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Razor's Edge (Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion, #1)
Razor's Edge (Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion, #1)
Martha Wells | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Razor's Edge is one of the books in a trilogy about our favourite characters. It focuses on Princess Leia Organa. This book takes place after the battle of Yavin, but before the next movie in the series. Leia is on a resistance mission with Han when they're attacked and must flee. There are only little cameos from Luke R2, Chewie and C3PO. I do wish we had seen more from Luke, because the books with Jedis (from my experience reading Star Wars books thus far) are more interesting. I understand why they wouldn't feature him, as the book is about Leia but Han was heavily included.

It was nice to get small glimpses into Lesia's character and it made her more human. She's tough and willing to do what needs to be dome. Most people underestimate her because she's a princess, much to their realized dismay.

The author assumes you are well-versed in the Star Wars universe. A casual fan will have no trouble following the story, but may not be able to imagine everything. Non-human beings are named but not always vividly described. Sometimes systems or locales are mentoned without further detail. For the benefit of a more casual reader and world building, it would have been nice if more details were provided.

Overall the story was enjoyable and a fitting addition to the universe, even if it isn't canon anymore. Recommended to any Star Wars fans as well as those that enjoy science fiction or adventure. Suggested that you rewatch the originals, at least 4 and 5 before reading this book.
The Empress (The Diabolic, #2)
The Empress (The Diabolic, #2)
S.J. Kincaid | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Empress is the second book in the Diabolic series, which is slated to be a three book series. The second book completely flips the story line on its head and I wasn't entirely sure how to feel. The pacing lagged at the beginning, but the final quarter of the book was so gripping that I couldn't put it down. Since this is a sequel, anything beyond this could be a spoiler so I would recommend proceeding with caution.

Despite having not re-read the previous book prior to reading the Empress, it did not take me long to fall back into the world. The sprawling and complex system created in the Diabolic is still as present and nefarious as it was in the first book. I enjoyed watching Nemesis and Tyrus battle the Grandiloquy with their wits and attempt to better the galaxy.

It was nice to see some of the main characters develop and feel like more three-dimensional characters than they were. Even though Nemesis is a Diabolic, she is learning that she can be more than what she was created to be and struggles to be more "human". It was fascinating to watch her development, see her attempt to be more empathetic and not immediately jump to the violent solution.

The plot made me so sad, but also need to know what the conclusion to this series will be - alas it will not be released until fall of 2018. I would recommend this series to young adult/teen readers who enjoy science fiction, battles of wits and intrigue, as well as a dash of violence and mass-murder.

ClareR (5608 KP) rated Planetfall in Books

Jan 31, 2018 (Updated Jan 31, 2018)  
Emma Newman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn't put this down!
If you like your science fiction with a lot of character development, then you'll like this. Renata Ghali joins a space voyage with best friend lee Suh-Mi, who believes she has been sent a message from God that will lead humanity to him (in person, I assume). So they manage to find a multi-millionaire to finance the voyage, a ship and a ship full of people who want to come on the voyage (all with valuable skills, of course). Of course something goes wrong, and a big secret is covered up. Half of the passengers are lost during Planetfall, and even though they look for them, they can't be found. Until one of them, the last survivor, wanders up to their front door (so to speak).
We learn a lot about the main character, Ren: about the reasons why she has become the person she is (OCD is involved). There's also lots of world building and descriptions of the daily lives of the inhabitants of the colony. I don't know as the main character was particularly likeable - in fact I don't think any of them were really, but they were compelling. I honestly read this every chance I had. I was a little disappointed with the abrupt end, and I'm sure more could have been described and written here, but it seemed really rushed.
I will be looking out for the second in this series though. It isn't a sequel as such - they're separate stories, but I like Newman's style (except for that rushed end bit!).
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of the book!
Autómata (2014)
Autómata (2014)
2014 | International, Mystery, Sci-Fi
In the near future following an ecological disaster, humanity lives behind a wall to protect itself from the radioactive and barren wastelands as well as the scavengers outside. This is the setting of the new film “Autómata” by Director Gabe Ibanez.

Antonio Banderas stars as Jacq Vaucan, an insurance agent who is tasked with representing ROC Robotics as their units have become standard for all tasks menial and otherwise in society.

With Acid Rain and pollution a threat to those in the walk, Jacq is happy to have a good job and has a baby on the way that he and his wife look forward to. Jacq becomes involved in a mystery when a robot is found repairing itself in violation of the basic programming for the machines.

The investigation takes a turn for the worse when violence erupts and Jacq is forced to flee into the radioactive areas with a small band of robots watching over him. Despite his bad condition, Jacq learns the truth behind the investigation and those who will stop at nothing to keep it a secret.

The film is very good for budget Science Fiction as the FX work is first rate. This is a take with humanity at its core, and Banderas does solid work in the role. The film also takes some jabs at society and human nature without being over the top or heavy handed and the pacing worked well for the film.

I must say this is one of the more interesting films of the year especially since it came out without the hype and fanfare of bigger studio films.

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Wool in Books

Nov 28, 2019  
Hugh Howey | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the far future all of mankind lives in an underground silo. Every aspect of the inhabitant's lives are carefully controlled and they are told that the surface is too polluted to support life. But why is mankind controlled like this and who is doing the controlling? What is the truth and what are lies? What would happen if an individual was clever enough, ingenious enough and just desparate enough to challenge the status quo?

Howey's novel - the first of a series - is a classic of modern science fiction. The environs of the silo are suitable claustrophobic, populated with a range of interesting characters from the upper to the lower levels. The plot itself is pretty relentless, gathering momentum from the first pages like a boulder rolling down a slope, and like a boulder it seems to be heading towards certain disaster.

The silo and the reasons behind it are well thought out what areas we see a lot of are well described, other parts are only glimpsed but the world (such as it is) is certainly convincing. As the story moves along and starts to be told from the viewpoint of several people this just adds to the sense of urgency as each story intertwines and the reader wants to find out what is going to happen in each thread, not only for the sake of the characters but for the gradual reveal of the overarching plot.

I will definitely be reading the other books in the series and as long as the ideas keep coming as fresh and richly described as they are here then they will also be well worth reading.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated The Lost Pulse in Books

Dec 19, 2019  
The Lost Pulse
The Lost Pulse
J.K. Kelly | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, we are back with this time travel of a book. This one was a bit more less entertaining. It was still worth reading and receiving. We get back to traveling back in time. Only now we are mostly in the modern time.

If you are into terrorism what would you do if you could go back in time and stop maybe without changing history? We see what happens when something happens that happens to kill a member of the special team? Was it his fault? This make a decision seems to affect a member that not in the military when her brother is killed?

What happens to Michelle Jackson once her brother is killed? When JJ and the president cant not go back and save him? There seems to be a regret that JJ has? What is it?

We seem to follow Michelle a bit more and also end up in Italy for a few missions. What missions they do go on. Will they help or hurt their BOTM options? Will their be something of nature that the members to need to learn.

What happens to the pulses and if they can get more or not. The author does it once again with this book. What happens to JJ and his wife Michelle? The President seems more involved. What will happen with him? I will want to know how this continues. There are twists an turns though out the book. This is really good for science fiction fans and along with time travel fans. Are you into history, well this book take you on journey back in time as well.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated What Bug Am I? in Books

Nov 27, 2020  
What Bug Am I?
What Bug Am I?
Skye Wade | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What Bug am I? is a well-written book. It uniquely teaches STEM. It combines nonfiction and fiction. It a cute and funny book. You learn about many different bugs while to find out what this new bug is trying to find out what he is.

You get some real facts about different bugs throughout the book. Those you get a funny story about the bug looking for someone like him. It like he just does not know who he is. Children will learn all about the different bugs. This is a neat idea and a clever way to teach children.

The pictures are well done and enjoyable. I was somewhat creeped out about the real pictures of some of the bugs. But not creeped out where I closed the book, the look of them had me wanting to turn the page. It is really good for all kinds of children that can learn about bugs and other things. If you are what STEM means well I will put the explanation in for you below.

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.

Parents will want this for their children if you like bugs or some teachable moment about nature. We get to learn about nature and the different bugs we have in our backyard and house. These kinds of books are enjoyable for young readers and school-age children. I love children's books and sometimes learning about the different bugs or learning something new about bugs I knew about them.
Paper Girls: Volume 1
Paper Girls: Volume 1
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, as I wrote in my Comments for Reading Progress, this was a re-read, as I recently purchased Vol 4 as part of the SDCC Sale this past weekend on Comixology. I may have run through it first time out, because so much of what I read seemed as if this were my beginning go-round instead of a re-read. Hmm.. Time Slip anyone?

So, yes, just as with other BKV-helmed series, the characters are well-defined, given depth that is a progressional unfolding. Each issue allowed for me to see each of the main characters - Erin, KJ. Tiffany and Mac - for who they were and some of their moral fibers, if you will.

As good as Vaughn was at the writing, equally impressive was Cliff Chiang's art. The muted colors (except where needed, as deep red for a wound) really helped the story, making me feel like it was really the eighties instead of 2018! From the cars driven to the newspaper headlines to the housing developments layouts, it felt just like the time frame as the setting!

The easiest way to sum up this series is it is like Netflix's STRANGER THINGS but with all-girl main characters. I recall the later volumes being more science fiction-y as the series progress, but, yeah, definitely like STRANGER THINGS.

All I can say in closing is this is an awesome series! It is a lot of fun, and it is clear during reading it that BKV and Chiang had as good a time making it as I did reading! DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT!
Spiders from Mars
Spiders from Mars
Diane Vallere | 2020 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Free Neptune!
It’s been four months since we last checked in with Sylvia Stryker, and in that time, she’s had one thing on her mind – freeing Neptune, her mentor and friend, from prison for a crime he sort of committed. She’s come up with the perfect plan, too. She’s going to have him declared dead so she can slip him out of prison. However, when she goes to file the paperwork, she learns that there has been a murder in the prison and Neptune is the only suspect. Her original plan out the window, she has to act fast to free him and clear his name before he disappears for good. Can she do it?

Yes, this sounds like many of the cozy mysteries I read a love, but there is a twist to it – Sylvia’s adventures all take place in space. The setting is fun and detailed, but it never takes away from the action. I got lost in Sylvia’s world very quickly, and I suspect you will as well whether you love science fiction or not. The plot is fast paced with plenty of twists and turns. Unfortunately, a few of them were a bit abrupt. The story makes sense in the end, but I wish things had been explained a bit more. The characters, some human and some alien, are all fully developed, and I was thrilled to get to spend more time with them. If you are interested in something new and different, be sure to check out this series, and if you are already a fan, you’ll be happy with Sylvia’s latest case.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Interstellar Angel (Astral Heat #1) in Books

Sep 16, 2021 (Updated Jul 14, 2023)  
Interstellar Angel (Astral Heat #1)
Interstellar Angel (Astral Heat #1)
Laura Navarre | 2021 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
INTERSTELLAR ANGEL is the first book in the Astral Heat series and is a slow-start, slow-burn reverse harem science fiction story.

The prologue starts with a character called Zorin being held in a cell. He escapes (with help) and disappears until the last part of the book, but not before kissing one of our main males senseless. Kaia has run away from home to escape the chains of being a princess - and I mean that literally. Only now she has been caught and things are never going to be the same for her.

There was a lot to this that didn't make sense to me - the whole cyber aspect of it, if I'm honest. I use a computer but I don't know all about the innards, and that's what it felt like. Once I skimmed over those parts, it got better.

There are some very steamy moments in this but, as Kaia says, no penetration. There is also a lot of back and forth, life-mates, mating pheromones, protective instincts, you name it. Overall, it was a good read that I enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

Fair warning though - it does end on a cliffhanger so be prepared to wait to find out what happens next. The next book, Renegade Angel, is due for release in December.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 16, 2021