Knaves Over Queens
George R.R. Martin, Emma Newman, Paul Cornell, Charles Stross, Marko Kloos, Mark Lawrence, Peter Newman, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Peadar Ó Guilín, Kevin Andrew Murphy and Caroline Spector
The return of the famous shared-world superhero books created and edited by George R. R. Martin,...

If I Were A Weapon (All These Gifts #1)
See the future. Set things on fire. Fall in love? A superpowered sci-fi romance. When dying alien...
Science Fiction FF Romance

Becs (244 KP) rated Animal Farm in Books
Oct 2, 2019
Genre: Classic, Fantasy, Fiction, Science-Fiction, Literature, Dystopia
Audience: High School
Reading level: Advanced Fluent
Interests: Classics, Dystopia, Science-Fiction
Style: Advanced Fluent
Point of view: Third Person
Difficulty reading: It was only difficult in the spots that were lacking plot.
Promise: Promise of history related read, it delivers
Quality: Good.
Insights: Animal Farm is a very well-written book and if you like a history-related book along with any literary classic books, you’ll love this book! I, myself, have never really been a huge history buff so to me Animal Farm was lacking an interesting plot. If I broke the book down into two sections, there would be half of the book as interesting and half being monotonous.
Ah-Ha Moment: When the animals overtook the farm and the pigs started to act like the humans.
Favorite quote: “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.” – I really like this because it’s a great representation of humans and earth. How we lack with caring for the planet we live on and that isn’t right.
Aesthetics: The copy that I received had an awesome cartoony cover of the animals which I found quite adorable.
“Four legs good, two legs bad.”

Acanthea Grimscythe (300 KP) rated Ninth City Burning in Books
May 16, 2018
More often than not, I’m wary of books with shifting first-person. In this case, readers meet seven different points of view – and every single one of those characters have their own voices. I find this impressive, considering the frequency with which Black switches between his cast. (Actually, I find myself wondering how he approached writing the different views, as they are so starkly different.)
For the most part, all but two of these characters feel real. Jax and Naomi are the exception, as they both appear extremely mature for their age. While Jax does have a military upbringing, Naomi is a bit too advanced for a child of a nomadic lifestyle. There’s also a dash of romance in this book that feels a bit too forced.
Ninth City Burning also manages to blur the line between science-fiction and epic fantasy, which is an oddly unique feeling to encounter while reading. Magic and science both play heavy roles in this novel, and I imagine the former of those two, coupled with the camaraderie between the main characters, is precisely why this book is recommended for fans of Harry Potter.
The agonizingly slow build-up to action further lends to the epic fantasy feel of this book, a feat that I remain unsure of presently. While it leads to less action and battle in the meat of the book, it also serves as an opportunity for Black to further unravel this beautiful world he has created.
Ninth City Burning is definitely a book I’ll be recommending to my friends and readers who prefer science-fiction. I would like to thank Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of unbiased review.

The Time Machine
Marina Warner, H.G. Wells, Patrick Parrinder and Steve McLean
A seminal and hugely imaginative work of early science fiction, H.G. Wells's The Time Machine is the...

Ande Thomas (69 KP) rated Abaddon's Gate (The Expanse, #3) in Books
May 30, 2019
In this installment, every conflict seems dire. The villains are sinister and competent, the protomolecule is apathetically devastating, and humanity is unsurprisingly shortsighted and self-centered. What could go wrong?
All hail JSAC.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Space Case (Moon Base Alpha #1) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
This is a great combination of mystery and science fiction. The setting is realistically done and really adds to the story. The target middle grade audience will love the characters and the humor. Personally, I never saw the ending coming. I can’t wait for the sequel.
You can read my full review at <a href="http://carstairsconsiders.blogspot.com/2014/10/book-review-space-case-by-stuart-gibbs.html">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Emma Ashford (10 KP) created a post
Aug 18, 2018

Games, Strategies, and Decision Making
Written for majors courses in economics, business, political science, and international relations,...

The Drunk and The Ugly
The Drunk and the Ugly is a role playing game (RPG) podcast with a focus on narrative gaming...