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Don't Mess with the Scorpion!


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Halo Wars 2 in Video Games

Oct 14, 2017 (Updated Oct 15, 2017)  

Halo Wars 2: Official Launch Trailer

Real-time strategy makes an explosive return to the Halo Universe with Halo Wars 2. Lead armies of Spartans and other Halo fighting forces like Warthogs, Scorpions and exciting new units in a brutal war against a terrifying new enemy.


Jerry Cantrell recommended Animal Magnetism by Scorpions in Music (curated)

Animal Magnetism by Scorpions
Animal Magnetism by Scorpions
1980 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"You may have noticed a pattern here with most of these bands having a dual guitar attack. Same story for the Schenker brothers, throwing down together... Besides, I've always loved the artwork. The guy who did that cover, Storm Thorgerson, just passed away. He did all those classic records. He did that cover, with the bubblegum on the tit [The Scorpions’ Lovedrive.]"

Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.3 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Remake/reimagining of the 1981 original, I remember the big thing about this at the time as the special effects. Or, rather, the post-production 3D effects added released, as this was, only a few short years after James Cameras na exceptional 'Avatar'. Whereas 'Avatar', however, was filmed specifically in and for 3D, this film owes more of a debt to the older 1980s 3D films: watching this in 2D it's quite obvious to see what scenes were added specifically for the effects (I'm thinking mainly of the attack of the giant scorpions, or the Kraken at the end),

Starring Sam Worthingon - whatever happened to him? - as Perseus, the plot of this obviously takes inspiration from Greek myths, even down to having Liam Neeson playing the part of Zeus himself, and of the Pegasus.
Clash Of The Titans (1981)
Clash Of The Titans (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rollicking but not exactly thought-through fantasy yarn, Ray Harryhausen's valedictory movie. Strapping lad Perseus attempts to win the hand of the princess Andromeda, but must contend with sea monsters, giant scorpions, the Medusa and so on. Meanwhile Laurence Olivier sits on the throne of Zeus and counts his appearance fee.

Knockabout stuff, if not strong on mythological accuracy or internal coherence, very much in the vein of the same producer's Jason and the Argonauts. Solid (if slightly eggy) performances from a good cast. Everything is in service to Harryhausen's animation sequences, anyway, which are technically immaculate even if the movie lacks a single stand-out set-piece like the skeleton battle or allosaurus-roping sequence of previous projects. Looks like a great movie when you're about eleven; pretty good fun when you grow up, too.
Fondant Fumble
Fondant Fumble
Jenn McKinlay | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Stings a Bakery Opening
Two players for the Arizona Scorpions NFL team have opened the newest franchise of Mel’s bakery across town. While she is enjoying teaching them about what it takes to run the business, others don’t seem so happy about it. In fact, the team’s owner makes a scene at the bakery’s opening. The next morning, he’s found dead in the new bakery. Can Mel find the killer?

I love the characters in this series, and it was great to check on them again. The new characters are just as charming. The mystery could have used a few other suspects and another couple of twists. What we have is good, but it could have been stronger. On the other hand, I thought I knew where a subplot was going early on, but I was delighted to be surprised. It became one of my favorite parts of the book. The humor is great as always, and we get more cupcake recipes as well. Fans of this series will gobble it up as quickly as I did.

Dave Mustaine recommended Phenomenon by UFO in Music (curated)

Phenomenon by UFO
Phenomenon by UFO
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Great record for me. Although I had a hard time comprehending that the guitar player in the band was 19 years old when he did it. I was never really a huge, huge fan of the way Phil Mogg sang, but I loved him as the singer for UFO. To me there was nothing heavier at that time: screaming vocals, shredding guitar and Pete Way was as dangerous a bass player as there was at that time. Also, UFO was my permission to be the guitar player I wanted to be. It was as if there were no age requirements. I remember to this day, when we went from Huntington Beach up to the mountains to go skiing, we always took UFO and AC/DC. Also, Michael Schenker was probably the reason that I picked up a Flying V, because I liked the way that it looked on him. He's a tremendously talented player who has had a very turbulent career. I'd love nothing more than to see him jump back in Scorpions and have them do some dates with Megadeth. Or maybe UFO would get back together and do Force It, Lights Out and Phenomenon live again. Those records set me on my course"

Rock of Ages (2012)
Rock of Ages (2012)
2012 | Drama, Musical
6.8 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rock of Ages is a film adaptation of the 2006 Chris D’Arienzo comedy rock/jukebox Broadway musical.
It is lightly satirical, a parody at times, that seems to mock our beloved 80’s rock era, while honoring its eccentricities, its tight leopard print pants, big hair, shoulder pads and over the top MTV music videos.

I like to judge a movie not only by how it makes me feel but also by how the audience reacts. This wasn’t an in-your-face-slapstick comedy, yet the whole theater roared with laughter throughout the film. To sum up the experience of Rock of Ages, it’s like watching a string of 80’s music videos mashed into a weak plot, with well-timed laughing points. Some of us laughed because we remember being the ones with those crazy hair-dos and out-of-control fashion sense and some were just laughing because this movie was so well done. It walked the fine line between super over-the-top corny and truly honoring our rock heritage. This movie does play to a specific demographic of ages 30 to 50, those who, with great nostalgia, remember how the 80’s rock and fashion revolution shaped their lives.

As the song goes, just a small town girl, Sherrie Christian played by Julianne Hough, travels to the big city in search of her dreams of becoming a singer, where she meets her city boy, Drew Boley played by Diego Boneta. Together they embark on a musical romance while working at a rock club named The Bourbon Room. Alec Baldwin plays an old rocker named Dennis Dupree struggling to keep his legend of a night club/concert hall open. Russell Brand, as always, steps in as the comic relief while playing the club owner;s assistant named Lonny. Together they work to keep The Bourbon Room afloat while dealing with a vengeful Patricia Whitmore, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones, who wishes nothing more then to see The Bourbon Room burned to the ground.

There are points in this movie when the acting, the singing and yes, even the plot, grabs you and holds your attention, much like watching the train wreck we call 80’s fashion. Its painful but you can’t look away! There were other times in this movie when the singing felt like it would go on forever. I noticed that the low points would be immediately succeeded by a very entertaining turn of events, so my attention was not lost for long. There came a point, at about the third Glee style 80’s rock mash-up, where I felt like slapping the director, Adam Shankman. Even too much of a good thing can get boring and I felt Shankman reached that point several times in the film. Luckily, he redeemed himself by bringing in Tom Cruise to play the Satan worshiping, alcoholic, megalomaniacal rock god Stacee Jaxx who went above and beyond in perfecting his role.

This movie’s soundtrack features songs and power ballads from Guns N’ Roses, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Journey, Twisted Sister, Pat Benetar, Scorpions, Whitesnake, Poison, REO Speedwagon, Foreigner among other epic bands giving Rock of Ages it’s 80’s jukebox musical foundation.

Mary J. Blige, Cruise, Ale Baldwin, Boneta, Hough and the whole cast of mega stars went above and beyond in selling their characters and performing stunning and accurate vocals that really pulled this movie together. The corny 80’s fashion and authentic dance numbers were the real icing on the cake. If you can sit through two hours of 80’s rock and pop nostalgia and know you will enjoy it, then definitely check this movie out.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Clash of the Titans (2010) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.3 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Clash of the Titans tells the story of men turning their backs on the gods. The gods grow weaker as men refuse to pay worship to them and neither side will budge. That's where Perseus (Sam Worthington) comes in. Perseus is a demigod, half man and half god. Zeus (Liam Neeson) is his father, but Perseus was raised as a fisherman. As the gods grow desperate, they turn to Zeus' brother who was banished to the underworld, Hades (Ralph Fiennes) to hopefully scare them into realizing "the order of things." When Hades onslaught kills Perseus' family, Perseus vows revenge against him and will do everything within his power to destroy the god of the underworld. Perseus' journey will not be easy as several ungodly beasts stand in the way of him reaching his goal as he struggles with accepting sanctuary as a god or continuing on this journey as a man.

Clash of the Titans was highly anticipated on my end for quite some time. The trailers were pretty fantastic and everything seemed to point to the film being epic. Directed by Louis Leterrier (Unleashed, The Incredible Hulk) and starring Sam Worthington (Avatar, Terminator: Salvation), Liam Neeson (Taken, Batman Begins), and Ralph Fiennes (In Bruges, The Hurt Locker), this film had a solid cast and a director with some pretty great films under his belt. It had all the elements to make a fantastic film and yet it somehow managed to fail.

The film felt like a watered down version of what a film based on the God of War video game could potentially be. All the same gods are there, the Medusa character is in there, there's a character battling against the gods, the similarities are pretty obvious. The only thing that is different is that the main character is named Perseus instead of Kratos. On one hand, it may not be a bad thing comparing the film to God of War. If they do decide to make a God of War film down the road though, it seems like it'll be way too similar to this film unless they go full-blown, balls out rated R with it. That's the route they should go anyway, but Clash of the Titans basically feels like a censored version of God of War.

Certain other things about the film really bugged me. The main one being that the two main female characters Io (Gemma Arterton) and Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) cried at EVERYTHING. Every time they spoke it was like they started getting teary eyed. "Oh Perseus, I can't follow you into Medusa's lair since I'm not a big strong man like you are. *sob*" Just made me want to slap them and go, "GET A GRIP, LADY! SHEESH!" The biggest pet peeve of mine lies in the finale of the film. Everything regarding Hades and the kraken are dealt with so quickly. The film makes a huge deal about both of them only to have everything wrapped up in less than five minutes when the time finally comes. It just wound up feeling very rushed and anticlimactic. Also, what was the deal with the prophecy the witches gave Perseus? Was the explanation of getting around that because Perseus was half god? That's pretty weak. Instead, we're going to go with this ending that's completely open-ended and leaves massive room for a potential sequel. Lame.

Despite all of the things I found wrong with the film, there were some high points. The CG seemed very all or nothing to me. At times, the effects were fantastic. The giant scorpions scene and the kraken being the best examples. Pegasus is also a great example. The winged horses looked fairly genuine, but they looked kind of odd when they flew. Other times though, it seemed way too obvious that the characters were standing in front of a green screen and fighting with creatures that weren't actually there. There's a scene near the beginning where we first see Perseus as an adult where his father is talking to him and a thunderstorm is beginning to brew. The sky was obviously CG. There were just several moments like that that brought me out of the film.

Ralph Fiennes as Hades was easily the high point for me as far as acting goes. Fiennes was most impressive in David Cronenberg's Spider and has been on my radar for actors to keep an eye on ever since. He doesn't disappoint here. His smarminess as Hades spoke volumes. The ferry scene is also pretty amazing, at least until Perseus and Io begin their Medusa training. Ugh.

A few humorous points, the South Park fan in me chimed in when Io told Perseus "You're more than half man half god." I thought she was going to follow up with, "You're actually half man, half bear, half pig. Or maybe you're actually half bear half man-pig." Still laughing about that one. The scene where Perseus emerges from Medusa's lair and Io is waiting for him, she's wearing this really weird outfit. I heard the guy next to me say, "What she wearing a mop?!" and it made me laugh out loud. Best part of the whole film though, at the end, when everything had been resolved somebody yelled at the top of their lungs, "I AM A GOD!!!!!!" After a brief silence, everyone in the theater started laughing. Kinda sad that the most entertaining part of the film wasn't actually a part of the film itself.

Clash of the Titans was one of the most anticipated blockbusters of the year, but fell short and wound up being one of the most disappointing. With mediocre special effects, a sloppy finale, and female characters that will get on your last nerve, the action film fails to live up to expectations. At the end of the day, Clash of the Titans is basically just a glorified Xena: Warrior Princess.