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Dean (6925 KP) rated Vigil in TV

Sep 29, 2021  
2021 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
2 very good lead actors (1 more)
Great shots of Scotland and the Submarine
Great Drama
A very good enjoyable drama. Largely set on a nuclear submarine after a death is reported on board. Is the start of something much bigger and sinister?
Suranne Jones and Rose Leslie really shine in this. As two detectives working a case that gets more alarming the deeper they delve. With Suranne's character on board the Submarine and Rose investigating on land. There are many twists, cold War tactics and government cover ups to be unravelled in the 6 episodes. It will have you on the edge of your seat!
A Woman Made of Snow
A Woman Made of Snow
Elisabeth Gifford | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Woman Made Of Snow is a book steeped in the history of the Gillan family, which automatically ticks a lot of boxes for me. This is a dual timeline story: Scotland in 1949, and the Arctic at some time in the mid 1800s.

Caro and Alasdair marry after the War and move back to his family home - Kelly Castle in Scotland. Caro has high hopes of continuing to work in a university, but motherhood puts pay to that, and instead decides to look into the Gillan family genealogy, and specifically the mysterious disappearance of Alasdair’s great grandmother. When Caro finds the remains of a diary, there are some startling findings.

We flash back and forth between 1949 and the 1800s, where the information missing from the diary is more clearly explained. When a body is unearthed after flooding, this poses more questions about he person’s identity. Is this the missing relative?

I absolutely loved this. The descriptions of the sea, the Arctic tundra and the Inuit who lived there, fascinated me. Less pleasant were the attitudes of the British towards other cultures, but this was interesting, all the same. The changing roles of women was portrayed well. Whilst not the same as our lives today, Caro’s life in the 1940’s/ 50’s was markedly better than that of the women in the 1800s.

This was such an enjoyable read - highly recommended.
Thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this wonderful book.

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated Viral in Books

Nov 7, 2021  
Helen FitzGerald | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a powerful quick read that I couldn’t put down.
It was interesting that a book has been written about a video going viral on the internet that the person who’s in it is mortified and ashamed about and didn’t post it herself. It follows the fall out with her family and her own struggles to come to terms with what has happened whilst waiting it out abroad before returning home to Scotland.
Su-Jin was adopted from Korea by a family in Scotland, who then found out that they were pregnant after years of trying not long after. We find out that Su-Jin struggled to find her place a lot of the time and wished that she wasn’t different to her family, and tried to make her parents proud by following all of the rules set out for her.
It is definitely thought provoking, the topics dealt with are racism, revenge porn and the most relevant at the moment is spiking drinks. It points out exactly how easy it is to accept a drink from a stranger in a bar, even when you know you shouldn’t, and the implications it can have.
It was sometimes quite predictable and sometimes a bit confusing with the timelines jumping in some chapters without it being explained or obvious.
A very interesting read about something that could happen to any of us at any point.
The End We Start From
The End We Start From
Megan Hunter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Realistic (0 more)
A disturbing, distressing look at ecological disaster.
This is such a good book, but also deeply disturbing. Set during an environmental disaster, initially set in London, then Scotland in a refugee camp.
The way it's written reflects the shock and despair of the main character - sparse and disjointed. Time moves in a strange way (which will be interesting to see how this will be handled if it makes it to the big screen).
This is well worth a read, but make sure you're mentally in a good place first! The whole book made me feel uncomfortable, and there is no happy ending. Call me odd, but that's the kind of book that I really enjoy!