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Counterpart - Season 1
Counterpart - Season 1
2018 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Interesting story, great characters, J.K. Simmons is excellent (0 more)
Great Dramatic Science Fiction Thriller
I like J.K. Simmons so I was intrigued by this new show and decided to check it out. It is quite interesting in the fact that it tells you right away that there is a parallel Earth that is similar to ours and everyone has an other that looks just like them with the same name similar memories to a point, but certain paths in their lives diverge so there are slight differences between the prime person and their other. J.K. Simmons really shines in this playing the main characters Howard Silk and Other Howard Silk. There are differences in the parallel world compared to the prime world as well. The story is great with interesting characters, intense drama, and the cast is great as well. It always keeps you guessing and it's really well done.
Spaced Out (Moon Base Alpha #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When you are living in a small base on the moon, it’s hard to vanish. And yet, that’s exactly what has happened to Nina Stack, the commander. Dash Gibson finds himself in the middle of the hunt for the missing woman, all the time with one thought in the back of his mind – if they don’t find her soon, time might run out.

This is a delightful combination of mystery and science fiction that will keep fans of either genre turning pages. The characters are sharp and well done. There are plenty of twists and clues. Plus there are some very funny scenes. My only warning is that this book spoils the first in the series, but that’s a very minor issue since both books are delightful reads.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

David McK (3496 KP) rated The Postman in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
The Postman
David Brin | 1985
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
1986's winner of the 'Locus Award for Best Science-fiction novel' (same year as Orson Scott's Card's Ender's Game), this is also the basis for the Kevin Costner film of the same name.

Set in a post-apocalyptic America, this starts with Brin's central character of Gordon Krantz being robbed, and seeking to ambush his robbers. Losing his way when tracking them, he stumbles across a crashed post-van, with the uniform of the driver still intact, as is the mail to be delivered. Originally taking the mail to read for entertainment (and the uniform for warmth!), Krantz soon finds himself living the lie of being an actual postman for 'The Restored United States', heralding the (re)spread of civilization. The novel also hints that it might just be Krantz's actions that brings about that spread, acting as the catalyst for the reunification of several disparate communities.
Traitor (Maelstrom Chronicles, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Entangled Publishing in return for a fair and honest review.

This is a complex and intricate science fiction story with a dash of romance thrown in for good measure. It is the second book in the series although it can be read as a standalone (as I have) and I don't feel that you lose too much by doing so. It also has a considerably large character list for you to keep track of. Traitor is quite a long book so you get a lot of book for your buck.

On the whole, this was an enjoyable read with lots of different opinions, points of view and action spots to keep you interested. It is well-written at a steady pace, building up to the climax. For lovers of Sci-Fi, I can definitely recommend it.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Captain Disaster Collection
The Captain Disaster Collection
Dave Seaman | 2016 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captain Disaster is the hapless hero of a series of computer games by the author and his (mis)adventures are ripe for some rib tickling short stories.

This book is a collection of these tales, with only the most tenuous connection between them. The author is clearly heavily influenced by Douglas Adams, but although Seaman doesn't match Adams in terms of with his writing or humour, that is not a criticism as he was unique. Instead Captain Disaster has his own voice - aspiring to Adams certainly but with a good mix of silly jokes, slapstick and toilet humour.

Not everything flies but enough works that this is a fun and entertaining read. This is only supposed to be a very lighthearted, knock-about science fiction spoof after all. If you need a smile putting on your face, as well as a few groans being elicited, this is just what you need.
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    Scottish and Irish folk songs combined with the Lord of the Rings music and a wee bit o’Celtic...