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Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated Your Daily Brain: 24 Hours in the Life of Your Brain in Books
Jun 24, 2019
I dont usually read non-fiction books, but Im a science geek at heart and couldnt resist requesting a copy of this in return for my honest review.
It was definitely an interesting read. I loved the humour within the writing, and the combination of complicated scientific terms along with more simplified ones. It was easy to understand for the most part, and I hope I can truthfully say that Ive learned something over the past two days from reading this.
Due to my habit of reading books at the speed of light, I dont think the information in this book has sunk in as much as it could have. I personally found it a little hard to follow sometimes, though it was definitely better than skimming a textbook.
This is aimed at an older audience in my opinion, but I was still fascinated by what I read. A lot of it was information that Id never even considered learning. The effect having a child has on a mans brain? I can honestly say that it has never crossed my mind.
I did enjoy this book, even though I sped through it and am probably a little too young to fully appreciate some of the references. Id say Your Daily Brain deserves a strong 3.5 stars, maybe edging up near 4.

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