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Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
D. Ellis Overttun | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from the events in Universe: Awakening, the first book in the series (which you need to read before this one), this picks up events on Arkos after some time has passed. Minister Odessa is still concerned about the findings of the DEUS probes, and when there is an astronomical anomaly and a disaster on the planet itself she realises that she needs her most trusted allies to determine the threat that is posed. Meanwhile there is a change at the head of the lower-status Gendu, both in terms of politics and religion, which aren't universally popular. Society may be under threat from within and without.

This is a long book, but like the first one it covers a lot of ground. There is a far more investigation of the Gendu, their politics and their religion. The succession of Darius as head of the Gendu, and the rise of a greedy and flawed priest in the religious sect provide the backbone of the story. The Celesti are frustrated by only being allowed to observe and not interfere, but are focused on exploring the anomaly. Odessa also starts a related project to enhance some of the indigenous apes.

This is not a book that can be read in isolation. As the middle of a trilogy it answers few questions from the first book and raises many that are due to be resolved in the final installment. It is clear that everything is converging, momentum carrying people and events along as much they are exerting their own control. The author has constructed a world where the plot is driven from a number of different directions and this ensures that each chapter has something to add.

The writing is very confident. Overttun has really found his voice as an author and uses it to show the reader all of his creation. From the clinical efficiency of Odessa's experiments to the dirt and grime of the seedier areas of Gendu society, the narrative weaves its way inexorably onwards. The prose is lean and efficient, lending impetus to the story. The exploits of the already known characters will entertain as they are old friends, the new characters are all interesting and nuanced.

This is building to be a fabulous epic trilogy, epic in depth, breadth and scale. It isn't science fiction, it isn't a political thriller, it isn't a philosophical treatise. It is all these and more. I really cannot wait to see what happens next. Stunning.
IA: Initiate
IA: Initiate
John Darryl Winston | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Naz seems like a normal boy. Both his parents have died and the only family he has is his younger sister Meri. Moving from foster home to foster home in the ghetto for the disadvantaged called the Exclave, earning spare money running errands for local shopkeepers.

But Naz is not a normal boy. He can remember nothing before waking up in hospital three years previously following the car crash in which his father died. And he hears voices in his head, or rather one voice which seems familiar although he does not recognise it.

Following an apparently random act of gang violence on the way to his his first day at high school, his life begins to change and he starts to question exactly who he is and what makes him the way he is.

Told from Naz's point of view the reader is drawn into his tale of discovery as he goes about is every day life of school and afterwards in the Exclave. Naz is a very likeable character, concerned for the safety of his sister above all else and suspicious of strangers. He is clever and quick witted but doesn't really use his talents, drifting through school and life in general with the minimum of effort, generally happy with his lot until he is forced to re-evaluate his life as events unfold around him.

The story is paced well with periods of Naz leading his life and going to school, which is made interesting by his observations on everything around him, interspersed with things that Naz does or sees, or that other people say and do, that really make the reader realise that there is 'something else' going on, a bigger picture that Naz is unable to put together, although he gets glimpses. There are also chapters at the start of each section describing a lecture given by Naz's father which adds some more clues.

The ideas here are certainly interesting - this is science fiction of a subtle kind, where only the edges of Naz's life are visible to both him and us, with outsiders often recognising that there is more to him, more that he can achieve. The supporting cast works well, from the hard-pressed merchants fighting the big multiple chain stores to the menacing gang members and other more eccentric inhabitants of the Exclave.

Overall a fascinating and thought provoking read, with plenty of questions left to draw the reader to the next in the series.
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War
Craig Kyle | 2009 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Still continuing on my journey, to consume all of the X-FORCE (Vol. 3) stories. Next up: X-FORCE/CABLE: MESSIAH WAR.

Scanning the existing reviews, the general opinion seems to be that this is the way to do a crossover. And having finished it today, I am drawn to the same conclusion as well. From the writing to the art to the overall story progression, everything about this story is a win!

This was my second time reading this story, the first time was when the issues first came in 2008. I liked it first time round, but I felt it made a lot more sense during the second read.

Only thing that still doesn't make sense is Hope and the pseudo-prophetic vision Bishop has in regard to her. All the build-up as far as her character leads one to expect bigger things ahead, but nothing like ever occurs in the post-MESSIAH WAR Hope's life. It doesn't detract from the story, nor do I consider it a true Spoiler, just something I wanted to share. As always I welcome comments, good and bad.

The art was definitely better than the last arc of X-FORCE (Vol. 2: OLD GHOSTS). I found the art styles of both Clayton Crain and Ariel Olivetti, as well as Jamie McKelvie and Mike Choi, suited to the story's dystopian setting. I was especially pleased to see Laura Kinney (X-23) drawn like a 17-year-old girl rather than a 17-year-old with breast implants (I'm looking at you, Mike Choi! #disappointment)!

Despite running through two different titles, CABLE and X-FORCE, the writers - Duane Swierczynski (who is one of my favorite of the modern noir writers) and Christopher Yost/Craig Kyle (I've already spoken highly of their talent in the other X-FORCE reviews I've submitted) - managed to weave together a tapestry both epic as well as grand in its overall finish! Easiest way to sum it up? It was like experiencing a top notch action and suspense-driven science fiction movie!

One of the best things about this crossover is it allows for the character of Cable to show a different side. He genuinely cares about Hope, not just because of her being the "mutant messiah". No, I took it is as a sort of paternal instinct, regarding as a surrogate daughter. I quite liked it. Solid character development!

I like to close my reviews thus: I liked it, but that doesn't mean you will. Give it a shot, and maybe you, too, can offer forth a review (good, bad, or otherwise). Cheers..
Strange world (2022)
Strange world (2022)
2022 | Adventure, Animation
6.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Takes Too Long To Find It's Legs
If a film is going to be 1/2 good and 1/2 bad, is it better to have the good part first (which will get you to watch until the end) or last (which will leave you with a good feeling, if you make it that far). With the new Disney Animated Film STRANGE WORLD it is bad first, good second. So, if you stick through the disjointed first part of this film, you’ll be rewarded for your persistence with an interesting and satisfying finale.

A nod to the “Pulp Magazine” Science Fiction works of the 1950’s, STRANGE WORLD follows the adventures of the Clade clan as they try to find out what is beyond the hills of their land with the central conflict of this movie being that the Grandfather - the great explorer Jaeger Clade - wanting to explore. His son, Searcher Clade, wanting to stay put and the Grandson, Ethan Clade, caught between the 2.

It is pretty standard fare that is made all the more confusing by the setup of the premise and the clumsy introduction of the myriad of characters and situations that leads the audience to the exploration adventure that is to come.

Written and Co-Directed by Qui Nguyen (and directed by Don Hall) - both of whom are responsible for the criminally under-rated RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON - Strange World stumbles out of the gate and spends the first 1/2 (maybe even the first 2/3) trying to recover from that stumble.

It finally does get it’s legs under itself and the end is worth the patience one must have to get through the beginning.

The voice cast is steady - but unspectacular. Jake Gyllenhaal (Searcher), Gabrielle Union (Meridian Clade - the Mom and pilot), Jaboukie Young-White (Ethan, the Grandson), Lucy Liu (explorer Callisto Mal) and Dennis Quaid (Jaeger, the Grandfather) all put in “professional” work, but none of them stick out - which is especially disappointing in Quaid’s case, for his character looks like it was written to be the quirky, different, interesting character.

Disney animation has had a mixed bag with “action/adventure” animated films. For every BIG HERO 6, there are TREASURE PLANET attempts that seemed earnest and well-meaning, but just don’t hit the mark.

If you are in the mood for a good Disney/Animated adventure that comes from Hall and Nguyen, skip STRANGE WORLD and, instead, check out RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON.

Letter Grade: C+

5 1/2 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)