the civilians on the ship Scur needs to worry about where the advanced civilization that existed before the war has gone, the slow deterioration of the ship, the potential for a religious war and a war criminal which she would very much like to exact revenge upon, all played out in the pressure cooker environment of the ship.

The result is a tight story with plenty of action interspersed with serious considerations about society, justice and religion and how they interplay. Like any of Reynold's work the particular universe this story inhabits - as far as can be discerned this is not related to any other novel or short story - arrives fully formed and with perceptible depth and history, hinting at other stories that might be told elsewhere.

For one of Reynolds' stories there isn't much science and it doesn't stick to physical limits - faster than light travel and communications are both possible but not really explored in detail. But the focus is entirely on the individuals involved with the setting just a backdrop for them to play out the story in front of.

Overall a thoroughly good read and one I would recommend to anyone who likes their science fiction up close and personal.

Rating: Some violent scenes and bad language
The Fly (1958)
The Fly (1958)
1958 | Classics, Horror
As the wife (Patricia Owens) of "murdered" scientist played by Al (David) Hedison, is maniacally hunting for a fly with a white head, both the police and his brother (Vincent Price) are trying to uncover the truth behind his death, which seems by all accounts to be the work of his wife.

But as she recounts the tale of how they both ended up embroiled in the hydraulic press, one under it and one at the controls, the plot thickens and a Sci Fi classic is born. Hedison's scientist has invented the teleporter and during one of his human tests on himself, a fly enters the chamber with him and the pair are fused: The fly's head and left arm are now a part of Hedison, whilst his head and arm are buzzing around as part of a common house fly.

The film makes an effort to offer some real science, though be it toned down and simplified by today's standards, but it is easy to feel that this is a naive movie at face value, if you forget that in 1958, teleportation was a fantastical concept, but mid 60's science fiction such as Star Trek would make this much more matter of fact and play around with science more freely.

But by the time of the remake in 1986, David Cronenberg was gifted with an audience who understood these ideas and offered a more comprehensive take on what might have happened, in this case, gene splicing and DNA replication, with the cells using the corrupted hybrid DNA code as a basic every time the cells replicate, a process which would eventually turn Jeff Goldblum's man in to a man/fly hybrid monster!

But here, whilst almost all of this is present, it is simplified for an audience unprepared and unarmed with the scientific knowledge with would be more common in the 1980's, thanks to films like this. Here, Hedison's man/fly is changing mentally into a fly the longer he has the mutation, leading him to commit assisted suicide in order to prevent his work from been replicated, fearing the consequences.

This is ground breaking stuff. A Sci-Fi classic which spends most of its running time building an intriguing, intelligent suspenseful thriller, with little time given over to the eponymous Fly itself, but it is omnipresent, chilling as is the reveal of the scientist's deformation in the final act, the change in personality and loving relationship with his tragic wife.

And that penultimate scene in which the white-headed fly is revealed to us with Hedison's head and arm as it/he is about to be devoured by a spider in his web, must be one of the most chilling scene's of the genre. Simple, effective and not for the special effects or gore, but for the concept, one which leaves you thinking and considering what you have just witnessed.

What would you do if you saw a fly with a human head? A human with a fly's head? Creepy...

Kyera (8 KP) rated Cinder in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (96 Ratings)
Book Rating
Re-Read Update:

I am in love with this series, all over again. I have been wanting to re-read this series for a while and my recent-ish read of Wires and Nerve reignited my love of this series. It had been a while since I was in the world and I had forgotten how much I loved these books.

I love fairytales and Marissa Meyer’s retellings of the classic tales we’ve all grown up with are fantastic. She turns the mousey girl from the original fairytale into a relatable character that we fall in love with. Cinderella is not one of my favourite fairytales because I prefer my heroines to have a little more spunk and backbone, but Cinder is just perfect.

Kai is one of those characters that is just so good. He is incredibly kind to Cinder, even when he believes that she is just a mechanic with a grease mark on her forehead, despite his station in life generally lending itself to an air of superiority. Prince Kai only wants what is best for his people and the Commonwealth, willing to sacrifice himself for their well-being if need be. He is definitely one of my favourite male characters, although if I’m being honest I probably have a lot of those.

Most importantly, we meet Iko the droid with the faulty personality chip that we couldn’t fall in love with more. Her loyalty and pure desire to just be a person are heartwarming. (And also sad, because she is a droid and not treated like a person by anyone but Cinder.)

We don’t see much of the world that Cinder lives in beyond New Beijing aside from small, throwaway comments. The world building that is done though is vivid and allows the reader to see the city grow in their mind. As this is a re-read, I am also aware that the world building is expanded extensively over the course of the novels and can understand the more rudimentary foundation being laid here.

I appreciated the effortless melding of elements from the classic fairytale into this unique science fiction world. It is wonderfully done and the story is well written. I would highly recommend this series to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fairytale retellings, science fiction, and intricate, interconnected stories.

This is one of the books that I saw on display at my local library and completely judged the book by its cover. I didn't know what it was about, but it looked interesting and I put it on my mental TBR list. Many years later, I have finally gotten a chance to read it (and the rest of the series.) This book was completely worth the wait. As a fan of fairytale retellings, like Beastly by Alex Flinn, I had high hopes for this book. It gave the reader wonderful little homages to the classic fairytale while weaving the story through a world and characters all its own.

The world building in this novel, while not expansive was wonderfully done. As a reader, I could imagine Cinder meandering down the dingy, packed streets of New Beijing while Kai fretted over his father in the ornate, sprawling palace. There were a number of important characters and none of them were overlooked. You were able to learn about their personalities, histories, or relationships in a way that gave each depth.

Recommended for anyone who liked YA, romance, fairytales, sci-fi, or good books.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Carve the Mark in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Carve the Mark
Carve the Mark
Veronica Roth | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Carve the Mark is a science-fiction novel told from two different perspectives. Akos is from Thuvhe, the ruling half of the planet and Cyra is from Shotet, the half that longs to be recognized in the system as legitimate and take Thuvhe's place. At some point as the people of the system make the journey from adolescence to adulthood, they come into abilities. Cyra's harnesses the current, which feeds and surrounds everything but it causes her and anyone she touches unbearable agony. Akos is like her counter-balance since he can disrupt the current. This means it doesn't harm him to touch Cyra and he is able to dampen her pain. Although they are from the same planet they were raised in two very different worlds until Akos is kidnapped and thrust into a culture of people he doesn't understand. Despite what the Shotet put him through, he is still capable of being curious and kind.

It is a wonderful example of history being written by the victors. We don't know exactly what happened, but each party has a different story. Each side is at fault in some fashion and the Thuvhesit people are not as guiltless as they proclaim.

Akos immediately was my favourite character and continued to be throughout the novel. He is likable and cares deeply for his family. While he has to reason to treat Cyra with kindness when they first meet, he takes the time to get to know her. Initially, I did not care much for Cyra but as her character grew and developed I liked her more. She learned that she did not have to be defined by those who raised her and had the ability to change.

It only took a few chapters before I was completely engrossed in the book. There are a few aspects that could have been improved in the book. The author seems to be a lover of the comma. As a writer who personally overuses it myself (and am trying to get better about), I noticed that so many of her sentences had numerous commas. It made parts of the text more difficult to read and complex than the needed to be. The other odd writing choice I noticed was her choice of point of view. She switched between Cyra and Akos' perspectives, which is not unusual - but she used the first person for Cyra and the third person for Akos. That was a different choice than what I'd experienced in books before and I'm not entirely sure if I enjoyed it.

The world we find ourselves exploring is vividly and beautifully described from the icy cities of Thuvhe to the watery Pithe, the vast reaches of space, and the ever-changing coloured current that binds it all together. While we are not given the opportunity to explore all 9 planets of the Assembly and the smaller bodies, I hope that we shall see more of them in future novels. Each culture and people we encounter is so unique and fascinating to explore more of.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy science fiction books. I enjoyed that the title of the book was really meaningful to the overall narrative and journey that the characters go on. The book was wrapped up in a way that leaves you satisfied for now, but always wondering what comes next. It is another great series start for Veronica Roth and I can't wait to see where she takes us.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Replica in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replica is a fascinating novel about human cloning that is written from two points of view. It's really unique because it can be read in three different ways. The first is from Lena's perspective. Lena is a replica, or clone, and has only known a life at Haven. The second is from Gemma's point of view. Gemma is a normal girl who doesn't feel like she fits in. The final method, and way I chose to read the book, was alternating chapters. The two stories are woven together seamlessly and make for a great read.

On an island surrounded by guard towers and fences, ocean and marsh, alligators and water mocassins is Have - Lyra's home. Each day she is told when to eat, sleep and take her medication. Her life is not her own. It's not even considered a life by most of the staff who address her as "it".. if they recognize her at all.

Gemma attends high school and has two overprotective parents. she was very sick as a child and her parents never quite got over it. Gemma isn't even allowed to participate in gym, which doesn't help shield her from school bullies. Instead, it makes her more of a target. Her only true friend is April.

Somehow, Gemma and April manage to convince their parents to allow them to spend their spring break at April's grandparent's house in Florida. Just days before their trip, there is an explosion at Haven. Gemma overhears her parents fighting about it and suddenly she's not longer allowed on her trip. hurt and confused, Gemma begins to dig into Haven wondering why it is so important. She discovers a world of conspiracies and realized she must uncover the truth.

Catching a ride to Florida with a classmate, Pete, Gemma rebels for the first time in her life. She goes on a harrowing adventure and her path eventually crosses with Lyra's. Together, they begin to learn the truth and uncover life-altering information about Haven and themselves.

Both Lyra and Gemma are well-written characters that the reader can relate to. Lyra, or number 24, is new to the world and slow to trust. Gemma is caring and curious. Personally, I related to Gemma more than Lyra but I know a lot of people say the opposite. They are joined by the talkative and reliable Pete; the only person to ever make it to Haven Jake; and a fellow Haven resident number 72, or Caelum. Each boy has a unique personality and purpose in the story.

The world of Haven and the replicas is fascinating. Unfortunately, we only know as much as out protagonists do. I eagerly await more world building in future books. The backstory was a giant mystery involving Gemma's father, but she slowly discovers little pieces and the world is exposed to us bit by bit.

The story immediately draws you in and you can't put the book down (or at least I couldn't!) Recommended for fans of science fiction (or fact) and mystery young adult books. Even if you don't normally gravitate towards science related fiction, this book is very accessible. Fans of BBC's Orphan Black will find themselves in love with this novel. Definitely a must read!
Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
Ryan Graudin | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

What if the Nazis won the war? That is the setting for this captivating alternative historical novel by Ryan Graudin. In the newly named land of Germania it is 1956, more than a decade has passed since the Nazis won. The world is still not safe, especially for those who do not fit the Aryan race description. Seventeen-year-old Yael is about to set out on her first ever mission on behalf of the secret resistance group, but it will not be easy to fulfill her duty: to kill Hitler.

Yael was a Jewish prisoner in the death camps during the war. To most Nazi officials she was known as Experiment 85, and was undergoing melanin manipulation. What the doctors did not bargain on was that these experimentations would result in the ability to change physical appearance at will. Yael discovered she could change her skin tone, facial features, hair colour, height or even impersonate someone else, purely by concentrating really hard. It is this strange power that is going to help Yael on her quest to defeat Hitler.

In order to succeed, Yael needs to get as close as possible to the Fuhrer and the only way the resistance believe she will be able to do this is be impersonating Adele Wolfe, a motorbike racer, in the Axis tour: an epic long race from Berlin to Tokyo. However it is not as simple as changing skins and winning the race. Yael needs to convince the contestants that she is Adele and avoid all the dangerous tactics of the other racers so that she can get to the finish line.

<i>Wolf by Wolf</i> is an action-packed, exciting novel aimed at young adult readers interested in history and science fiction. Since it is taught in schools, most people are aware of the Holocaust and have an idea of the horrors Jews faced. But what if that did not stop at the end of the war? This is the idea explored within this novel amongst the exhilaration of the motorcycle race. No one would be completely happy under Hitler’s rule, and we can be thankful that this is only a ‘what if?’ scenario rather than our reality.

The science-fiction element was an interesting twist to the storyline. It does, however, detract from the seriousness of the Nazi rule. Without reminders of the time period, it could almost be a dystopian novel set in the future where a tyrant controls the world.

What I personally liked about <i>Wolf by Wolf</i> is that whilst the main storyline is playing out, we learn more about Yael’s life. She may have lost her true identity but there are several people who have impacted on who Yael is inside. These people are represent by five wolves tattooed onto her arm, and with the memories of each individual fresh in her mind, Yael has the courage and strength to do what she needs to do.

Although not one of the easiest topics to read about – a lot of unnecessary death – I highly recommend <i>Wolf by Wolf </i>to all young adult readers regardless of gender or reading preferences. This book covers such a wide range of genres that it is bound to cater to all tastes. If you love this book you will be pleased to know that it is the first in a series meaning that the story does not end here!