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Suswatibasu (1702 KP) created a video about My Scientology Movie (2015) in Movies
Nov 5, 2017

Jessalyn Joy (118 KP) created a post
Sep 20, 2017

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology in Books
Jun 6, 2018
Wow! If I didn't love Leah Remini before, I certainly do now. I found her book to be extremely insightful. I also liked how everything was made easy to understand especially the Scientology terms.
What I love the most about Leah is how real she is. She doesn't hold anything back.
This book isn't just about Scientology. It's about Leah's life. Leah was so honest and truthful in her book, it seemed.
Scientology is a cult. It's a shame how they treated Leah and many of their members and ex members.
I would definitely recommend this book!
What I love the most about Leah is how real she is. She doesn't hold anything back.
This book isn't just about Scientology. It's about Leah's life. Leah was so honest and truthful in her book, it seemed.
Scientology is a cult. It's a shame how they treated Leah and many of their members and ex members.
I would definitely recommend this book!

Kathy Griffin recommended Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology in Books (curated)

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated My Scientology Movie (2015) in Movies
Nov 5, 2017 (Updated Nov 5, 2017)
Hilarious and mostly frightening
Louis Theroux returns in this feature documentary film about probably one of the most controversial subjects out there - Scientology - mostly because of its secretive and yet obtrusive nature in to those who try and question it. It's about 25 per cent hysterically funny and 75 per cent just plain terrifying.
After the Church of Scientology refuses to cooperate in making a documentary, Theroux teams up with former senior church official Mark Rathbun to create dramatic reconstructions of incidents within the church witnessed by Rathbun and other ex-Scientologists. They focus in particular on alleged violent behaviour by the church's leader David Miscavige at its secretive Gold Base facility in California, which Theroux visits.
From being followed almost immediately at the start of filming, to being issued letters from lawyers of the Church of Scientology - their reputation precedes them. There is a sense of unease throughout, and even paranoia / claustrophobia. Theroux also raises questions about Rathbun's own former complicity in the church's "terroristic" activities, leading to tensions between the two. While it doesn't reveal as much as some documentaries, it's entertaining and reiterates everything Scientology seeks to distance itself from - being seen as a cult. Great watch.
After the Church of Scientology refuses to cooperate in making a documentary, Theroux teams up with former senior church official Mark Rathbun to create dramatic reconstructions of incidents within the church witnessed by Rathbun and other ex-Scientologists. They focus in particular on alleged violent behaviour by the church's leader David Miscavige at its secretive Gold Base facility in California, which Theroux visits.
From being followed almost immediately at the start of filming, to being issued letters from lawyers of the Church of Scientology - their reputation precedes them. There is a sense of unease throughout, and even paranoia / claustrophobia. Theroux also raises questions about Rathbun's own former complicity in the church's "terroristic" activities, leading to tensions between the two. While it doesn't reveal as much as some documentaries, it's entertaining and reiterates everything Scientology seeks to distance itself from - being seen as a cult. Great watch.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape in Books
Mar 15, 2018
Also read my review here:
<i>3.5 stars</i>
<b><i>The problem is that Scientology is a system that makes it nearly impossible for you to think for yourself.</b></i>
What is Scientology? Is it a religion or is it just a way of life? I can’t quite get my head around it. I also can’t get my head around the fact that Scientology has become such a widely followed… thing. L. Ron Hubbard, was a sci-fi author, an adulterer (he eloped with his 2nd wife while still married to his first wife), an abuser, a hypocrite and a criminal. Did you know, when he <i>kidnapped</i> his 2nd wife, he told her she would never see her baby again if she didn’t go with him. He then, obviously, retracted this statement and told her that he’d “chopped the child into little pieces and watched them float down a river” and it was her fault he had done so, because she had left him. What kind of sick maniac was this man, and <i>why</i> do people follow his beliefs? No wonder he thinks psychiatry is evil, they obviously all told him he was medically insane and he refused to believe it because his ego was so big.
Scientology is just a big manipulation machine. Do as you’re told or you get humiliated - it’s disgusting.
<b><i>Anyway,</b></i> on to a review of the actual novel, not just the religion/following (which clearly I have some issues with).
Reading all about Jenna’s life in Scientology from such a young age is certainly eye opening and while a lot of people are saying she gives us too much information, I actually thinks it’s great that she’s included so much of what she did day in and day out throughout her progression in Scientology because it really gives us an insight into how messed up being in the Sea Org is and Scientology as a whole.
The humiliation and abuse she was put through, all because she did something as trivial as fancying a guy with a lower title than her or wanting to call her parents, is absolutely horrid and I’m amazed she’s come out of this life long experience rather normally. That being said, this isn’t as juicy as I was hoping it would be. I’m glad she wasn’t beaten and physically harmed in anyway, but I was lead to believe this was going a bit more terrifying by the “My Harrowing Escape” part of the title. Don’t get me wrong, Jenna went through some awful, awful stuff, I’m not discounting that at all, but… I don’t know, it just wasn’t macabre enough for me, as horrible as that sounds.
This is definitely a great book if you want to get a better look into life as a Scientologist, it gives you plenty of insider info, but I wouldn’t say it was the best of these kinds of book that I’ve read, though it’s probably the best about Scientology.
<i>3.5 stars</i>
<b><i>The problem is that Scientology is a system that makes it nearly impossible for you to think for yourself.</b></i>
What is Scientology? Is it a religion or is it just a way of life? I can’t quite get my head around it. I also can’t get my head around the fact that Scientology has become such a widely followed… thing. L. Ron Hubbard, was a sci-fi author, an adulterer (he eloped with his 2nd wife while still married to his first wife), an abuser, a hypocrite and a criminal. Did you know, when he <i>kidnapped</i> his 2nd wife, he told her she would never see her baby again if she didn’t go with him. He then, obviously, retracted this statement and told her that he’d “chopped the child into little pieces and watched them float down a river” and it was her fault he had done so, because she had left him. What kind of sick maniac was this man, and <i>why</i> do people follow his beliefs? No wonder he thinks psychiatry is evil, they obviously all told him he was medically insane and he refused to believe it because his ego was so big.
Scientology is just a big manipulation machine. Do as you’re told or you get humiliated - it’s disgusting.
<b><i>Anyway,</b></i> on to a review of the actual novel, not just the religion/following (which clearly I have some issues with).
Reading all about Jenna’s life in Scientology from such a young age is certainly eye opening and while a lot of people are saying she gives us too much information, I actually thinks it’s great that she’s included so much of what she did day in and day out throughout her progression in Scientology because it really gives us an insight into how messed up being in the Sea Org is and Scientology as a whole.
The humiliation and abuse she was put through, all because she did something as trivial as fancying a guy with a lower title than her or wanting to call her parents, is absolutely horrid and I’m amazed she’s come out of this life long experience rather normally. That being said, this isn’t as juicy as I was hoping it would be. I’m glad she wasn’t beaten and physically harmed in anyway, but I was lead to believe this was going a bit more terrifying by the “My Harrowing Escape” part of the title. Don’t get me wrong, Jenna went through some awful, awful stuff, I’m not discounting that at all, but… I don’t know, it just wasn’t macabre enough for me, as horrible as that sounds.
This is definitely a great book if you want to get a better look into life as a Scientologist, it gives you plenty of insider info, but I wouldn’t say it was the best of these kinds of book that I’ve read, though it’s probably the best about Scientology.

Zackary Drucker recommended A Queer and Pleasant Danger in Books (curated)

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) rated Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology in Books
Nov 9, 2018
Fascinating book filled with drama, hope, and a lot of cursing
Wow, just wow. I've been wanting to read Troublemaker ever since I heard of it. I've liked Leah Remini as an actress and I've always been curious about Scientology. The only thing I knew about it was that Tom Cruise was a Scientologist and that a bunch of Hollywood people were too.
This book is quite interesting and the audiobook was extremely well done. I enjoyed listening to Leah Remini tell her story and it was fascinating to listen to all of the hardships she has undergone. This book is centered around Scientology because Leah Remini grew up in the cult. I honestly loved hearing her tell her story and it is extremely brave of her to come forward with her story.
One thing that has set this book apart is how much of Leah Remini's personality is in it. It made me laugh, look on in horror, and want to cry at times. Remini really doesn't hold back her opinions yet at the same time this book comes off fairly humble. It's a fascinating book filled with drama, hope, and a lot of cursing. It's definitely worth a read/listen.
This book is quite interesting and the audiobook was extremely well done. I enjoyed listening to Leah Remini tell her story and it was fascinating to listen to all of the hardships she has undergone. This book is centered around Scientology because Leah Remini grew up in the cult. I honestly loved hearing her tell her story and it is extremely brave of her to come forward with her story.
One thing that has set this book apart is how much of Leah Remini's personality is in it. It made me laugh, look on in horror, and want to cry at times. Remini really doesn't hold back her opinions yet at the same time this book comes off fairly humble. It's a fascinating book filled with drama, hope, and a lot of cursing. It's definitely worth a read/listen.

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology in Books
May 25, 2018
This review is totally biased, so I apologize for that first if I offend anyone... A family member of mine had some experiences with the Church of Scientology while away at a stint in rehab. He did get clean there, and we are thankful for that - but the garbage they put in his brain, how unbelievably brainwashed he became to these ludicrous ideals... makes me sick. He will never be the same. So, I knew I was on Leah's side before I even read about her story.
I'm happy though to have a more inside look at Scientology now after reading this - because I thought I was drawing assumptions from personal "experience" but boy was I right about this cult! It's totally clear now why Nicole Kidman's adopted kids with Tom Cruise are no longer in her life because it is required by the church - how awful and sad. It explains the Katie Holmes situation as well - I'm sure she freaked out when she realized what she had gotten herself and her daughter into. It disgusts me that TC has basically abandoned his daughter because of these crazies!
My heart definitely goes out to Leah. She went through hell and back with these people and still somehow survived and landed back on two feet. I do place some blame on her mother for ever getting involved (why?!? just why?!?)but the story does a great job of showing how she got in, what she went through and how she eventually got out.
I cannot believe that Scientology is considered a "Church". They way they treat people is horrendous. They don't actually do anything for those less fortunate like most churches; but the amount of money that these people have is disgusting. And its just used to rope more people into this cult.
Leah's story was very informative, and a great peek into the mystery of this strange group of people. I'm glad she got out and survived, because it seems that some people do not survive leaving. A eye-opening read for sure.
I'm happy though to have a more inside look at Scientology now after reading this - because I thought I was drawing assumptions from personal "experience" but boy was I right about this cult! It's totally clear now why Nicole Kidman's adopted kids with Tom Cruise are no longer in her life because it is required by the church - how awful and sad. It explains the Katie Holmes situation as well - I'm sure she freaked out when she realized what she had gotten herself and her daughter into. It disgusts me that TC has basically abandoned his daughter because of these crazies!
My heart definitely goes out to Leah. She went through hell and back with these people and still somehow survived and landed back on two feet. I do place some blame on her mother for ever getting involved (why?!? just why?!?)but the story does a great job of showing how she got in, what she went through and how she eventually got out.
I cannot believe that Scientology is considered a "Church". They way they treat people is horrendous. They don't actually do anything for those less fortunate like most churches; but the amount of money that these people have is disgusting. And its just used to rope more people into this cult.
Leah's story was very informative, and a great peek into the mystery of this strange group of people. I'm glad she got out and survived, because it seems that some people do not survive leaving. A eye-opening read for sure.

Goldenarrow74 (10 KP) rated My Scientology Movie (2015) in Movies
Jun 3, 2018
Frustrating but still unashamedly Louis
Now this is a good one:
• Scientology fascinates/horrifies me in equal measure
• I love Louis Theroux’s work over the years, from pornstars to neo-nazis
So, if you add together one of the most unassuming yet tenacious investigative journalists and one of the most misunderstood religions and there’s bound to be sparks flying, right?
Well almost. I recall some comments about a Louis documentary where he kinda lost his usual cool and got wound up/ deterred by his would-be interviewees. Perhaps this could be the one.
Even if this is not the film in question, it’s certainly a little more subdued than his usual material. Because the church told him to sod off.
I guess his view that he wants to offer an unbiased and impartial view on their religion is not one shared by David Whatshisface. This is a shame as I’d loved to have seen LT probe the chief scientist with his softly, softly good cop/nicer cop style of interviewing.
It could well have been a titanic battle of intellect and wills. Almost on a parallel with Westley & Vizzini in the Princess Bride. But now we’ll never know.
Seriously, it’s sort of hobbled the film from the start if we don’t get to speak to anyone from the church, as all we are going to here from therefore are people who don’t know about what really happens or do know but have now come out from the protective umbrella of Scientology and are (quite reasonably) regarded as “embittered”.
Even Louis is being asked a lot to conjure something truly worthwhile with his only evidence coming from potentially biased sources.
It’s only at the hour mark that we even hear of the charitable causes the church supports, from drug abuse to disaster relief. And not long before that we even see a very limited glimpse of the drills, or ‘tech’ that forms part of the Scientologist’s belief system.
What makes me laugh, disappointedly, is that Louis is complaining that the lawyers are accusing him of dwelling on those embittered “squirrels”.... when that’s exactly what he has been doing, out of necessity as he has no other material.
I’m happy to give the benefit of the doubt to LT whenever possible but I think he dropped a bollock there.
I also wonder if the reason we are only given such a brief example of the dianetics system is that the Church’s powerful tentacles reach all the way to the Beeb? I’ve always though that Jeremy Paxman had a steely determination that came from more than just political vigour...
Or maybe it’s because Louis didn’t think it was important enough? Hardly. Maybe because Marty Rathbun got upset and stopped doing it (incidentally he is a crap teacher! Getting visibly disappointed when the student doesn’t immediately see/feel/get what you intend is not the way to help relax and convince someone).
It was slightly disappointing to not see Isaac Hayes who left South Park in a strop because they were planning an episode on Scientology - when he had no problem participating in storylines concerning paedophilia, terrorism, Satan & Saddam Hussein having sex etc..
I jest, of course. And that’s obviously a mistake as it’s abundantly clear that Scientologists have no sense of humour whatsoever. I’m going to be constantly scanning my rear view mirror for a large, clumsily driven Toyota 4x4 now. That won’t stand out at all in the small towns of rural Buckinghamshire will it?
• Scientology fascinates/horrifies me in equal measure
• I love Louis Theroux’s work over the years, from pornstars to neo-nazis
So, if you add together one of the most unassuming yet tenacious investigative journalists and one of the most misunderstood religions and there’s bound to be sparks flying, right?
Well almost. I recall some comments about a Louis documentary where he kinda lost his usual cool and got wound up/ deterred by his would-be interviewees. Perhaps this could be the one.
Even if this is not the film in question, it’s certainly a little more subdued than his usual material. Because the church told him to sod off.
I guess his view that he wants to offer an unbiased and impartial view on their religion is not one shared by David Whatshisface. This is a shame as I’d loved to have seen LT probe the chief scientist with his softly, softly good cop/nicer cop style of interviewing.
It could well have been a titanic battle of intellect and wills. Almost on a parallel with Westley & Vizzini in the Princess Bride. But now we’ll never know.
Seriously, it’s sort of hobbled the film from the start if we don’t get to speak to anyone from the church, as all we are going to here from therefore are people who don’t know about what really happens or do know but have now come out from the protective umbrella of Scientology and are (quite reasonably) regarded as “embittered”.
Even Louis is being asked a lot to conjure something truly worthwhile with his only evidence coming from potentially biased sources.
It’s only at the hour mark that we even hear of the charitable causes the church supports, from drug abuse to disaster relief. And not long before that we even see a very limited glimpse of the drills, or ‘tech’ that forms part of the Scientologist’s belief system.
What makes me laugh, disappointedly, is that Louis is complaining that the lawyers are accusing him of dwelling on those embittered “squirrels”.... when that’s exactly what he has been doing, out of necessity as he has no other material.
I’m happy to give the benefit of the doubt to LT whenever possible but I think he dropped a bollock there.
I also wonder if the reason we are only given such a brief example of the dianetics system is that the Church’s powerful tentacles reach all the way to the Beeb? I’ve always though that Jeremy Paxman had a steely determination that came from more than just political vigour...
Or maybe it’s because Louis didn’t think it was important enough? Hardly. Maybe because Marty Rathbun got upset and stopped doing it (incidentally he is a crap teacher! Getting visibly disappointed when the student doesn’t immediately see/feel/get what you intend is not the way to help relax and convince someone).
It was slightly disappointing to not see Isaac Hayes who left South Park in a strop because they were planning an episode on Scientology - when he had no problem participating in storylines concerning paedophilia, terrorism, Satan & Saddam Hussein having sex etc..
I jest, of course. And that’s obviously a mistake as it’s abundantly clear that Scientologists have no sense of humour whatsoever. I’m going to be constantly scanning my rear view mirror for a large, clumsily driven Toyota 4x4 now. That won’t stand out at all in the small towns of rural Buckinghamshire will it?