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Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated When He Was Wicked (Bridgertons, #6) in Books
Jan 9, 2022
We start 2 years into Francesca’s marriage, which is completely different to the other books as we follow them as they are looking for their future spouse. Then rather unfortunately, her beloved husband - John dies, leaving her widowed only 2 years into their marriage.
His cousin, and both Francesca and John’s best friend, Michael is also shocked to the core at his death and at his newfound Earldom. Michael has also been in love with Francesca since he met her, but out of loyalty to his cousin has never told anyone of this. In previous books, I would have guessed that Michael would have pursued Francesca straight away, but I was glad that I was wrong and it made it a much better read that he didn’t.
This book deals with a few different medical issues, which at the end Julia Quinn does explain more about and confirmed my suspicions as to why John died. It was definitely such a different pace to this book and it was nice to change up the style slightly. I enjoyed the excerpts of letters at the start of each chapter (although still not quite as good as Lady Whistledown’s comments!) and it definitely gave more of an insight into what they were thinking, especially as it included letters that weren’t sent at all.
Before this book, we didn’t know too much about Francesca, other than she’d married an Earl and spent a lot of time in Scotland, but this book made her more than just a mention and you realised that she is a bit different from her siblings and probably quite enjoys being away from everyone. I also liked how it brought together the events in both Colin’s story and Eloise’s story as they happen so close together, I think it ties the stories up quite neatly as you sometimes forget during this book that Francesca was a Bridgerton since she doesn’t spend a lot of time with them in this book.
This has definitely firmly cemented its place in my top 3 of this series and I’m hoping that the next book is just as good to read.

Debbiereadsbook (1324 KP) rated His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1) in Books
Mar 24, 2022
Someone is trying to kill Alfred, so who would make a better bodyguard than a ruffain from a boxing match? Dominick, thats who, but finding the boy who saved him in the man before him makes Alfred want things, things that could get them both locked up, or worse. Makes a blackmailer a walk in the park. Dominick, finding Alfie before him, in need of a body guard, has feelings that he wasn't sure ever went away: protecting little Alfie was now his life's work. Those pesky feelings aren't reciprocated, are they?
Alfie is lovely! He wants to keep his family wealth but his cousin is happy to pee it up the wall, Alfie cares, but Reginald does not. Dominick cares, but really only about Alfie. The little boy who stole his heart has grown into a beautiful man, one who needs to stay alive, and Dominick will keep him so, even if it costs Dominick a good deal more than his heart.
It's quite emotional, in places. Dealing with growing up in a poorhouse, and then thrown into High Society would mess with anyone's head and Alfie mostly does seem to have taken it all in his stride. Mostly. Dominck is a street man, doing what he needs to do to stay alive, even if he doesn't want to do those things. A bit violent, but dealing with life on London's streets in the 1800s was never gonna be a picnic. Poor Dominick bears the brunt of that!
There is love here, but very little actual smexy time. It concentrates more on who is trying to kill Alfie, and the feelings that grow over time, between these two.
I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!
I liked this, I liked it a lot. It doesn't quite have the punch that the other book I read by this author does, but I think its a close call! I have book 2 to read shortly, look forward to see where the author is going with these two, besides Scotland!
4 solid stars
*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Debbiereadsbook (1324 KP) rated His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2) in Books
Mar 31, 2022
This is book 2 in the His Lordship's Mysteries series, and while this can be read as a stand alone, I really think you SHOULD read book one, His Lordship's Secret before this one. Lots happened in that book that is referenced here, but not fully explained. You could probably piece things together, but I think to get the full effect of Alfie and Dominick, you need to read that book first.
Still recovering from what happened in London, Alfie and Dominick retreat to his family house in Scotland. And find themselves in the middle of an age-old mystery. What with ghosts and missing people and now a dead butler, Alfie and Dominick jump headlong into another caper!
I really was enjoying this a bit more than book one, but something triggered with me, and I found myself thinking about another book. With another ago-old mystery, with another painting, in another castle. And I'm stumped as to which book it was, but after that point, I found I didn't enjoy it quite so much.
Oh don't get me wrong, please. It's really well written, from both Alfie and Dominick's point of view. There are more things revealed about both Alfie and Dom's lives in the time they were apart. There is much love here, even if they sometimes forget that.
I again quote my review for Secret:
I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!
Because I really did not see that one coming at me. But the whole Wicked Master thing? I could see that coming at me, even before the point I mentioned before. I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.
There are almost two stories going on here. The missing woman and the dead butler, then the Wicked Master thing. I liked that, along with the growing deepening connection between Alfie and Dom, which evokes some mighty powerful feelings here!
So, even though things were a little blurry, I did enjoy it and I'll still give it. . .
4 solid stars
*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated A Highlander Walks Into a Bar in Books
Aug 5, 2019
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I was really excited to read this book when I first received it. I have been reading a lot of really steamy romance this summer and I was sure this one was going to be the same. Overall, I enjoyed the book, but it left me a bit confused by the language used. The book is set in the South in the US, with ties back to Scotland, but a lot of the wording made me believe that this book was written by a British author. I am also reading an Advanced Copy, so maybe some of that wording will be changed in the final copy.
All the characters in this book are ones I can see myself hanging out with. Izzy is a clumsy woman who is just trying to figure out the life she's living. Whether it brings her joy or if there is something else she can be doing to be happy. Living with her mother and taking care of their home, and being in charge of the festival are all noble deeds, but are they making her happy. When Izzy meets Alasdair, at first she isn't sure how to feel about him. Yes, he is attractive with a deep Scottish accent, but she isn't sure of his true intentions. The same is true of Gareth, although most of her feelings toward him seem to stem from not seeing her mother with anyone else besides her father.
Both of the Buchanan women need some change in their lives. Will these Scottish men be the ones to bring it to them or will they both be left heartbroken?
The book leaves you knowing there is going to be more to this story and I'm interested to find out what is going to happen next.

ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Ninth Child in Books
May 1, 2020
We also get little glimpses in to the private lives of Queen Victoria and Albert, and the reason for this becomes clear as the story progresses. The link between the two families seems to be a strange character called Robert Kirke. Strange things seem to have been happening since the digging and tunnelling began. Isabel meets this strange man not long after she moves near to the site of the Loch Katrine Waterworks. This is no place for a lady brought up in all the comforts of a well-to-do Glaswegian home. But Isabel finds solace in the wildness, and the descriptions of the lochs and landscapes makes it easy to understand why.
This was such a surprising book, it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. I WAS expecting a good story - I loved The Sealwoman’s Gift. The mix of real, hard life and the fairy elements were really well done, and I loved that these weren’t the pretty, twee, friendly fairies that we seem to hear of so much of these days. I like my fairies to be tricksters, untrustworthy, always looking for an angle that they can work, a little grotesque.
I really enjoyed this book, and seemed to read it far too quickly. I’m a lover of history, myths and the unexplained, and this certainly delivered in these areas. The writing is gorgeous - the descriptions are such that you feel you’re there. We were supposed to be going on holiday this year to the Highlands, and this has made me hope even more that we’ll still be able to go. It’s one thing reading a description, it’s quite another to be there, experiencing the landscape for yourself.
This is a wonderful book, and one to tell my friends about!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Two Roads for my copy of this book to read and review.

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