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Beside the Ocean of Time
Beside the Ocean of Time
George Mackay Brown | 1995 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imagry, place, the story is great (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
This is a brilliant, emotional and pretty book
This is a beautiful novel. I found it slow to begin with but it is worth while persisting. The story centres around the inhabitants of the isle of Norday is the North of Scotland in the early 20th century. The protagonist Thorfinn Ragnarson is a bit of a daydreamer and his thoughts and dreams are narrated within the novel. This allows Brown to explore a rich and sentimental Scottish history whilst capturing the beauty and untouched lives of these rural Scottish farmers. Furthermore, the novel explores the effects of the Second World War and its devastation on these simple folks. Lovely.