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All Fall Down (Supervolcano, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The follow up novel to [Harry Turtledove's] [Supervolcano: Eruption] was worth the read. The continuing story of the characters as they try in their own ways to survive was enjoyable.

[Supervolcano: All Fall Down] picked up right where [Eruption] left off. In the midst of this disaster the way [Turtledove] portrays his characters not as hero's out to save the world but as humans with all their faults makes the story more believable. It even has a serial killer mystery twist within the plot.

I definitely prefer my science fiction based on real science and not super natural. That is what [Turtledove] has produced so far with the two books from the [Supervolcano] series. I like my fantasy with a good does of reality in most cases.
The Concorde... Airport '79 (1979)
The Concorde... Airport '79 (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Well paced (3 more)
Good action
Showcases what we all believed Concorde was orvcould have been.
The VFX (4 more)
The plot
The acting
Well paced nonsense BUT it's the most entertaining of the series
Clearly the product of the post Star Wars universe, Airport joined the ranks of James Bond in cashing in on the science fiction/action cinema of the late seventies. Unlike Moonraker, this at least tries to maintain some "science fact", just misses the mark somewhat.

Though having said that, most of us are much more knowledgeable about airline proceedures than we were back in 1979 and this film just rides roughshod over most of them!

A long fall from grace from that original just nine years earlier...
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
1956 | Classics, Sci-Fi
One of the original sci-fi classics
Up there with the original War of the Worlds as an original science fiction classic.

The art direction, look, feel and musical score of the film are amazing even by today's standards. Ok some of the special effects have not aged well, but it doesn't take away from the foreboding and interesting adventure.

Watch a brown-haired Leslie Nielsen do battle with the Krell alongside Robby the Robot.

Mission Earth: Invaders Plan
Mission Earth: Invaders Plan
L. Ron Hubbard | 1988 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cheesy humor (1 more)
Catchy storytelling
Wonderfully Cheesy
I started this book not knowing what to expect, rather expecting not to like it. I was more than pleasantly surprised by how enthralled I became. This book is satire science fiction at its finest. The story is amusing and quick paced. It will keep you going page after page wondering what will happen next. Though some parts are given away early in the book, Hubbard finds a way to make the known events interesting.
Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)
Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)
Beth Revis | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
On my journey to read more science fiction books I stumbled upon this one. The story itself was interesting and had some cool twists to it that I was not expecting. It was definitely one of those stories where I kept guessing at the answers to the mystery as I was slowly fed more and more information about the situation. It was a fun read but I don’t know if I am intrigued enough by the characters to keep reading this series.