How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
He's spent the better part of a decade navel-gazing, spying on 39 different versions of himself in...

The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film
The science fiction genre maintains a remarkable hold on the imagination and enthusiasm of the...

The Science-Fiction and Fantasy Quiz Book
Joseph A. McCullough and Miguel Coimbra
In J. R. R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, what is the name of Tom Bombadil's wife? Which...

The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus
This new edition of Brian Aldiss’s classic anthology brings together a diverse selection of...

Solar Flares: Science Fiction in the 1970s
Science fiction produced in the 1970s has long been undervalued, dismissed by Bruce Sterling as...

Science Is Fiction: 23 Films by Jean Painleve (2009)
Jean Painlevé was a film director, critic, theorist, and animator, yet his interests and studies...