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    Climb aboard the Hugo Award-winning StarShipSofa, and let intrepid Captain Tony C. Smith take you on...

The Years of Rice and Salt
The Years of Rice and Salt
Kim Stanley Robinson | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a stunning, epic tale. A collection of lives, a group of souls described as a jati, wending their way across the centuries of an alternate history.
What if the western / European world was wiped out completely in the 14th century instead of only 1/3rd of the population? Kim Stanley Robinson vividly imagines the stages of life and consequences to the world. The rise and spread of Islam instead of Christianity. The different minds who would awaken to the natural sciences. The empire building of China into the New World. The continuation of Native American cultures through their cooperation and shared values.
Dystopian historical science fiction with serious questions of religion, philosophy, and sociopolitical theories expertly woven together.
2001: A Space Odyssey
2001: A Space Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke | 1968 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely loved the Stanley Kubrick movie that was developed in tandem with this book, but felt that the ending of the film left me wanting some clarification, and so I have finally gotten around to the book in hopes of receiving the explanations I wanted. Luckily, it provided them. It is a very deep, and somewhat surreal story, and it lacks some of the suspense that the movie manages to create around HAL, but the mystery of the obelisks is handled far better in the book and the ending makes exponentially more sense. A great story that is definitely worth a read, especially if one is even remotely into science fiction and/or theoretical physics.
    Star Finder

    Star Finder

    Education and Reference

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    -----> Observe in real time what stars, planets, and constellations hover above. <----- -...